"Oh?" Xianglong asked in confusion, what kind of thank you method? Could it be that Lin Sen did something in it?

Lin Sen had a wicked smile on his weak forehead. If he was born as a woman, Xianglong would not care, but Lin Sen had to guard against it. If he was not careful, don't advance the queen's time in this world and create a Zhang Zetian. If you come out, it will be troublesome!

But Lin Sen said with a smile, "I added a little thing to that formation. If she is really born as a woman, Ziwei's luck will be added to the queen's fate. If she can be combined with the Emperor, under the blessing of both sides' luck, It might be possible to achieve an unprecedented prosperity, and extend the original national destiny for hundreds of years, and so on, big brother, do you think we should thank Master Lang Yu properly!"

Although Lin Sen's face was frighteningly pale and frail due to the huge consumption at the moment, he was full of excitement. If it goes well, today's unintentional move will definitely bring about a fruitful result.

"Hahaha!!" Xianglong couldn't help laughing in a low voice, "Your move is really ruthless, but I don't know if Zen Master Langyu will go crazy!"

"Hey! Cough cough!" Lin Sen also echoed and laughed in a low voice. Under the uneven breathing, he immediately coughed, which shows that the energy wasted a lot. The main purpose was not achieved, but the unintentional results made Lin Sen even more excited.

The movement on Lin Sen's side was a little louder just now, and the woman on the bed felt it, murmured something vaguely, a white arm stretched out from the white gauze curtain, and pulled the bed A red thumb-thick cotton rope on the side.

Immediately there was more movement under the attic, and a clear bell rang.

Lin Sen and the two had already rushed out, and the rustling sound of dressing could be heard next to their ears, presumably it was the servant girl who was waiting in a hurry to serve.

Under the cover of the night, the two slipped out from the layers of guards in the small courtyard without a sound. Xianglong hurriedly found a hidden place on the side of a rockery for Lin Sen to adjust his breath.

After all, Lin Sen's body has no mana, and he just relied on the essence of the stars to set up the formation, which consumed too much for him!

It is called breath adjustment, but in fact it is just sitting there resting and recovering!

The exhaustion on the body has already recovered, and the star fruit tree also spontaneously began not to hold back the power of the stars, but the difficulty lies in the exhaustion of the mind and spirit. If Lin Sen was not injured, this exhaustion would be just child's play .

But at this moment, Lin Sen's mind, soul, and consciousness were in chaos. He was seriously injured, and he was concentrating on it just now, and his mind was consumed violently. At this moment, he only felt his head roaring and dizzy.

"Brother, how are you?" Seeing Lin Sen's frightening expression, Xiang Long asked worriedly.

Before, Lin Sen only said that his soul was injured, but he didn't say to what extent. Everything was as usual before, so he always thought that although Lin Sen was injured, it was not a troublesome thing, but seeing the situation now, he understood. Sen's injury is probably many times more troublesome than he imagined, but with such a little consumption, it has become like this!

"It's okay!!" Lin Sen closed his eyes and took a deep breath for a moment. After he cleared his mind, he said slowly, "Brother, let's get out of here quickly!"

After all, this Prime Minister's Mansion is protected by the sky-high Buddhist guardians, and the two of them are in danger of being discovered at any time. The so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and this place really cannot stay for long.

"En!" Xianglong nodded fiercely and said, "It's not too late, let's go now!" Pulling Lin Sen quietly into the ground, Xianglong also wanted to attract fire from the ground, so he But he can leave here quickly and safely, but this will really shock the guards all over the sky. If Lang Yu comes to investigate at that time, Lin Sen's consumption tonight will be useless!

Xianglong dragged Lin Sen to sneak underground, but he didn't dare to go too fast, for fear of making too much noise and disturbing the guarding guards and the gods and Buddhas guarding the sky.

"Brother, wait a minute!" But when he was about to leave the Xiangfu, Lin Sen suddenly stopped Xianglong.

"What's wrong? But what's wrong?" Xianglong stopped hurriedly and asked worriedly.

"No!" Lin Sen shook his head and looked at the front very seriously. It was the place where the two of them rushed in through the momentary confusion. It's just that they rushed in at this moment, and they could run away at any time, but it would cause some troubles. Alarmed, he said, "The front is the most strictly guarded place in the Buddhist gate, but you can't rush past like this!"

"You've become like this, just leave it alone!" Xianglong muttered in a low voice with some reproach, patted his chest and said, "Leave it to me, as far as my speed is concerned, the things condensed from the incense of merit and virtue have not yet reacted. Brother, I have already run away!"

"Brother, listen to me, wait a little longer, there will be a chance to turn the eyes of those things away!" Although Lin Sen was weak, his face was full of confidence, and Xianglong couldn't help but believe it. what he said.

Although he said, "Could it be a group of chickens and ducks!" But just like Lin Sen, he quietly settled in place, waiting for the opportunity that Lin Sen said would appear.

Just when Xianglong was about to wait impatiently, he felt a soaring bloody aura coming from the west, and the thick bloody aura could be clearly felt by the two of them even though they were already in the ground. , It seems that the bloody breath is on the tip of the nose, and together with it, there are strands of resentment that almost break through the sky, coming straight to this Xiangfu!

The Buddhist ban on killing is very sensitive to blood and evil spirits, and the things condensed by the merits and incense of these guards are even more sensitive to these dirty and resentful things.

"You filthy and resentful spirits, who don't rush into the reincarnation of the underworld, dare to act fiercely here!" In the rosy light above the Xiangfu, the Wei Tuo Bodhisattva suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were like copper bells, and he was glaring at the King Kong. elephant.

How can he let these filthy things rush into the mansion while he waits here for the guards? With a loud shout, thousands of golden rays of light are emitted from the golden clouds on the mansion. When those headless ghosts holding swords approached, they were already under the Buddha's light one by one, making a really ruthless howl and dissipating into clouds and mist.

But Lin Sen and Xianglong were already standing in the alleyway outside the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Xianglong looked at Lin Sen with admiration and said, "Brothers are careful, those should be the 400 soldiers just now! I really forgot!"

Lin Sen stared at the disappearing blood cloud in the western sky and said, "The more than 400 soldiers were killed for no reason, and all of them were decapitated. This kind of resentment will definitely come to this Xiangguo to ask for clarification! It's just a pity ah...."

Elephant Dragon knows what Lin Sen is sorry for. With this Wei Tuo Bodhisattva, the five directions revealing the truth, the four kings, and the guardian of the heavenly king, let alone more than 400 innocent souls, it is four thousand, forty thousand, and I am afraid that all of them will be beaten. In that reincarnation. (To be continued.)

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