Seeing Chamuduo kneeling and crying in front of the statue with tears in his eyes, Lin Sen and the others couldn't come forward to comfort him. Since Cha Nongying disappeared, the Sect of Twins lost the deterrence of the celestial leader. Under the suppression of the big forces, everyone shouted and beat them like rats crossing the street, and only survived by hiding their names in hiding.

But even so, the admiration for Zha Nongying in the hearts of the barbarians has not diminished at all.

At this time, when he heard that his holy leader was still in the world, the years of grief, anger and grievance in his heart immediately poured out along with the billowing tears.

After crying like this for half an hour, Chamuduo just wiped away the tears on his face, and then Tang Linsen, who was full of embarrassment, bowed and said, "I made a few of you laugh, I don't know how many of you turned forward!" His identity, he poisoned a few of them recklessly, the Immortal Elder is a friend of the Holy Master, and even brought the news of the Holy Master, he is a distinguished guest of my cottage..."

Heck~ Chamuduo knelt down on both knees after two sounds, and although the young man didn't know what happened, he also hurriedly knelt down when he saw the old man kneeling down.

"Chamuduo is here to apologize to everyone!" Chamuduo bowed deeply, "Please get up quickly, please get up quickly~" Lin Sen hurriedly stepped forward to help, and said repeatedly.

Only then did Chamuduo stand up slowly and said, "You are distinguished guests. My cottage must hold the grandest welcome ceremony to welcome you all!" Then he gave a few instructions to the young man, and the young man was He ran out with a smile on his face.

Seeing the young man running out happily, Chamuduo saw his back and said with a smile, "Mula, the child is sincere. He grew up in this mountain since he was a child. He has never seen outsiders. Today, he sent this young man by mistake. Fairy, think that I teach the Holy Master, I reprimanded him just now, but I don't think it's really a mistake!"

"Recognize me as Master Zha?" Qing Ling immediately asked suspiciously. Although he had heard of Cha Nongying's reputation, he had never heard of his appearance!

But I saw that Chamuduo took out a scroll from the hidden compartment under the statue respectfully, and slowly unfolded it devoutly in front of everyone, but saw a cliff full of strange flowers painted on it, and on the cliff was a whole body. The graceful girl, dressed in white gauze, leaned lazily on the rock, her peerless beauty, but compared to the strange flowers all over the mountain.

"I snatched this painting from the church back then. When every family member in the village becomes an adult, they must accept baptism in front of this painting. That idiot Mu La has never seen outsiders, but he is like Fairy Qingling. The beautiful woman has become my Holy Master!" Chamuduo looked at Cha Nongying on the scroll, and said with respect in his eyes, "I was just an ordinary disciple of the leader back then, and I got the appearance of the Holy Master from this painting. Know!"

"It's so beautiful!" Little Butterfly stared at the scroll with her big eyes, and said in amazement, and Qing Ling also had the same expression.

Seeing this, Lin Sen couldn't help laughing secretly. He really didn't know what kind of expressions these two people would have when they knew the truth.

"Is this little brother your master's apprentice?" Lin Sen asked with a smile. At this time, why did the pink miasma look familiar, just like when Cha Nongying released the pink silk handkerchief.

"Hey!" Chamudo slowly shook his head and said, "Since the disappearance of the Holy Master, everyone of our Shuangshen religion has been screaming and beating. If I teach this method to him, I will harm him. It’s just that he taught him some superficial methods of body building and the method of refining the peach blossom miasma!”

Lin Sen nodded slowly. With the current situation of the Twin Body Cult, if the demon of that day was passed on to Mu La, once encountered by any Buddhist, Taoist or Confucian family, they would definitely kill him without hesitation.

Then he said as if he suddenly remembered, "I have seen the pink silk handkerchief of Master Zha, the power is so powerful that it is almost comparable to innate things, but recently I saw your peach blossom miasma, although it comes from the same source, but the power The difference is really too far!"

Chamuduo's old face was full of embarrassment and said immediately, "Chamuduo's Taoism is low-level, and he has never practiced this precious supernatural power, but he made the fairy laugh!"

"That's not true!" Lin Sen said with a smile, "I don't care if your Peach Blossom Miasma is very magical. Why don't you fuse your five poisonous essences with it, and it will definitely increase the power of this treasure. If it is refined properly , it is still a rare treasure!"

"That's right! That's right!" Chamuduo suddenly realized that he hadn't thought of it, that the essence of the five poisons was being used by him in such a way that he was using it violently. Sen Dao thanked, "Thank you Immortal Lin for your point, thank you Immortal Lin for your point!"

At this moment, Namu La happily ran in, dancing and saying something to Chamuduoula Ula!

"Immortal Lin, two fairies~" Chamuduo immediately stood up with a smile on his face and said, "The clansmen have already prepared the welcome ceremony, please come and drive!"

"I'm bothering you!" Lin Sen got up and smiled, and then walked out.

As soon as you leave the attic, the first thing you see is the towering firewood pile on the open square in front of the attic. Waist-thick logs.

The surrounding open space is filled with all kinds of fruits, as well as the precious meat of wild beasts in the mountains. This kind of food is the most precious thing for these barbarians, and they are taking it out to receive distinguished guests at this moment.

The surrounding objects are the barbarian tribesmen in costumes. It is said that they are costumes, but in fact they are just finely sewn animal skin clothes, and they are more or less wearing some bone ornaments.

Men, women, old and young stood there with smiles on their faces, looking respectfully towards the direction of the attic, and when they saw Dao Chamuduo leading a few people out, they immediately knelt down in unison, raised their hands high and let out bursts of laughter. The rhythm is unique and the original hoo harmony.

Chamuduo also raised his hands high, shouting in the same voice, and then suddenly a mass of red flames condensed in the raised hands, which was the size of a human head, burning blazingly, following Chamuduo's shouting , the ball of fire flew out violently, hitting the towering firewood pile.

The splashed sparks scattered in all directions, and the firewood immediately burned where it was contaminated.

coax!With the sound of burning, the towering firewood pile turned into a tall fire in an instant.

The group of barbarians shouted loudly immediately, and following Chamuduo's loud cry, men, women, young and old all stood up happily, twisted their bodies around the fire, and danced primitive dances.

At this moment, Chamuduo raised his hand and asked Lin Sen and the others to go downstairs. Someone had already prepared the futon made of hay before the attic.

Some people even picked up animal meat from the ground and roasted it near the fire, and there was also a young woman carrying a large plate of fruit in front of Lin Sen.

Chamuduo slightly raised his hand as a gesture of invitation, and then Lin Sen smiled and randomly grabbed a red mountain fruit from above.And the crowd immediately let out bursts of jubilant laughter, and that's when they grabbed the food and shared it with each other.

At this moment, a cloud as black as ink suddenly appeared in the sky and came straight to the village, Chamuduo's face changed suddenly, and the laughing barbarians ran away in fright, as if seeing Like a scourge! (To be continued.)

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