"Not good!" Chamuduo's old face suddenly changed, with a look of panic on his face, and he said anxiously, "How did you attract this monster!" He escaped the peach blossom miasma in his hand, staring at The sky is getting closer and closer, and the dark clouds that cover the sky and the sun are as black as ink.

And Namura also led a group of strong, dark-skinned barbarian warriors, armed with spears, surrounded Chamuduo as if they were facing a big enemy, all of them lowered their bodies, and their eyes were sharp. Staring fixedly at the dark cloud, the palms holding the gun barrel opened and closed nervously.

Dark clouds cover the top, as black as ink, seeming to completely cover the entire sky, the afterglow of the setting sun disappears without a trace under the dark clouds, if there is no light from the huge fire in the entire barbarian village , I'm afraid I can't see my fingers.

"Haha~~" bursts of loud laughter resounded from the dark clouds, the voice was sharp and resounded through the world, and two red eyes the size of lanterns popped out from the dark clouds. It was like a day of blood, full of disdain staring at the people in the Manzhai, mocking in the mouth, "Old trash, what happened to be so lively, so much food, I came to collect tribute a few days ago, you old trash, return it to me play self pity!"

"Master Demon King, there are distinguished guests coming to Xiaozhai today, and I hope Lord Demon King will give the villain a little bit of noodles. These are the last food in the village. I will give you a lot of your old tribute in the future." You always make it up!" Chamuduo stepped forward slowly, bowed his body and said respectfully.

"Hehe~~" There were bursts of gloomy laughter in the clouds, and then the voice sneered, "Old waste, if you are not injured, I will give you some face, but you are about to fall into the ground now, I give you What a fart face." Then he said in a harsh voice, "Today, the king will bring these food back to the mansion, if not, the king will wash your broken village with blood in his stool!"

"Golden Tooth King, old man, I'm a good talker. In the three forbearances, you will be more dead than me and you!" Cultivators want face, and being insulted repeatedly in front of everyone is for the sake of their clansmen Chamuduo, who had been patient all the time, couldn't help feeling angry and asked harshly.

"Yusipo? Just rely on you old trash?" The Golden Tooth King in the dark cloud sneered disdainfully, "It seems that I have seldom done anything in recent years, and now it is you, a trash, who dares to call out to this king without knowing life and death. Drink! It seems that without giving you a lesson, you damn barbarians have already forgotten my king's methods!"

Following that cold snort, two golden light spots suddenly shot out from the dark clouds, from small to large, and appeared in front of Chamuduo and the others in an instant. Only now did everyone see that the golden light was two A golden scimitar, covered with golden lines, moist and shiny, neither gold nor wood, neither iron nor stone.

After all, Chamuduo was once a monk who had almost formed alchemy, and his reaction was also extremely fast. With a stretch of his palm, he scattered the peach blossom miasma, and the pink cloud rose and filled the air, but it protected all the barbarians under it.

Chamuduo's reaction was also very fast, he propped up his magic weapon to protect everyone in front of the pair of golden knives, but unfortunately the gap in strength was too great, he almost had no effect on the golden knives with peach blossom miasma.

The pink clouds all over the sky only slightly slowed down the pair of golden knives, and the mysterious patterns on the pair of golden knives shone with brilliance, and the golden light was full of Gengjin Qi, extremely sharp.

The protective cover of peach blossom miasma and pink clouds was instantly broken under the golden light, and a pair of golden scimitars shining with golden light went straight to Chamuduo with unstoppable sharpness.

My strongest magic weapon is actually unable to resist the opponent. That Chamuduo's old face is full of dead ashes, and he is already waiting to die with his eyes closed. Maybe if he kills himself, the Golden Tooth King will let this cottage go after he gets rid of his anger. in the tribe.

But after waiting for a few breaths, the extremely fast golden knife still did not stab him, Chamuduo opened his eyes suspiciously, but the scene in front of him almost made his eyes fall out in shock.

Standing in front of him was a figure in a black robe. His thin figure was Lin Sen. Chamuduo didn't feel the slightest when Lin Sen appeared in front of him. He just closed and opened his eyes, and there was no sound in front of him. There is one more person without interest.

If it's just that, it's far from shocking Chamuduo, but he saw Lin Sen standing in front of him, stretching out his hands, silently, as if doing it casually, and then took out the pair of sharp golden knives that were shot from the sky. hold in hand.

No matter how the two golden knives struggled to break free, but they couldn't get away from the casual grab at all, Chamuduo looked at Lin Sen's hands, his eyes were about to pop out, not to mention the power of the golden knives themselves, and It is the aura of Gengjin shining on it, which is also enough to split mountains and crack rocks, and break steel to divide gold. Its power is so tyrannical that almost no one can match it in this southern border, and the title of Golden Tooth King is due to this pair of golden knives. come.

But at this moment, the shining golden brilliance did not cause the slightest harm to Lin Sen's extremely ordinary palms, even without leaving a trace of white marks. That [-]-smelted steel is even tougher.

"I don't know how to call this senior, but this junior Jinya is far away, and I still hope to make amends!" The golden knife is connected with King Jinya's mind, and it is held in someone's hand at this moment. Let go a little bit, Jin Yawang didn't know that he had encountered an expert this time, so he hurriedly apologized.

Holding the struggling golden knife casually, Lin Sen looked at the dark clouds in the sky and said coldly, "If you protect the safety of this side and accept a little tribute, I will let you go! It's just such arrogance, I will But I can't see it!" Cultivators also have emotions and desires, and it is common to collect some tributes around them. After receiving the tributes, they will naturally keep the water and soil safe in one place, which can be regarded as a return to the tributes.

If that was the case, Lin Sen would let him go, but the King of Gold Tooth was so arrogant that he wanted to commit murder in front of his own eyes, but Lin Sen couldn't help but want to teach this lifeless monster a lesson.

"Brother, why wait for the scum to talk nonsense, just kill it!" Qingling Liumei yelled angrily, she was receiving a grand welcome from the barbarians, but was disturbed by this life-or-death thing, At this moment, she was even more domineering in front of her. When she was king in that Xiaomao Mountain, although she also collected tributes, she was not so domineering.

Immediately, the demon king's heart rose, and a cold and angry shout was full of cold killing intent, which made the raging fire three points shorter.

"You want to kill me!" A cold snort came from the dark cloud, and then said, "I respect you for waiting for your seniors, and I let you three points just now. If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have the ability! "

Following the sound of shouting, a tall figure suddenly rushed out of the dark clouds. (To be continued.)

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