The Golden Tooth King was so tyrannical as before, he is not the kind of good-tempered person who knows how to tolerate, how could he receive such rude words from the green snake after he has been tyrannical for so many years in the southern border.

There was a roar like thunder in the dark cloud, and a white figure rushed out from the cloud, tall enough to be two feet away, with a wide nose and square mouth, no beard on the top of the head, and a white armor.

He rushed out from the clouds, his face was full of anger, his blood-colored eyes were full of anger, his two sand bowl-sized fists came out together, and he went straight to Lin Sen's door with a fierce wind.

This Golden Tooth King can be considered cunning, with so many people present, he didn't pick on others, but instead went straight to the strongest Lin Sen, not because he had confidence in his own strength, but relying on Lin Sen still holding him That pair of golden knives.

His movements are extremely fast and the force on him is so strong that Lin Sen can only raise his hand to resist, but if he resists, he must let go of his pair of golden knives. When the golden knives are out of trouble, a combined attack from both sides will not kill them. This person can also seriously injure him.

King Jinya had a good plan, but it was a pity that he met Lin Sen this time. The green spirit's willow eyebrows stood erect, and his beautiful eyes were full of anger. He reached out to pull out the hairpin from his head, but Lin Sen rushed at him. Shaking his head slightly, he stopped the movement of the hairpin. Seeing Lin Sen's smile all over his face, he was curious, wanting to see how Lin Sen would respond.

"You're looking for death, so don't blame me!" Seeing that Lin Sen didn't dodge or dodge, the Golden Tooth King just looked at him with a smile on his face, but he didn't intend to raise his hand to block him at all, such naked contempt , how could the King of Gold Tooth not be angry, but there was a sneer in his heart, he knew his strength very well, this Taoist was so arrogant, he was doomed!

A sneer sneered in his heart, the arm that was originally stretched out with all its strength, even more so, the Golden Tooth King was confident that his own blow was like a hill, and he could also flatten it!

As if he had seen the brains of this lifeless Taoist burst, the Golden Tooth King sneered, his pair of iron fists were even stronger, and he went straight to Lin Sen's temples with the fierce wind pressure.

What a vicious heart!Lin Sen couldn't help sneering, the Golden Tooth King was killing him, and the fierce wind in his face remained unmoved until the pair of Golden Tooth King's fists almost hit Lin Sen.

time!With a sound, the clothes under Lin Sen's armpit suddenly shattered, and two arms rushed out from it, and swung the same fists as that of the Golden Tooth King, like two dragons going out to sea, and went straight to the two fists of the Golden Tooth King. .

"Huh!" Qing Ling couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise. She had never seen Lin Sen's demon body that day, and the snake and scorpion couple had never mentioned it. It can be seen that Lin Sen stretched out a pair of arms again, and immediately thought of Lin Sen in the Conferred God period. A magical power.

bump!bump!Two muffled sounds, followed by a burst of clicking!The crackling sound.

Lin Sen's upper body shook slightly undetectably, but even so, he was shocked for a while. Although he just resisted casually, this King of Gold Teeth was able to shake him slightly. The main body is afraid that he is an extremely powerful person. .

Lin Sen was slightly astonished, but it was different on the side of King Jinya, there was a burst of clicking!With the sound of bones cracking, King Jinya's arms immediately drooped unnaturally on both sides of his body, and they were actually broken when they collided with Lin Sen's hands.

"Ah..." His muscles and bones were broken, and the pain pierced his heart. The King of Gold Tooth raised his head to the sky and let out a shrill and loud roar. With the power of the fist, the body slid down to the distance like a shooting star, and even the dark clouds all over the sky gathered in the distant mountain depression in an instant, revealing the blood-red sun that was slowly sinking.

The group of barbarian warriors immediately cheered excitedly, threw up the spears in their hands, bowed down around Lin Sen slightly devoutly, raised their hands high, and let out bursts of shouts in strange tones.

Then, the old and young women and children who hid in the house before also ran out quickly one after another, kneeling around Lin Sen as if worshiping a god.

That Chamuduo had already been shocked when Lin Sen held the two knives in his hands, and it was only at this moment that he woke up amidst the worship and cheers of all the tribesmen, and stared at Lin Sen's back in a daze, he was different The ordinary people of the Yu clan knew what the matter just now meant.

The Golden Tooth King is an Earth Immortal and great monster, with a powerful cultivation base, otherwise he would not be able to dominate the southern border. His pair of arms is said to have the power to move mountains, but it can't withstand the blow of this Lin Xianchang, and that A pair of golden knives were stained with the blood of many monks and monsters in the southern border. Such a ferocious and tyrannical thing was actually taken by the Lin Xianzhang with his bare hands.

Thinking that I wanted to poison these immortal elders before, Chamuduo couldn't help but feel frightened. Fortunately, the other party is a friend of his own Holy Master, otherwise, my cottage might be in the wrath of the immortal elder Lin. It will become a Jedi!

"Hmph, scoundrel, you know how powerful you are!" Seeing that the Golden Tooth King had disappeared into the sky in a flash, Little Butterfly waved her fist fiercely at the place where it disappeared, and said with a vicious and cute expression.

Chamuduo finally came to his senses, he hurried forward to pay homage, and said in his mouth, "Thank you, Chamuduo, Immortal Lin, for helping me, saving the lives of my entire village!"

"Mr. Cha, get up~" Lin Sen stretched out his hand to help Chamuduo up, and said with a smile, "Let all the clansmen get up too!"

Since Lin Sen dragged it out with his hand, Chamuduo was still paying homage. He felt that Lin Sen's hand was as steady as the earth, so he had to stand up and nodded fiercely, "Yes, yes..."

Then he turned his head and raised his hands high, shouting loudly in his mouth, and then all the clansmen also followed suit, and then danced happily this time. Compared with before, this will be more to drive away the devil With the great victory, the smiles on the faces of the barbarians were obviously brighter.

As the sun slowly sinks, the raging fire illuminates the barbarian village like daytime, carrying the steaming heat of Mars, rushing into the sky, and the little orange-red sparks are scattered in the sky. The night sky is very beautiful.

There was a burst of meaty aroma from the roasted animal meat all around, and a barbarian raised his hands above his head and knelt down in front of Lin Sen.

"Senior, please taste it!" Chamu Duojian said hastily and respectfully, but after he finished speaking, he saw Lin Sen's face showed a look of embarrassment, and he couldn't help but secretly scolded himself for being confused. Dedicated to Lin Sen.

At this moment, Lin Sen stretched out his hand to smack a small piece of meat from the meat leg, and the barbarians immediately let out bursts of cheers that resounded through the night sky, and then they stepped forward one by one to share the barbecued meat. of animal meat.

Lin Sen saw the satisfied happy smiles while eating meat, and softly asked Chamuduo beside him, "What is the origin of the Golden Tooth King!" (To be continued.)

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