"What did you say?" Qingling stood up suddenly, and stared at Chamuduo with a pair of beautiful eyes and asked loudly, the icy breath around her was agitated, and for a moment it made the land of southern Xinjiang, which is like spring all the year round, like the twelfth lunar month in winter Generally icy cold.

The barbarians dancing happily around had long regarded Lin Sen and the others as being like a holy lord who worshiped every day. Seeing this fairy who was like a holy lord was cold all over, they knelt down on the ground in horror, with anxious words in their mouths. The frantic yelling seemed to ask Xiangu to forgive her mistakes.

Chamuduo's strength is not as good as that of the Earth Immortal, and he has been injured for many years. How can he resist Qingling's aura? A stream of bright red blood flowed down.

Qingling's reaction was really sudden, and even Lin Sen didn't react suddenly, so he hurriedly stood in front of Chamuduo to block Qingling's deadly aura, and shouted anxiously, "Sister Qingling... ..”

Lin Sen yelled anxiously, and Qing Ling woke up suddenly. Seeing the terrified barbarians kneeling on the ground around him, he hurriedly put away his aura. If this continues, these barbarians will be crushed to death by his breath.

Smiling to Lin Sen who was full of anxiety, he indicated that he was fine, and then said apologetically to Chamuduo, "Qing Ling lost his composure, don't blame him!"

"Don't dare...don't dare..." Cha Moduo touched the cold sweat on his head in shock, forced out a stiff smile and said, just now he really thought he was dead, this delicate woman The aura was so terrifying, it was a bit stronger than the pressure that the Golden Tooth King put on him.

"Sister Qingling, what's wrong with the black flood dragon and red python couple!!" Just now when Chamuduo mentioned these two monsters, Qingling's breath immediately became chaotic, obviously following the two monsters is inseparable.

"Ah!" Qingling sighed and sat down slowly, "The black flood dragon and red python couple may be the elder sister and elder brother-in-law that my second sister and I have been looking for for many years!" Although Qing Ling said it was possible, Qing Ling's heart But it has already been determined, after all, there are very few monster races in the world who can ascend, not to mention that this couple happened to meet the black dragon and red python, how could such a coincidence happen in the world.

"Your eldest sister?" Lin Sen asked suspiciously when he saw Qing Ling's expression.

"Well, my eldest sister!" Qingling nodded slightly, and then slowly said, "Eldest sister is very talented and her cultivation base is tyrannical. If it weren't for the fact that she had an argument with her mother because of her elder brother-in-law, this Ruyi golden hairpin should have been intended for you." A treasure passed down to my eldest sister..."

Qing Ling slowly pulled out the golden hairpin from the bun on her head, and before her eyes, her eyes were full of memories, "The elder sister was stubborn, and the farewell was actually before she came back. Before my mother passed away, she told my second sister and me to take her away." We found it, but we have been looking for it for many years, but there is no whereabouts, but we did not expect that the eldest sister and the eldest brother-in-law are hiding in the southern border and have already ascended to the fairyland."

"Why does Qingling have such an expression?" Lin Sen said with a smile, "Isn't this a good thing! Your eldest sister and his wife have already ascended to the fairy world, and after you ascend, you will be able to see them!"

"Sister! Don't be sad!" Little Butterfly saw Qingling's sad face and stood quietly aside, her eyes full of worry and comfort.

"En!" Qingling smiled with a sad handsome face, gently rubbed the small head of the little butterfly, and then inserted the golden hairpin on her back, "Brother is right, since the eldest sister and his wife are still alive, then There is always a time to meet in the fairy world!"

"Xiangu finally found the news of Sister Nai. This is a happy event, and we need to celebrate it!" Chamuduo said with great winking, and immediately said happily, waving his arms, all the barbarians immediately started singing and dancing again.

It’s just that although they were happy on the surface, Lin Sen and the two of them talked about Cha Muduo’s admiration. They are both monks, but they are very different.

"There is one thing that I have been holding back in my heart, and I really don't know whether I should ask it or not!" Lin Sen asked curiously after Qingling's face recovered.

"Hee hee!" Qing Ling smiled tenderly, covering her mouth with her hand and staring at Lin Sen with her beautiful eyes, "Brother, you want to ask about the foundation of my ancestors!" After Lin Sen nodded, Qing Ling's face was full He said with a smile, "Brother is really patient, he held back all the way and didn't ask until today!"

"I thought that the elder brother would not be able to help asking the night he left Jiankang!" A pair of slender and beautiful eyes looked at Lin Sen with a smile, full of cunning, and then covered his mouth and smiled coquettishly, "Second Sister said, if there is no reason, I will not tell you, you will never ask, it seems that Second Sister understands you!"

Hearing what she said, how could Lin Sen still not understand that this Qing Ling had been deliberately trying to trick his appetite all the way, and had been waiting for him to ask questions, so he couldn't help laughing, thinking to himself, this Qing Ling is indeed Jin Ning's relative Sister, although her face is cold, but she is full of cunning and mischievous. The two sisters are like this. I really don't know what kind of person her eldest sister is. She said with a smile, "Sister Qingling, don't lose my appetite!"

"For the sake of your inquiry, I'll tell you!" When Lin Sen had the chance to ask, Qingling smiled smugly and said, "If you talk about the source, our sisters and that Jiankang Qixia Mountain There are still some origins!"

"Oh?" Lin Sen's curiosity was even stronger now. The Qixia Temple was a Buddhist holy place in the Southern Dynasties, the ancestral court of the Dharma clan, and the place where the terrifying Zen Master Lang Yu lived. Lin Senzhi went up once, but almost didn't come out. , and the Qingling sisters are actually related to Qixia Mountain!

Seeing Lin Sen's expression full of seeking knowledge, Qing Ling turned her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile, "Brother, do you know about Le Chan?" After speaking, Lin Sen's eyes were blank, and the smug smile on his face was even better, almost like a flower blooming. Said, "Then elder brother knows Qu Yuan!"

"Qu Yuan, the doctor of Chu, committed suicide by throwing himself into the Miluo River. Afterwards, there will be a Dragon Boat Festival, and he will live forever. I know it!" Lin Sen's eyes were more curious. It was unexpected that Qingling Patriarch could have a relationship with Qu Yuan, although that person died, he was a person whose name will last forever.

"Hey!" Qing Ling sighed deeply, and then said slowly, "As a doctor of Chu State, people in the world only know Qu Yuan, but not Le Shang, alas!! Brother, this Le Shang is my grandfather!"

Lin Sen didn't speak, but the few people around were also attracted by Qing Ling, and gathered around to listen quietly, while the barbarians surrounded the fire and danced in that primitive dance. (To be continued.)

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