Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 177 The Origin of the Snake Family

"I've never heard of the name Le Chan. What does it have to do with Yu Qu Yuan, your ancestor!" Under the curious gazes of the surrounding people, Lin Sen asked first.

"Hehe!" Qingling smiled lightly, but the smile was a bit bitter. "Grandfather and Qu Yuan were officials in the same dynasty. Qu Yuan was disliked by King Huai of Chu. If he wanted to get rid of him, he asked his grandfather to speak in the court. Qu Yuan was forced to die in the Miluo River..."

Speaking of this, Qing Ling couldn't help biting his silver teeth secretly, "Qu Yuan's death moved the world, and he left his name through the ages. King Huai of Chu is famous for himself, but he puts all the blame on my grandfather, so he wants to harm him with the crime of slander. My grandfather escaped with a demon body."

"Grandfather was so angry that he occupied Qixia Mountain and became the king." After Qingling said this, he said viciously, "Although grandfather is a monster, he is a Confucian student who has read poetry and books. The king never did evil, but those damned bald donkeys..."

"Did they kill grandpa?" Little Butterfly listened intently, felt the hatred in Qingling's words here, her big eyes were full of tears, and she asked in a trembling voice.

"No!" Qingling stroked the little butterfly's hair and said softly, "That day a monk named Fadu came to preach, and that bald donkey was very powerful. Still not his opponent, he was forcibly transformed by him in the end, went to the West Paradise Bliss, occupied the Qixia Mountain, if Grandpa hadn’t used his own magic power to send Mother away, I’m afraid there would be no us three sisters in the future!”

After Qingling finished speaking, she looked at Lin Sen with a full smile and said, "After talking about the root of my family, is it clear to me, brother?"

But I didn't want Lin Sen to shake his head, and then smiled and said slowly, "Fortunately, I also came to break the casserole today to ask the bottom line. You just said that grandfather has two treasures for body protection, Qibao Ruyi and Ruyi Golden Hairpin, but it's still not enough. One piece!" Although Qing Ling passed by, Lin Sen heard clearly that the bag of treasures was enough to inhale innate things such as the Four Spirit Orbs, and his impression of him was very good. its profound.

"Hee hee!!" Qing Ling stuck out her tongue slightly, and then said with a smile, "I knew my elder brother would ask, but this bag of treasures was not passed down from my grandfather, but from my mother!" He straightened his waist and said to Lin Sen, "Brother, have you ever heard of the trick?"

"I've heard of this!" Lin Sen nodded and said, "Back when the Three Kingdoms were fighting for hegemony and Han and Liu Bei entered Wu, the military advisor Zhuge Kongming and his three kits made Emperor Zhaolie act according to his plan when he was in danger! Could it be... "Lin Sen suddenly opened his eyes wide, staring at Qingling, his gaze was full of disbelief, it's impossible!Is this bag of treasures the same bag as back then!

Although Lin Sen didn't say anything, but Qingling's intelligence was able to guess the meaning in his eyes, but he smiled and shook his head and said, "Although the three kits are miraculous, they don't have such great supernatural powers! "Qing Ling stretched out his palm, and a small kit bag slowly emerged in it, and the colorful brilliance flowed and shone on it, making people unable to help but cast their eyes on it and be deeply intoxicated by it!

"My mother once followed Zhuge Kongming and assisted Liu Bei to fight for the world. Unfortunately, the destiny is hard to break. After Master Kongming failed to change his fate with the Seven Star Lantern against the sky, he feared that Shu would lose, so he used his own mana to imitate the 36 strategies of the military strategist to make this There are 36 kinds of changes in the bag of treasures, which can spontaneously show countermeasures according to the situation, in order to protect the last trace of luck of the Shu Han, but it is a pity that the Shu Han was defeated in the end, and this kit was my mother during the war. It has become one of my family heirlooms!"

After Qing Ling finished speaking in one breath, she saw Lin Sen's astonished expression, and a smug smile appeared on his face. No matter what time of the journey, Lin Sen always had a faint smile on his face. , until today, these words of his have finally shocked Lin Sen!

"The original Zhuge Kongming was passed down, no wonder it has such spiritual power!" Lin Sen looked at the multicolored kit with eyes filled with deep admiration. Any one of these three family heirlooms has such supernatural powers. She Jing's family is really lucky, such a treasure is actually one after another!

"Auntie is able to participate in the establishment of the emperor, and her cultivation must be not weak. Then why..." Although Lin Sen didn't finish speaking, the meaning was obvious. Such a tyrannical monster, With these three treasures in his body, the length of time when he ascended to the fairy world, how could he die and disappear!

"It's not that black dragon..." Qingling gritted his teeth and said, "Mother was very famous in Shuhan at that time, and that black dragon was a monk who assisted Soochow, so he united a group of monks to lay down a formation to plot against my mother. I rushed out, but left behind hidden wounds that have never healed, if not, how could my mother have died of serious injuries during the decisive battle of Wei, that is, in that battle, the black flood dragon met my eldest sister!"

Qingling said this, and stopped talking. The expression on his handsome face was complicated, with resentment, longing, and bewilderment. Think about it, too. Although his brother-in-law did not directly cause the death of his mother, he was the culprit. One, this made Qingling really not know whether to hate or miss it!

This question is like a circle with no exit, the more she thinks about it, the more confused Qing Ling becomes, and the expression on her face becomes more uncertain!

not good!Lin Sen cried out anxiously in his heart, this topic actually confused Qing Ling's mind and soul, and if it goes on like this, it may cause inner demons, but at the slightest, it will seriously hurt its vitality, and at the worst, it will become like the crocodile leader, becoming a crocodile. mindless beast.

"At that time, each was their own master, but they couldn't blame the black flood dragon. It must be the same. Your elder sister would marry him, and the two of them would live in seclusion in this deep mountain and old forest!" Lin Sen saw the expression on Qingling's face. more and more complicated, hastily speak

These words were slight, but activated by his own spiritual thoughts, like spring rain moistening things, it silently penetrated into Qingling's ears, like the bursts of spring thunder, which woke up the more confused Qingling, with a complicated expression on his face. His expression was once again cheerfully dissipating, and then changed to the same cold expression as before.

Qingling slowly opened his eyes, but only heard Lin Sen grunt, the veins on his forehead were exposed, his round eyes were bloodshot, as if he was enduring extremely painful pain, he was covered in cold sweat, and his face was pale. fell down.

"Senior Lin!" Little Butterfly was sitting next to Lin Sen, and immediately screamed, and hurried forward to help, while Qing Ling also changed his face and stepped forward anxiously, "Brother Lin, Brother Lin... you are fine!"

Lin Sen's sudden collapse immediately caused the surroundings to become a swarm of bees. Qingling still didn't understand that it was Lin Sen who just wanted to wake up his mind, and it turned out like this. While shouting, he was in Lin Sen's arms After groping, he took out the white jade bottle containing Yunshen Pill, poured out a pill in a hurry, and stuffed it into Lin Sen's mouth. (To be continued.)

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