Among the two golden lights are a pair of golden scimitars, which are covered with mysterious patterns, and the sharp Gengjin aura on them can be clearly felt even at such a distance. I have seen that pair of ivory gold knives.

The golden knife is here, and the rapid white shadow following the rapid impact of the golden knife is presumably the Golden Tooth King.

"The strength is not high, but the tone is not small!" Jin Yawang's angry shout immediately enthused Qing Ling, Qing Ling already hated him, and at this time, his willow eyebrows stood on end.

With a cold snort, he pulled out the Ruyi golden hairpin from the topknot. Although the golden hairpin is inconspicuous, it must not be underestimated. Qing Ling muttered silently, and the golden hairpin flew up immediately, turning into a meteor straight Run to the pair of golden knives.

The golden hairpin went away very quickly, a brilliance flashed between them, and it appeared in front of the pair of golden knives, but there was still the shadow of the golden hairpin, but the gold in the brilliance turned into a pair of dark golden iron Claws, split to both sides and went straight to grab the pair of golden knives.

Diligently! !There is boundless power on the golden knife, it is really like that giant elephant galloping wildly. Although the pair of iron claws are grabbing the golden knife, they are driven by the power on it to rush towards several people, grabbing There are no dazzling fireworks popping out of the pinch, and there are bursts of ear-piercing friction sounds.

"Hmph!" Seeing her treasure being knocked back, Qing Ling became even more displeased, and snorted coldly, "A fool with well-developed limbs!" What's more, there is also a body with infinite strength. Although the Ruyi golden hairpin on Qingling's ceremonial guard is magical, but the master doesn't have that kind of strength.

Seeing the pair of golden knives dragging a pair of iron claws towards the crowd, Qing Ling's face remained unchanged, and with a swipe of his finger, the pair of iron claws immediately changed again, suddenly turning into a pair of iron hooks, hooking At the tip of the pair of golden knives, it was just a relay pull, without using much strength, it changed the direction of the pair of golden knives that were struck at a high speed, split them to the left and right, and roared past the crowd.

Seeing that his golden saber hadn't hit the target, the white shadow flying towards him waved his hand, and the two golden sabers flew towards him quickly. "I don't know how to live or die..."

Before I finished speaking, the tall figure of my golden knife had already appeared in front of my eyes. After I saw who was coming, my words were blocked in my mouth, and my eyes were staring like copper bells, and I was stunned. Looking at the smiling Lin Sen in the middle of the crowd.

The smile on Lin Sen's face was a nightmare for him. It's not that he has never been defeated by the King of Gold Tooth, but in terms of strength, it was the first time that he lost so easily under such a head-to-head collision, not to mention that this person was actually a The blow broke his own arms.

Almost subconsciously, Gold Tooth King flew back, but after more than a dozen steps, he realized why he came here, and hurriedly calmed down, pointed at Lin Sen and the others with the golden knife in his hand and shouted, "Yesterday's I accept the matter, but don't go too far and break into my cave!"

Although King Jinya's voice was high-pitched, but compared to the domineering and arrogant just now, he was like a different person. Obviously, what happened yesterday made him still have lingering fears, Qing Ling couldn't help but chuckled, and did not lower his voice at all Lin Sen said, "Brother, it seems that this stupid elephant is afraid of you, it seems that yesterday's lesson was not in vain!"

While speaking, those beautiful eyes still deliberately glanced at King Jinya, obviously he was talking to him.

Jinya Wang was tyrannical, facing such a naked provocation, he immediately stared at him, Gao Sheng shouted, "You humble..." Before he finished speaking, he remembered that Lin Sen was at the side, and hurriedly endured it. He came down, but his eyes were still staring at Qingling angrily.

"Ouch! I'm so scared!" Qing Ling's little hand was deliberately inciting in front of him, and the charming tone in her mouth seemed to be full of fear, but anyone could see the meaning of deliberate provocation in that exaggerated look.

King Kong, who had shrunk to the size of a mountain eagle, immediately couldn't help snorting coldly when he saw Qingling like this, and turned his head to look elsewhere.

Seeing this, Lin Sen couldn't help laughing secretly, he was afraid that King Kong had suffered from Qingling like this when he was in Xiaomao Mountain.

Although Qingling was mocking on the face, and she was extremely disdainful to King Jinya, but her eyes were full of calmness and rigor. She had some experience in dealing with such opponents. He had been with King Kong King for many years, so he knew this The weakness of this kind of person, when he stood up, he would completely ignore it like crazy, irritable, irritable, as long as a small trick can arouse his anger.

When the strength of the two sides is similar, the side that loses its calm will inevitably fail.

The Gold Tooth King's surname was not bad, or it was purely because of Lin Sen's deterrence, Qing Ling was so provocative, but he was still able to hold back.

Seeing this, Lin Sen smiled lightly and said, "This time, we have something to find the King of Yin Erosion!" Of course, this is just for the sake of being nice, and you can't just come to the door and say, I'm here to spoil the scene and grab the treasure !

Hearing the words Yin Xi Wang, Jin Ya Wang remembered it, and in a short time he returned to his arrogant look, pointed at Lin Sen and the others with a golden knife in his hand and said loudly, "Seeing that it is not easy for you to practice, I advise you Get out early, or wait until my elder brother finishes training, and crush you one by one, crushing your bones to ashes!"

The three characters Yin Xiwang actually have such a miraculous effect that it can make the Golden Tooth King walk out of the shadow left by Lin Sen yesterday. It is obvious that he has great confidence in his elder brother's strength, even if he met Lin Sen yesterday. With exaggerated strength, he still firmly believes that his eldest brother can win.

"Hmph!" Before Lin Sen could speak, Qing Ling snorted coldly. It was really reckless for the King of Gold Tooth to talk to the others like this. He turned into a blue shadow and went straight to the King of Gold Tooth.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, take my life!" Qingling had just been provocative for a long time, and King Jinya couldn't bear the anger in his heart. The banshee rushed up, and she was secretly happy in her heart, and said coldly, if you want to die, don't blame me!

But he didn't sacrifice the pair of golden knives, but held them in his hands, placed them on both sides of his body, fell from the air and went straight to the Qingling, it was like a giant southern barbarian elephant impacting, it can meet mountains and open mountains, meet seas Break the sea!

And Qing Ling seemed to be enraged by his words just now, but at this time, he didn't know how to dodge, holding a pair of swords transformed into Ruyi gold hairpins, and rushed straight to the Golden Tooth King.

Two streamers of light, one blue and one white, collided at a fast speed, and they met almost instantly. Looking at the murderous and twisted face of King Jinya opposite, Qing Ling's beautiful eyes gave birth to A hint of cunning that succeeded in trickery. (To be continued.)

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