In normal times, the two of them clashed with such great power, there was no way other than colliding with each other.

But there are always surprises. For example, now, if Qingling had been playing with her own calculations from the beginning, different results would have occurred.

How could such a cunning person like Qingling be provoked so easily, confronting King Jinya head-on, and attacking the enemy's strengths with his weaknesses.

Seeing that the two were about to collide, King Jinya's big face became more and more ferocious, and there was a proud bloody breath in his eyes. This banshee is quite strong, but in terms of strength, it is far behind him. You can already hear, at the moment of the collision, the crisp sound of the banshee's muscles and bones being smashed.

But at this time, Qing Ling secretly smiled, and suddenly activated the magical power in the Ruyi golden hairpin in his hand. In addition to changing eighteen kinds of weapons, this Ruyi golden hairpin also has a magical power, which is the ability to drive mountains and mountains , Divide the energy of soil and stone.

With the turning of the streamer above the pair of swords, a wall of earth suddenly appeared in front of King Jinya, the wall was thick, only a foot thick.

Gold Tooth King immediately let out bursts of ridicule, and said disdainfully, "This thing is like blocking me, you see me too clearly! Haha!" The banshee was completely confused, and Gold Tooth King laughed heartily. With his collision, even a small mountain can be flattened, let alone such a small earthen wall.

A sneer appeared coldly on King Jinya's face, and he thought to himself, Look at me piercing even the walls and people.

King Jinya sneered and slammed into the earthen wall, but as soon as Fang touched it, he felt something different. Normally, such an earthen wall was like a thin layer of paper to him. It will break.

But at this moment, even though a pair of ivory gold knives were inserted into the earthen wall, they were barely seen, not even piercing a tenth of the earthen wall.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Qing Ling's mouth, this stupid elephant really thought it would be so flustered that it used such an ordinary earthen wall to block his impact.

This earthen wall is inspired by the trend of the Ruyi golden hairpin. Under the condensed supernatural power of the golden hairpin, it is like fine steel, and it is also connected to the mountain range. This stupid elephant is careful to break your ivory.

bump!There was a loud bang, and the dust flew all over the sky. King Jinya couldn't stop for a while, so he slammed into the earth wall, and his tall figure sank deeply into the earth and rocks.

Qingling underestimated the King of Gold Tooth. The collision not only crashed into the earth wall, but also caused the entire earth wall to shake violently, causing the whole mountain to tremble. The stones rolled down slowly.

It's a pity that although Qingling made a wrong estimate, King Jinya still didn't penetrate the earth wall in the end, but was deeply embedded in the earth wall.

"Hee hee..." Qing Ling slowly floated to the gap where the Gold Tooth King hit, and the dust rose from the hole, and the eyes could hardly see anything. Qing Ling looked at the hole and gave out crisp and tender Laughter: "Big stupid elephant, why can't you see the road clearly, but bumped into the wall by yourself! Are you dizzy?"

Such mocking, crisp laughter filled the surroundings of the mountain.

But at this time, in the dusty hole, two golden lights suddenly lit up, and then there was a violent roar full of anger, and the disheveled Gold Tooth King's eyes were red, and the two knives in his hands went straight to Qingling's neck. go.

Although King Jinya is reckless, he has practiced for many years and has experienced many battles before he has achieved what he is today. Although he was plotted by Qingling, he rushed into this earth wall and was dizzy and ashamed. combustion.

But he was not impulsive. Instead, he intentionally messed up his aura, luring the Qingling to come and check. Sure enough, after a while, the Qingling came to the entrance of the cave to investigate, and also let out bursts of mocking smiles. Voice.

As a result, King Jinya was even more furious, and when Qingling was approaching the entrance of the cave, and the entrance was covered with dust and he couldn't see it, he suddenly rushed out of it, and his two swords went straight to Qingling's vital parts. Do it, be sure to kill with one blow.

King Jinya rushed out suddenly, and the face of Qing Ling, who was mocking, suddenly changed, his handsome face was full of panic, and he quickly flew back under his feet.

But how could the King of Gold Tooth do the math without his intentions? Bai Jie's slender neck was about to be split in two under the golden knife.

King Jinya showed a ferocious expression on his face, bloodily licked his fat lips and said, "You humble little demon, let me die!"

"Senior, aren't we going to save Xiangu?" Chamuduo fidgeted anxiously, pacing back and forth behind Lin Sen, seeing that Qing Ling was about to lose, how could he still survive the knife attack? Don't worry!

"That big stupid elephant, how could it be my sister's opponent!" Little Butterfly raised her head proudly, and said disdainfully at the golden tooth king with a brighter smile on his face.

"Hehe! Just watch, the outcome will be decided soon!" Seeing that Chamu was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, Lin Sen immediately said with a smile.

Under Chamuduo's suspicious eyes, King Kong, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but snorted coldly, and turned his head away.

"Die! Die!!" Gold Tooth King sneered and howled, he had already seen the beautiful scene of the annoying banshee's head flying off and blood splattering everywhere.

But at this moment, Qing Ling's handsome face, which was originally full of panic, suddenly calmed down, replaced by a faint sneer.

No, King Jinya yelled alertly, his expression was just like before, this cunning banshee still has tricks.

It's a pity that although King Jinya didn't notice much, it was too late. Qingling pinched his sword finger, drew a spell in the air, and said "close..."

Gold Tooth King up, down, left, right, front, back, [***] is the same golden light, and there are six huge golden giants in the void, before the Golden Tooth King can react, they are connected to each other, like one The Golden Tooth King was locked in like a big cage.

"Bastard..." The incident happened suddenly, and by the time King Jinya reacted, he had already been imprisoned in the cage. Fortunately, he was also experienced in many battles, so he immediately summoned all his strength and slammed into the golden cage. go.

The golden prison that just hit shook violently, gathering and dispersing.

"Tight..." The Golden Tooth King struggled so hard, but Qingling didn't care at all, pinched the magic weapon in his hand, and the golden beams of light fell down like ropes, sticking tightly Holding the body of King Jinya, entwining him in it, even if it has tens of millions of power, it can't use half of it at this time! (To be continued.)

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