No matter how much Jinyawang struggled, he couldn't get rid of the golden big that was almost embedded in the flesh, the big got tighter and tighter, and finally bound Jinyawang like a twisting golden rice dumpling.

"Damn banshee, despicable, if you have the guts, don't play petty tricks, let me out, and see if I don't pinch your head!" The more King Jinya struggled, the tighter the golden stool entangled, even deep. Stretched into the flesh, under the severe pain, King Jinya's eyes were full of anger, he stared straight at Qingling and roared.

All these methods just now were just means to irritate the Golden Tooth King and attract his attention. Now that the Golden Tooth King has been completely executed, Qingling's complexion has cooled down again, and a pair of beautiful eyes swept the Golden Tooth King lightly. With a wave of his palm, he slapped Jin Yawang's face, saying, "Your mouth is not clean, slap your mouth! You only know how to run amuck, I really don't know what your brain is for!"

With a light wave of the palm, the golden stool floated up with the struggling Golden Tooth King, suspended in the air, and followed Lin Sen and others from the Qingling Department.

"Brother, how are you? Little sister didn't let you down!" As soon as Fang approached, Qing Ling said with a smile on his face.

"Great, great!" Lin Sen couldn't help applauding, this was not a compliment, but admiration from the heart. At the beginning of this battle, the enraged Golden Tooth King had already lost.

When Qingling rushed out, he had already mobilized the treasure bag, released the golden big one and hid it aside, the subsequent impact, earth wall, mockery, and bait were all done in one go, with only one purpose, which was to scatter the gold. Kibaou's attention drew him into the golden circle.

It can be said that from the very beginning, every reaction of the Golden Tooth King was based on Qingling's calculations, so there is no reason for invincibility!

"You despicable banshee, despicable, let me out and have a real fight with me!" The golden cocoon squirmed continuously, and at the same time there were bursts of unwilling curses from the Golden Tooth King. He had a reason Depressed, at most [-]% of his strength was subdued, and King Jinya was extremely unwilling at this moment.

"Lululu..." Little Butterfly stepped forward, sticking out her tongue and making mocking noises, and then spewed out a stream of colorful smoke from her hand. King Jinya was trapped at this time, and he couldn't dodge it, with a huge head Immediately shrouded in that smoke, after a few breaths, he showed a confused look.

Seeing this, Little Butterfly proudly smacked King Jinya on the head, and said angrily, "Big Stupid Elephant, if you dare to scold my sister again, I will give you some pain!"

Huh~~Suddenly above the mountain peak, howling like howling ghosts and wolves resounded all over the mountains, the wind blew violently, and earth and rocks were flying.

"Be careful!" Lin Sen subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and he pulled the little butterfly beside King Jinya back to protect him, and King Kong suddenly fell into the body, and his pair of iron fists were entwined by the blue demon light. Go away with a gust of black air.

The black air is obviously different from the surrounding wind, more weird, colder, and dark as if even the light of the sky can be sucked into it. Wang couldn't sit still, and finally made a move!

bump!There was a muffled sound, fists intersected, and King Kong King's face was alternately red and white, his steel teeth were gritted like a caliper, and he roared with red eyes, "Break me..."

A blue light suddenly appeared above the fists, and under the ten thousand demon lights, the black air shattered and dissipated invisibly.

Huh!There was a slight voice of surprise and appreciation from the mountain, obviously King Kong was able to disperse the black smoke, and King Yinxie was also very impressed.

But King Kong is, thump!thump!thump!He stepped back seven or eight steps before standing still, his eyes fixed on the place where the black air dissipated, his expression extremely ugly.

Although he was not injured, his heart was not peaceful at all. He has always boasted that he is strong in the past, even the King of Gold Tooth just now, he has never seen it in his eyes. He is also confident that he can suppress the wild elephant, but just now when he confronted the eclipse king, the opponent just made a casual effort, and he needed power to break it up, and he was defeated without even seeing the opponent's shadow. Knock back a few steps.

At the same time as the black air that King Kong defeated, there was also an obscure black smoke that approached the golden cocoon silently under the cover of the Yin wind, and attached to the golden silk, within a few breaths, it disappeared. A black hole corroded out of the golden cocoon.

"Ah! Go to hell!" Gold Tooth King suddenly cracked the gold, broke free from it, and among the dissipating golden threads flying all over the sky, Gold Tooth King held two knives in his hand, his face was full of anger, and he went straight to Qingling to chop.

"Roar!" Seeing that Qingling was in danger, the red giant crocodile, which had been lying quietly on the ground, let out a violent roar, flying its four claws, its huge body leaped up, and its big mouth full of sharp teeth went straight to King Jinya. Bite away.

"Come back to me!" Before Lin Sen and the others could move, a slightly displeased cold snort came from deep in the mountain. Upon hearing this sound, King Jinya, who was in a rage, felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head. The anger in his heart was suddenly extinguished, and he gave Qing Ling a unwilling look, and his figure flew back, and disappeared from everyone's sight after a few flashes.

From the place where King Jinya disappeared, suddenly there was a shocking aura that pierced the sky, cold, dark, strange, and dead silent. Qing Ling hurriedly sacrificed the kit, the golden hairpin, and protected the little butterfly behind him. His face changed drastically, his eyes were full of seriousness, his whole body was shining with blue light, and his pair of iron fists were crackling.

Roar!Roar!The giant crocodile kept roaring at the place where the breath was, and slapped and scratched the ground restlessly with its four claws. As for Chamuduo, he was already frightened by the breath, his face was pale, and his eyes were silent. Staring at it, he murmured unconsciously, "Yin...Yin..Yin..Eclipse...King..."

Only Lin Sen was still smiling, looking at the aura with both eyes, thinking in his heart, let out the aura, threatening me?

"Fellow daoists came to the door. I greet you in person. I am in seclusion. It is inconvenient to see guests. Fellow daoists, please come back!" The harsh sound of Yin Xiwang's frosted voice came from above the mountain peak. The voice and tone gave Lin Sen and the others a step down.

First, he released his own aura to threaten, and then he sent off the guests, showing both kindness and power, this evil king is not bad!Lin Sen said secretly in his heart.

There was a sneer in the eyes staring at the mountain where the aura is located. Unfortunately, you didn't show up after being beaten to the door. Aren't you telling others that you have a secret in this mountain! (To be continued.)

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