"Quack quack... dreaming..." The Yin Corpse King's awkward but confident laughter echoed in the cave. Although he suffered a dark loss from not checking for a while, Lin Sen's physical body seemed to be able to feel other things. Extraordinary power, but it does not affect his belief in victory. This is not arrogance, but his self-confidence accumulated as a thousand-year corpse king and countless fights.

After a hundred years of tempering in the turbid air of the earth, he thought to himself that no one in this world could beat this tyrannical corpse king.

There were bursts of gloomy and strange smiles in his mouth, the Yin Corpse King exerted his strength suddenly, his legs did not bend, and he suddenly boiled up in such a strange posture, running like the wind, moving like electricity, and the wind whizzed wherever he passed , the whole body was filled with a dark corpse.

Its speed is really too fast, just in the blink of an eye, Lin Sen only felt the darkness in front of his eyes, but the corpse king rushed to God again, his knowledge was different from before, the blood-red sharp claws appeared densely before his eyes, and It is the sound of piercing through the air from the left, right and behind, although it cannot be seen clearly.

Although Lin Sen was calm on the surface, he couldn't help cursing inwardly, trouble.This zombie really deserves to be known for its tyrannical physical body. Although his avatar is the supreme true method of cultivating the physical body, after all, the days of practice are short. Hundreds of years of tempering!

When they were fighting on the rock wall just now, Lin Sen used his many arms to overpower the Infernal Corpse King, but the black horny armor on his body caused Lin Sen to be shocked by it every time he punched it. It beat the Yin Corpse King into a mess, but it didn't cause fatal damage to him.

And this pair of giant dark red claws is filled with a deadly and gloomy aura of death. Whenever Lin Sen is caught by them, even Lin Sen, the avatar of the Supreme Heavenly Demon, will be caught with several blood marks. It recovered quickly, but the dead energy condensed on it would still cause some troubles for Lin Sen.

Lin Sen cursed inwardly, the Yin Corpse King was actually having a hard time. He didn't know how many punches Lin Sen had hit him without checking just now, and each punch would hurt his already unconscious body. , even the corpse aura in his body was violently oscillating, but his pair of giant claws, which had been condensed for thousands of years, could only cause negligible damage to the opponent.

Although he was disdainful on the surface, he was secretly cursing in his heart, how could there be such a monster among the monsters, why he had never heard of it, the one with rough skin and thick flesh is not only no worse than him, the corpse king, but even worse He was superior, so even though he was confident, he didn't dare to fight Lin Sen again.

Relying on his speed being faster than Lin Sen's and his thousands of years of experience in fighting, he fought around Lin Sen.

Lin Sen's huge body was completely enveloped by the cold and gloomy aura. In the pitch-black aura, countless dark red giant claws attacked from all directions.

I don't know how many battles the Yin Corpse King has gone through in his life to come to this point as a different kind of existence. Although his martial arts are not as gorgeous and mighty as a dragon, his moves are simple and unpretentious, with a restrained murderous aura. Lin Sen's eyes, throat, heart and other fatal places, the gloomy laughter seemed to come from all directions at the same time, echoing throughout the cave.

Although Lin Sen's avatar is also running like thunder, he is still inferior to this zombie who is best at strength and speed. In addition, his martial arts are far behind that of the Yin Corpse King, and the Yin Corpse Wang Zhaozhao was fatal, but for a while, Lin Sen was driven into a hurry.

Fortunately, Lin Sen's demon body has many arms, and each of the eighteen arms guards one side. If you can't catch up, then you simply don't move. No matter how fierce your attack is, it's like a shocking wave, like a snow mountain collapsing, I stood still.

Immediately, the place where the two stood was full of the corpse king's silhouette dragging black smoke, or claws, or punching, or kicking, in all directions, as if countless corpse kings were attacking at the same time generally.

And amidst the shadows of corpses all over the sky, Lin Sen's purple-gold figure appeared looming under the permeating corpse aura, and his eighteen arms were either blocking or blocking, and under the rapid dancing, he covered his whole body in a watertight, splashing ink. Enter!

The Yin Corpse King's attack is like mercury pouring down the ground, penetrating every hole, but Lin Sen's supreme demon body, with eighteen arms guarding the four directions, Lin Sen is dedicated to defending, not seeking meritorious deeds but seeking no faults!

bump!bump!The sound, like a torrential rain, sounded continuously, the two collided with each other, and the invisible force scattered in all directions, like an ax or a knife, poured out in all directions, and it was the extremely hard rock wall that was hit by that force. The bottom is like paper paste.

The cave was shaking violently, and bursts of earth and stone were pouring down from the roof of the cave.

The fire at the city gate affected the fish in the pond, and Qingling and the two still had their minds to fight. They were fully focused on the direction of the scattered energy, constantly tossing and moving, boiling around and jumping to avoid it. They didn't want to try, whether their bodies would be better than this? The rocks in the cave are so hard, if you really can't avoid it, you can only force it.

Qingling is okay, with the bright moon on the 24th bridge, although the real yuan was shaken by the force, but his face was only a little pale, but the King of Gold Tooth was suffering, he was not good at speed, and his body The cultivation base is all on the two swords in his hands, and there are no other treasures other than that, the energy is coming so fast, he can't dodge it, so he can only use the two swords to catch it.

Although he is proficient in martial arts, he mostly blocked and turned the direction with skill, but even so, a trace of blood was already hanging from the corner of his mouth at this time. Looking at the place where the two were fighting, his eyes were full of horror and astonishment, thinking of him with golden teeth Wang Ping thought that Lao Tzu was the second best in the world, but he never thought that one day, he would be unable to resist the aftermath of other people's battles.

The fight between Lin Sen and the two reached a stalemate. In less than one hour, the lung cave was expanded by more than five times due to the energy scattered by the two. Except for the Jiuye Qinglan that the two could avoid, The rest of the land is hardly intact, but there are potholes of different sizes and gravel everywhere.

Although the two were still fighting, the situation changed a little bit. Just now, Lin Sen was completely suppressed by the Yin Corpse King, and he was forced to be in a hurry. Fortunately, the demon's real body was also tyrannical that day. Although it was a burst of pain, it did not cause any serious harm to Lin Sen.

Lin Sen's martial arts already had some foundations, but as time went by, under the pressure of the Yin Corpse King, the original impediments gradually became rounded. Although he was still in a passive defensive position, he could still fight back suddenly from time to time. Disrupt the attack rhythm of the corpse king.

The Yin Corpse King can feel such a change, and secretly scolds Lin Sen for being abnormal, but after a while, he can already compete with his martial arts that have been fighting for thousands of years. If you let you get used to it, maybe it will be true. Will give it to you again.

But... a stiff sneer slowly emerged from the corner of Yin Corpse King's mouth, and he thought to himself, time is almost up, you should relax your guard, now give your life to me! ! (To be continued.)

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