Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 190 The Buddha's Light

A stiff sneer slowly emerged from the corner of the Yin Corpse King's mouth. There was a coldness hidden in the blood-red eyes, and two pitch-black bone wings suddenly appeared under his ribs, which were also wrapped in black horniness. Folded under the armpit, there is no trace of abnormality.

As soon as the pair of bone wings came out, the Yin Corpse King was already at an extremely fast speed, and it suddenly accelerated exponentially. The figures that were originally all over the sky disappeared suddenly, leaving only the people around Lin Sen. There is a faint black smoke, and this is the source of his belief in winning.

The two of Qing Ling opened their mouths wide, they knew that the Yin Corpse King didn't dissipate, but that its speed was so fast that their eyes couldn't keep up with it, and Lin Sen's gilded red gold In the eyes of God, he could only see a pitch-black phantom attacking him.

It's one thing to just see, but quite another to block an attack.

The Yin Corpse King attacked while Lin Sen defended. The rhythm of the battle was always controlled by the Yin Corpse King. Under the deliberate actions of the Yin Corpse King, Lin Sen's body had already adapted to the attack speed just now. Just when he memorized the rhythm of the Yin Corpse King, he suddenly accelerated his speed, which caught Lin Sen by surprise.

If it was like this when it came up, Lin Sen might be able to resist it under his precautions, but at this moment the sudden speed up, although Lin Sen can see with a pair of divine eyes, but his body that has adapted can't react for a while.

Before he could block his arm, he felt a heart-piercing pain in his chest. The deadly blood-red giant claw of the Yin Corpse King had already been inserted into Lin Sen's chest. Han's death qi surged and rolled towards Lin Sen's body, rushing straight into the Purple Mansion.

The ferocious smiling face of the Infernal Corpse King in front of him gradually changed from blurry to unreal, and his bloody eyes were full of murderous intent. He stared at Lin Sen with a sneer and said, "You have a good physical body. It would be a pity if I killed you. Be good. Surrender to this seat, be a corpse slave!! Quack..." The Yin Corpse King's sinister laughter has not stopped yet, his face suddenly changed and he said in astonishment, "No...how about your mana..."

The Yin Corpse King could feel that after his own corpse energy entered Lin Sen's body, it was unimpeded all the way, and there was no obstacle in the broad and firm meridians.

This is simply impossible, no matter who is a cultivator, it is impossible to allow other people's breath to enter his body like this, that is equivalent to handing over his family's wealth and life to the other party's hands!

The Yin Corpse King had a different heart, but the movements of his hands were not slow, like a turbulent river of death, in this unstoppable meridian river, it poured into Lin Senzi Mansion in an instant.

"You'll find out later..." The Yin Corpse King's movements were too fast, even Lin Sen reacted quickly, and when he thought about it, the billowing corpse aura had already entered Lin Sen's Purple Mansion.

Seeing the smile on Lin Sen's face, the Yin Corpse King suddenly felt strange, but unfortunately it was too late, and the corpse aura that rolled in had already hit the Buddha light seal in Lin Sen's Purple Mansion.

The Buddha light of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva is peaceful, warm and auspicious, while this dead energy is cold and gloomy. The two are essentially opposites.

Seeing the death energy entering, sensing the breath of natural enemies, the Buddha's light reacted immediately, the original soft and warm brilliance suddenly became hot and dazzling, and hundreds of millions of golden brilliance came out together.

Under the Buddha's light, the dark and gloomy death energy immediately melted like ice and snow, melting into the invisible.

Thousands of golden lights shot out along Lin Sen's veins, and Lin Sen's huge body suddenly burst out with thousands of golden lights. In an instant, the mighty Buddha's light illuminated the underground like daytime. Even the sound of Sanskrit singing faintly came out of the Buddha's light.

"Roar!!" It was only for a moment, but the Yin Corpse King, as if someone had poured hot oil all over his body, screamed furiously under the severe pain, "You are a Buddhist bald donkey... um..."

Before he finished speaking, he let out a muffled snort, and his tall body flew upside down, casted extremely fast, and was smashed straight into the rock wall, shaking the sky full of dust, and the cave also shook violently three times.

And the sharp claws that grabbed into Lin Sen's chest pulled a large amount of flesh and blood from Lin Sen's chest.

"Hmm..." The flesh and blood in his full palm was forcibly torn off, even Lin Sen was determined, and couldn't help but let out a muffled grunt, and then a trace of blood slowly left at the corner of his mouth.

That Buddha's light is a sealing formation, although it spontaneously dispelled the corpse aura of the Yin Corpse King, it is also harmful to him, even the Buddha's light came from inside his body, and the burning caused by this Buddha's light on him was worse than that of the Yin Corpse King. more damage.

But it is not without benefits, at least the dead energy that hinders the healing of his wound has been purified, Lin Sen wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "I am not a Buddhist bald donkey, but this time I would like to thank you very much." you!"

Although the death aura of the Yin Corpse King was restrained by the Buddha's light, the boundless corpse aura was not an ordinary thing. Although the momentary flash just now purified the death aura, the Buddha's light was rootless water, and it was also seriously consumed.

Although Lin Sen still couldn't mobilize his strength at this time, he could faintly feel the existence of the golden core in the golden light!

"Brother, are you alright!" Qing Ling exclaimed at this moment, walking three steps at a time, and a few flashes appeared beside Lin Sen.

The fight between Lin Sen and Lin Sen was too fast, with the eyes of Qing Ling and the other two, they couldn't see what happened, only the Yin Corpse King disappeared, and then Lin Sen burst into a golden light, and then the cave vibrated. My eldest brother stood there covered in blood, and there was a bloody hole in his chest that was almost as big as her head and was constantly wriggling.

"Big Brother...Big Brother..." King Jinya also ran towards the smoke and dust in a hurry. The real Buddha's light was so terrifying just now. If it hadn't disappeared in a flash, he would have knelt down and worshiped. Wang Bei Zhenfei didn't dare to do anything, otherwise his own life would be in danger today!

"I'm fine!" Under the tyrannical physical strength of the Heavenly Demon's real body, Lin Sen's flesh and blood quickly squirmed and recovered. Sen frowned slightly, and then smiled at Qingling, "Don't look at me in distress, that zombie may not be much better than me!"

"Big Brother...Big Brother..." Gold Tooth King yelled a few times, but Yin Corpse King replied, his tone became more and more anxious.

bump!With a sound of stones splashing all over the sky, a tall figure stood out from the gravel, and yelled viciously at King Jinya, "What are you shouting about, I'm not dead yet!"

Then he slowly walked out from the smoke and dust, with a hideous and terrifying face, he yelled at Lin Sen angrily, "At first I wanted to save your life and train you to be a corpse slave, but now I want you to be destroyed forever! "(To be continued.)

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