The dust slowly settled, and when he saw the angry and roaring face of the Yin Corpse King, Qing Ling immediately understood that Lin Sen would say that the Yin Corpse King was worse than him, so he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Although the Yin Corpse King has a wide mouth and a square nose, coupled with his tall figure, he is also mighty and domineering, but at this moment, he is extremely terrifying, half of his face on the left cheek is completely sunken, and there is still a faint appearance in the sunken place. Bichan has two big characters.

The body of the zombie has already died, and if it can be restored elsewhere, the face has been smashed and collapsed by Lin Sen's blow just now. Although it is not fatal, the Yin Corpse King killed Lin Sen today. Sen, I'm afraid I have to live with the shame on my face today!

Why did the Yin Corpse King become like this in an instant?

But when the Yin Corpse King speeded up suddenly, Lin Sen asked himself that he couldn't resist the blow, so he was preparing to exchange injuries for injuries, and quietly held the big seal of the green toad in his hand. Also can't see clearly.

When the Yin Corpse King's giant claws penetrated Lin Sen's chest, Lin Sen was ready to strike back, but when he felt the Yin Corpse King's inner breath heading straight for his purple mansion, Lin Sen immediately had an idea.

The corpse aura around the Yin Corpse King is cold and dead, and the Buddha light in his body must react. That is, the moment Lin Sen paused, the seal in the Purple Mansion was indeed touched, and ten thousand golden lights came out. Lin Sen was already prepared , but for the Yin Corpse King, it was a sudden change. He didn't know how long he stayed in the dark underground, his eyes suddenly saw light, or it was the hot purifying Buddha light, and his eyes were blind for a moment.

What Lin Sen was waiting for was this moment, when all eighteen arms swung out in unison, hitting all parts of the Yin Corpse King's body.

The Yin Corpse King immediately became vigilant when he lost his eyesight. Although his eyes could not see, he could feel Lin Sen's counterattack at this time because of the bloody fight he had fought for thousands of years. Some of the vital points were painful from being hit by Lin Sen's dense fists, but fortunately there was no serious injury.

The moment of blindness was only a moment, but this moment was enough for the Yin Corpse King to take hundreds of punches, and when he slowly regained his vision, he was ready to return the favor.

Just now when he saw it clearly, he felt a blackness in front of his eyes, and then his brain was stunned. With the sound of "caliper calipers" bone cracking, the Yin corpse king only felt that there was a mountain, a meteorite, on his head, There was a buzzing in his head, and he had never experienced that severe pain before he became a zombie.

Where Lin Sen hit, but he did it deliberately, hurting his ten fingers is worse than cutting off one finger, isn't your corpse king hard?Then I'll see if your head is as familiar as your body, whether your head is hard or my big seal is hard!

The Yin Corpse King was stunned by this blow, but Lin Sen would not be soft-handed. Eighteen arms came out together, and he did not know how many punches he threw in an instant. He was hit hard three times by Lin Sen with the big seal of Bichan.

If it wasn't for the Yin Corpse King's psychedelic, subconsciously letting go of the giant claws holding Lin Sen's chest, and being punched by Lin Sen with hundreds of thousands of punches, he might be defeated by Lin Sen this time, But even so, the body of the Erosion King was bruised all over, and there were even tiny cracks in the weaker part of the horny skin.

It is a long story from the attack of the Yin Corpse King to the time when he was knocked into the air. The two also confronted each other with ups and downs. The two monsters, Lingjinya, were at a loss and didn't know what happened. They just felt that in an instant, the two of them turned into such a miserable state.

"Crackling..." The Yin Corpse King stared at Lin Sen and let out bursts of gloomy and weird laughter, and then stuffed Lin Sen's flesh and blood into his bloody mouth, as if he was eating something delicious. , Chewing big mouthfuls, blood and minced meat, along the teeth of the corner of the mouth, slowly flowing down, coupled with the half-faced face, for a while, it was like a villain crawling out of the eighteenth floor of hell. Ghosts are generally frightening.

The Yin Corpse King's actions are not just for such naive reasons as intimidation and deterrence. Zombies feed on the flesh and blood of the living. As Lin Sen's flesh and blood chew in his mouth, the aura and blood energy contained in the flesh and blood are absorbed by him. , perfused the whole body, the slight wounds on the body healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. At that time, although the wounds were recovering on the face, the deep depression was still bulging!

The Yin Corpse King chewed the flesh and blood in his mouth, closed his eyes intoxicated, and said as if he was savoring the supreme delicacy, "It's such flesh and blood with aura, including the power of stars, and a strange breath. I have never tasted it before." I've eaten such delicious food..." His eyes opened suddenly, the red eyes were full of greed, and the gaze he was looking at Lin Sen at this time was more like a hungry person looking at a table of delicious food, salivating.

For more than ten years, his physical body seemed to have adapted to the turbid air here, and the progress of strengthening was slow, but today Lin Sen's flesh and blood actually made his body slightly strengthened.

"If I eat your flesh and body can evolve again...hehehe..." Yin Corpse King stared at Lin Sen with a greedy smile as if he had discovered a supreme treasure.

Although Lin Sen's flesh and blood were full of aura, after all, the Yin Corpse King ate very little, and his injuries had recovered, but there were still many damages.

Along with Yin Corpse King's gloomy laughter, the pool of turbid air in the cave suddenly began to rippling with layers of waves, and then boundless black turbid air gushed out, pouring into Yin like a black storm. In the corpse king's ferocious mouth, in just a few breaths, the dilapidated body that was originally beaten by Lin Sen, under the nourishment of the turbid air of the earth, except for the sag on the face, everything else has fully recovered.

Seeing this scene, Qing Ling, who had great confidence in Lin Sen, couldn't help showing a trace of panic in her beautiful eyes. Such injuries can be recovered instantly with the help of the turbid air of the earth. Fighting with him in this kind of place, Lin Sen Sen is like fighting an unbeatable opponent, and the Yin Corpse King has already settled for an undefeated situation.

Even Lin Sen's eyes couldn't help but settle down. The pleasure of gaining the upper hand just now disappeared suddenly. Seeing the body of the Yin Corpse King intact, Lin Sen couldn't help cursing inwardly. It's really troublesome. No wonder the Yin Corpse King is so confident. The addition of the turbidity of the earth was able to achieve this level for him, and he also began to heal his injuries with all his strength.

When the aura around the Yin Corpse King dissipated, he stared at Lin Sen and laughed ferociously. With a move of blood claws, something suddenly jumped out of the pool of turbid air and flew into the hands of the Yin Corpse King. (To be continued.)

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