Lin Sen has been conscious for some time, and the reason why he has been standing still is that he is borrowing the huge vitality that the star fruit tree rarely spits out once in a large amount, and the power of the stars is tempering himself.

On weekdays, he also used the power of the stars and fruit trees to abstract the power of the stars in the sky to temper his body, but the breath he used was all the remnants after the stars and fruit trees had swallowed and absorbed them. How could he be so thick and pure today? Almost catching up with the time when he was in the East China Sea Immortal Mansion that day, even the tumbling spiritual injury in his head was slowly calmed down under the power of the stars.

Lin Sen's physical body was broken and then stood up. At this moment, it was repaired by the huge blood essence of the Yin Corpse King after being absorbed and purified by the star fruit tree. Lin Sen, the body of the supreme demon, under this complete destruction, is actually The impurities in it were completely removed, and what was left was the essence of the flesh. At this time, with the help of the new life, not only the injuries were completely healed, but his avatar of the Supreme Heavenly Demon was also strengthened by the opportunity.

Lin Sen is confident at this time, even the human body of the celestial being who has undergone the catastrophe may not be as tough as his body of the celestial demon. If it is at this time to fight against the corpse king, Lin Sen is absolutely confident, even if he does not use the thunderbolt Strength can also break through his shell.

Fully feeling the power in the body of the sky demon, Lin Sen's huge body shrank rapidly, turning into the human body in the black Taoist robe.

At this time, Lin Sen's transformation into a human body was a bit awkward, and this human body could not fully exert the power of his real body, but it was more convenient for him to walk in this human world.

Lin Sen moved his hands and feet a little uncomfortable. With this movement, he only felt a pain in his neck. At their level, physical pain is almost impossible. Lin Sen stretched out his hand strangely, but he only felt pain on his neck. Two bumps.

Immediately, he realized what it was, and pulled it out fiercely with his hands. Two blood holes appeared on his neck immediately, but before the blood flowed out, they healed rapidly under the wriggling of flesh and blood. .

Lin Sen put the thing pulled out from his neck in his hand, and saw the two curved things, dark yellow in color, which were as long as Lin Sen's palm.

It is exactly the pair of fangs of the Yin Corpse King. To the zombies, the fangs are so precious that they are only below the blood essence. They are extremely firm and can wear everything.

What's more, this pair of fangs has killed countless creatures along with the Yin Corpse King for thousands of years, and I don't know how many living creatures' resentment has gathered on them, as well as the dead air that the Yin Corpse King has grown and honed for thousands of years.

This pair of fangs passed through the star fruit tree just now, which is a powerful flow of vitality. Not only did it not collapse like the corpse king, but it became more and more unpretentious.

If refined by proper techniques, these fangs can be refined into a good pair of magic weapons, and he put them into his arms with a smile, Lin Sen said in his heart.

Looking at the dry ashes under his feet, although he was killed by him, Lin Sen couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for the death of a rabbit and a fox. All living beings under the heavens, fighting for that ray of life, killed each other, just like raising Gu. Get rid of this sad fate.

Yinshi King's sword lay quietly in the ashes. Lin Sen had just fully experienced the power of this sword. When the murderous aura erupted, even cutting himself, the real body of the demon, was like cutting melons and vegetables. sharp.

hum! !Just as Lin Sen held the precious sword in his hand, the sword body immediately trembled violently, emitting bursts of clear sword cries, and unparalleled murderous aura spewed out from it, like an unyielding general, wanting to fight Lin Sen broke free from his hand.

"Hmph..." The sword in his hand became stronger and stronger, and Lin Sen's arm trembled. How could Lin Sen let a sword escape from his hand? The power of the emperor suddenly rises, although the momentum is not very huge, but it is overlooking all living beings.

Just like the ancient emperor, forcibly suppressing the power of the sword, the fierce fight became weaker and weaker.

After the sword was completely subdued in Lin Sen's hands, Lin Sen touched the huge sword that was about the same height as him, and the sword shrank rapidly, and it sank into Lin Sen's cuff.

This killer weapon has not yet been fully surrendered, and now it is only because Lin Sen's emperor's aura just restrains him, and he is forcibly subdued. If he wants to use it to defend against the enemy, it still needs to go through a lot of training.

"After taking me back to the mountain, I will polish you well, and you will be the crown of all treasures!" Lin Sen said with a smile after receiving the treasure. The weapon of Tao, its destructive power is comparable to that of 24 bridges and bright moons!

At this moment, Lin Senfang raised his head to look for Qing Ling's figure, it didn't matter what he saw, the smile on his face immediately faded, replaced by an infinite scowl.

I saw Qing Ling's complexion was pale, with blood on the corner of his mouth, and blood stains all over his blue clothes. There were probably more than a dozen wounds scattered all over his body, and the blood was constantly oozing out of his body, and those slender eyebrows, At this time, it was also half-folded and half-closed, with no spirit, holding the 24 bridges of bright moon in his hand, and erected a faintly visible film that seemed to be broken at any time, protecting himself and Jiuye Qinglan in it.

And King Jinya grinned grimly, slashing at the film continuously, each slashing with all his strength, his brute strength, although every blow was not broken, it still shocked Qingling's body There was a tremor.

In fact, Lin Sen should be able to discover the strangeness here when he wakes up, but when he first woke up, he devoted himself to the changes in his body and was not moved by external objects. The more fundamental reason is that, Lin Sen was convinced that with Qingling's cunning, the Golden Tooth King was definitely no match!

He didn't know that the Yin Corpse King wanted to destroy Jiuye Qinglan's order before he died, so that Qingling tied his hands and feet and fell into a disadvantage, and finally ended up in a situation that he could only hold on to.

"You lowly banshee, let me see how long you can last... just wait, King of Gold Tooth, I will smash your bastard right away, crush your head with my own hands, and repay the humiliation I just hate!" Jin The tooth king looked at the increasingly illusory film, and said with a ferocious face, the mysterious patterns on the golden knife in his hand were shining, and the golden light was shining brightly.

Then he found that the frail banshee was looking at his face full of joy, and was startled in his heart. Just as he was about to turn around, he only felt his neck tighten. His tall body was actually held by an ordinary palm. He picked it up vigorously, and at the same time, a calm voice full of murderous intent said, "Whose head are you going to crush?"

King Jinya's big eyes stared like copper bells. Of course he remembered the voice, the horrible guy who defeated him in one blow. If this monster is here, doesn't it mean that his elder brother...

"Big...big...big...king...xian...xian...chang...have mercy!" King Jinya spat out these words with chattering teeth. In his memory, his eldest brother It is synonymous with invincibility. Even the tyrannical big demon couple back then fought to a draw with the eldest brother, but today they are fighting alone, and it is a situation in which the eldest brother loses. How tyrannical the monster is, the Yin Corpse King can't even imagine.

"Forgive you?" Lin Sen snorted, full of anger, and exerted a little force on his palms. Immediately, there was the crackling sound of bones, and the howl of King Jinya crying.

"Brother...wait a minute..." Qing Ling dispelled the defensive shield of the 24th Bridge Bright Moon, panting weakly and hastily stopped.

"Huh?" Lin Sen suddenly looked at Qing Ling with strange eyes, why did he stop him at this time.

"Xiangu, spare your life! Xiangu, spare your life!" Gold Tooth King saw Qing Ling's exit blocking him, and immediately saw the hope of life, and he had no time to care about the severe pain in his body, and hurriedly shouted and begged.

It's a pity that Qingling just opened his mouth, but he sent his newly born hope into the abyss of hell again, but seeing Qingling's eyes full of resentment, he gritted his silver teeth and said coldly, "Just killing him like this, how can it solve my heart?" I hate you!" Thinking about how her Qingling Empress has ever suffered such humiliation, even in the hands of King Vajra, she can win half of the country, but today she is humiliated by this subordinate in the underground, how can she just kill her? Solve her hatred!

Seeing that Qingling was healing his wounds, and also casting resentful eyes on the Golden Tooth King in his hand from time to time, Lin Sen couldn't help sighing in his heart, woman!It really is not to be provoked!

"You guys kill me! Kill me!" Hearing what Qing Ling said, King Jinya immediately showed panic and begged to die loudly. If this fell into the hands of this banshee, he would definitely be tortured Life is better than death!

Lin Sen did not sympathize with King Jinya at all. When he saw the golden knife in his hand, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, looked at Qingling and said with a smile, "The mount of the Buddhist Puxian Bodhisattva is a white elephant with six tusks. Said my sister was seriously injured because of Brother Yu, so I will give her a gold-toothed white elephant mount as a thank you gift!"

"Okay! Okay! Qing Ling will thank you again, big brother!" Qing Ling is also a quirky and intelligent surname, and immediately understood the meaning of Lin Sen's words. Although he didn't know what method Lin Sen used, as long as he Letting this damn stupid elephant fall into my hands, when Qing Ling thought of this, she immediately stared at King Jinya with a sneer smile.

"Don't...don't...please spare me...kill me..." Gold Tooth King also reflected, not to mention the shame of being a great monster as a mount for others, it falls on this woman In the hands of the demon, he definitely has no good fruit to eat, so life must be worse than death. Immediately, he howled in horror, and his tall body struggled violently.

But no matter how Jinya King struggled, Lin Sen's palm was fixed on his neck like a fleshy root, while the other hand took out a bronze ring from his sleeve.

"Don't...don't..." Under the despairing eyes of the King of Gold Tooth, the bronze ring was slowly enlarged, and it was put on King's neck. (To be continued.)

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