The bronze ring that Lin Sen took out was exactly the beast-guarding ring obtained in the study room of Xiangguo Mansion in the Southern Dynasty. Once this ring was put on, it took root like flesh, and was tightly connected with its body, as if it was naturally formed. Generally speaking, once this ring is worn, it is equivalent to handing over one's own wealth, body, spirit and soul to others.

"It's not bad! It fits well!" Lin Sen put the copper ring on King Jinya's neck, then loosened it, looked at King Jinya and said with a smile.

"It's over!...It's over...!" King Jinya was already heartbroken at this time, even though Lin Sen had let go, he was limp on the ground like a pool of rotten meat, his eyes were dull and he could only murmur Repeated these two words.

"Hee hee..." After Qing Ling listened to Lin Sen's pass on the decision of the beast ring, he immediately looked at King Jinya and laughed, even caring about the injuries on his body, as if At the beginning, like a little girl from a toy, she pointed at Gold Tooth kingly and said, "Little Gold Tooth, it will show its original shape soon..."

Ang... King Jinya didn't want to pay attention to it, but he couldn't help but put his limbs on the ground and let out a cry. The originally tall body swelled up rapidly, and it didn't stop until it grew to a size of nearly five feet.

But he saw that this white elephant was like a hill, its whole body was as white as jade, its fluorescence was shining, and its pair of golden teeth were even more shining.

"How can I sit when I'm so loud! Shrink it! Shrink it!" Qingling looked up at the huge white elephant in front of him, pouted and said, Qingling's words fell, the tall white elephant like a hill, Immediately, it shrank rapidly, until it shrank to a little bigger than ordinary elephants before stopping.

A pair of big copper bell-like eyes were full of ashes and sorrow. Qing Ling stepped forward with a smile, stroking the wound on his shoulder that was recovering, and patted King Jinya on the head with one hand and said, "It's really cute...don't worry. I will definitely... love you very much..." Qingling's words are doting. If you don't know it, you may really think that you are praising the mount, but the Golden Tooth King knows the meaning of it, with dead gray eyes Immediately, he was full of panic, and his whole body shuddered uncontrollably.

Seeing this scene, Lin Sen couldn't stop smiling. According to Qing Ling's surname, the King of Gold Tooth will suffer a lot in the future.

All of a sudden, a slight aura surged out of the empty crypt, like a stone falling into a calm lake, causing layers of ripples.

This cave is filled with the turbid air of the earth, even the spiritual energy of that day is completely isolated, how can there be such fluctuations in the spiritual energy.

There is only one possibility, Lin Sen and the others hurriedly looked at Jiuye Qinglan, even the Golden Tooth King forgot his own situation for a while, and looked at the spiritual root that had been guarding for a hundred years without blinking a pair of big eyes.

He and the Yin Corpse King have been guarding for a hundred years, although the Nine-leaf Green Orchid will bloom, but there has been no movement for a hundred years, and now that the eldest brother is dead, the Nine-Leaf Green Orchid is in full bloom.

For some reason, King Jinya suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart, as if this spiritual root was originally prepared for the person in front of him, and their brothers came in by chance, but they just worked as guards for a hundred years , the cunning rabbit is dead, the running dog is cooking, today the overall situation is settled, the nine-leaf green orchid will bloom immediately, as if welcoming its own master, if this is the case... King Jinya dare not think about it anymore. ..

Lin Sen and the others didn't think so much like King Jinya, they just watched the white flowers slowly blooming on the boulder in fascination.

In the soft fluorescent light, the curled leaves of the nine-leaf green orchid slowly unfolded, and then the flower stem swayed automatically in the absence of wind, like a fairy dancing shyly.

The pure white flower bone blooms slowly with nine petals, exposing the light blue stamen inside, a fresh and elegant fragrance immediately permeates the cave, the faint fragrance is faintly visible, just the sound makes people feel refreshed and refreshed Light and smooth.

"It's so beautiful!!" Qing Ling looked at the shy flowers swaying in the fluorescent light and said fascinatedly, and then suddenly reacted and said hastily, "Brother, pick them quickly, these nine-leaf green orchids will wither as soon as they bloom!"

Lin Sen also used her to remind him that as early as when Qing Ling was intoxicated, he flew up and landed on the boulder in an instant. Unknowingly, a jade pick appeared in the palm of his hand, and gently touched the roots of the Nine-leaf Qinglan. Shovel away.

With just a light hoe, the whole cave trembled suddenly, the sky shook, and the earth and rocks gathered together. It was the calm pool of turbid air on the earth. With this boulder as the center, layers of water continuously rippled around. waves.

While the sky was shaking, the nine-leaf green orchid slowly rose up, floating in the mid-air, and the shy and swaying orchid slowly melted in the increasingly vigorous fluorescence, and after a while, only a soft and white mass remained in front of my eyes. The brilliance, the brilliance in it is also invisible!

Just when Lin Sen and Yu Qingling fixed their eyes on the nine-leaf green orchid floating in mid-air, the Golden Tooth King who was standing obediently on the spot suddenly exerted force, his four hooves were blowing, and his seemingly bulky body was looking for agility. Incomparably, he jumped up and rushed towards Lin Sen's direction.

At this moment, King Jinya didn't dare to think about destroying Jiuye Qinglan anymore. What he was thinking about now was how to escape from Qingling's clutches. Even if he died, he would be reincarnated. Practice again, and even restore the memory of the previous life.

But if it falls into the hands of this banshee, it can be said that there will be no redemption, even if you want to die, you can't do it. Taking advantage of the moment when the two of them are stunned, King Jinya suddenly runs wildly, not for anything else, but for jumping Entering the pool of turbid air of the earth, borrowing the power within it to commit suicide.

But at this time, once the beast-controlling ring was put on, Jin Yawang had such a small idea of ​​suicide, and I am afraid that it would be difficult to realize. Seeing Jinya Wang suddenly run wildly, it seemed that he was watching Jiuye Qinglan in a daze A sneer slowly formed at the corner of Qingling's mouth, and he thought to himself, I knew you wouldn't be so reckless and want to die?How could it be so simple!

Seeing that he was about to rush into the pool of turbid air from the earth, King Jinya's eyes already had the pleasure of escaping from the sky, but at this moment, he suddenly felt weak and weak, and the four galloping elephant hooves It was as if it wasn't his own, and suddenly went limp, and then limp on the ground.

And the earth's turbid air pool that would allow him to escape to heaven is already close in front of his eyes, but it is as far away as the sky.

But seeing Qingling pinching the magic spell in his hand, he came to King Jinya with a smile, patted his head and said, "You are not good! I will punish you..."

After Qingling's words fell, King Jinya trembled violently. With the beast ring as the source, boundless thunder surged out, not only the body but also the soul seemed to be struck by lightning, and the pain was unbearable. .

If King Jinya opened his mouth and howled miserably, Qing Ling said coldly, "If you dare to make a noise to my elder brother, then this is not the punishment!"

This cold voice immediately made King Jinya swallow the screams that spit out of his throat, and looked at Qingling pitifully with pleading eyes.

Fortunately, Qingling also knows that this is a critical moment for Lin Sen, so don't be disturbed by the outside world, so at this time, give Jin Yawang a slight punishment and then stop, in case this stupid image can't hold back the noise for a while Brother, even if he was hacked into pieces, it would be hard to get rid of the hatred in his heart.

The movements on Qingling's side did not attract Lin Sen's attention at all, and Lin Sen's eyes were all focused on the fluorescent light in front of him.

As the incandescent fluorescence slowly receded, there was no shadow of Nine-leaf Green Orchid in it, and what was left was a cloud of light blue liquid, slowly wriggling in front of Lin Sen's eyes like a ball of soft water, Exudes a faint brilliance.

Before coming here, Lin Sen had only memorized everything about Jiuye Qinglan by heart. At this time, this mass of psychic fluid was the root of heaven and earth to heal the soul, and it was the truly mature Jiuye Qinglan.

At the moment, he sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and focused his attention. Under Lin Sen's guidance, the cloud of spiritual liquid slowly melted into Lin Sen's body from Lin Sen's predetermined place.

As the psychic fluid completely melted into Lin Sen's body, the fluorescence disappeared completely, and the whole cave was plunged into darkness. As for the next pair of eyes, one big and one small, one stared curiously and the other nervously at the sitting cross-legged in the dark. The quiet figure in it.

The psychic liquid was like his brain, Lin Sen immediately reacted, and the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness suddenly churned. If it was normal, Lin Sen would have fainted from the pain when his consciousness was touched like this, but At this moment, under the nourishment of the spiritual liquid, he felt a little dizzy, and the discomfort in his head subsided completely.

Although he had known for a long time that the Nine-leaf Green Orchid was a panacea for the soul, a rare treasure of heaven and earth, but Lin Sen had never imagined that it would have such a powerful effect.

In the sea of ​​consciousness that had been chaotic for a long time, a wriggling psychic liquid slowly emerged. Under the soft fluorescent light, the chaotic breath in the sea of ​​consciousness gradually calmed down and dissipated.

As these chaotic breaths subsided, Lin Sen finally felt the power of divine sense that had disappeared for a long time. Although it was extremely weak and messy, it still made Lin Sen's heart tremble with excitement.

It's just this slight trembling that caused a huge change in the soul, and the chaotic breath that was slowly settling began to churn again.

Lin Sen hurriedly gathered his mind and calmed down, and the chaotic dust that had risen slowly settled down once.

With a calm mind, no sadness or joy, and detached from things, Lin Sen seemed to be a bystander at this time, watching his chaotic sea of ​​consciousness change rapidly under the fluorescence of the spiritual liquid.

In the calm and chaotic atmosphere, little bits of brilliance slowly emerged, just like diamonds buried in the sand, slowly appearing in front of people's eyes with the ebb and flow of the tide.

The brilliance is crystal clear, more and more of different sizes, shining like the stars all over the sky, these brilliance are the fragments of Lin Sen's thoughts, Lin Sen's broken divine thoughts!

Under the fluorescent light, these fragments of spiritual thoughts emerged one after another from the dust, and suddenly, a relatively large fragment of spiritual thoughts flew up rapidly, as if drawn by the spiritual liquid, toward It flies away.

With this beginning, the tens of thousands of fragments, like birds returning to the forest, flew towards the spiritual liquid one after another rapidly.

One.. Two.. Innumerable pieces.. gather together, when there are no fragments flying out, what gathers in the spiritual liquid is Lin Sen's star-like divine thoughts, although the fragments are piled up, cracks To make up for it, but under the nourishment of the spiritual liquid, it recovered very quickly, the cracks on it quickly disappeared, and the thought became more and more bright and flawless.

coax! !The sea of ​​consciousness vibrated, and Lin Sen, who was detached from the outside world, only felt a vibration in his head, and then an extremely familiar feeling hit him, that feeling seemed to be in control of everything, omnipresent, overlooking all directions, everything around him was captured In the bottom of his eyes, Jinya's curiosity, Qingling's worry, the flow of the earth's turbid air, and even the little butterflies waiting anxiously outside were all reflected in his heart.

This Nine-leaf Qinglan is so miraculous that it instantly healed the heavy injury above his divine sense. Lin Sen was excited but suddenly discovered that even if he healed Lin Sen's injury, the mass of Nine-leaf Qinglan was still alive. The melted psychic fluid was only a small half of what was consumed.

Ten thousand years of accumulation, ten thousand years of tempering, just for one day to bloom, the power of the spiritual root of this world is so strong.

Looking at the more and more shining thoughts tempered in the psychic liquid, Lin Sen's mind suddenly flashed, and the idea that was as bright as a star appeared and was extremely mysterious. Although he knew the formation of stars in the sky, The picture is related, but the true meaning is not known.

At this moment, I couldn't help but think of the basic application of the Zhoutian Star Formation passed down from the Hancan Demon Saint, and the complicated and mysterious stars all over the sky in the jade card. Since this Nine-leaf Qinglan is so wonderful, why don't I... ?

Suddenly a bold idea appeared in Lin Sen's mind, just do what you say, anyway, even if you fail at this time, there will be recovery from Jiuye Qinglan's medicinal power, but if you succeed, it will be a broad road leading directly to the sky.

With a ruthless heart, Lin Sen actually shattered the bright thought that had just been recovered into five pieces.

"Roar..." Even though he had been prepared in his heart, Lin Sen couldn't stop screaming from the pain of tearing his soul, and the incomparable divine sense radiated out, directly The entire cave, the entire mountain peak, and the entire mountain range were shaken.

"Brother..." Qingling exclaimed, seeing Lin Sen's eyes full of worry in extreme pain, but he didn't dare to disturb her. Jiuye Qinglan has a gentle surname, there is no record of such a strong reaction, could it be? What an accident?

Under Qingling's worry, he didn't care about the overwhelming earth and rocks. Fortunately, there was the King of Gold Tooth beside him, and he used his huge body to protect Qingling. The King of Gold Tooth was accepting his fate No, I just hope to please this banshee, so that I can suffer less in the future.

This is the second time Lin Sen has experienced this feeling of soul torn apart, but the last time he was hurt by someone, but this time he asked for it. Although he has a splitting headache and dizziness, Lin Sen dare not Faint Que.

Under the nourishment of that nine-leaf green orchid, the thoughts that had just been broken into five pieces quickly healed together again. If they were really merged together, then the pain of tearing his soul would be in vain!

Lin Sen gritted his teeth to resist the boundless pain in his head, and forcibly controlled four relatively small fragments of divine thoughts. With the foundation of Zhoutian and stars, the four spirits rotated around the largest main body of divine thoughts in the middle .

The ingenuity of the Zhou Tian Xing Chen formation, not to mention Lin Sen now, even if he ascends the Golden Immortal Luo in the future, may not be able to fully understand it, but the most basic application of the power of the four spirits is because of The research on the formation of the Immortal Mansion and the inheritance of the Cold Silkworm Demon Saint have already been touched by Lin Sen out of ten.

At this time, it is extremely easy to follow the four spirits only for distribution, but how can it be so simple to use this spiritual mind to go beyond the big formation? An incomparable suction force came, wanting to fuse these four fragments of divine thoughts into one body of divine thoughts.

The life-saving Jiuye Qinglan became an obstacle to Lin Sen's thoughts at this time. No matter how Lin Sen controls it, once he relaxes, the four spirits of the four divine thoughts will be destroyed, and they will rush towards the main body of the divine thoughts.

Could it be that this idea of ​​my own is really absurd and strange talk that could not be realized at that time?Now that the matter has come to this, Lin Sen really couldn't help feeling guilty, and used his spiritual thoughts to evolve Zhou Tianxing. Maybe it's because his idea is too naive!

At this moment, a place in Lin Sen's sea of ​​consciousness that has not appeared for a long time slowly emerged from the void. The yellowed ancient axis is the foundation of the three thousand roads passed down by the ancestor of the gourd. .

As soon as Huang Ting came out, bursts of masculine voices came out of Lin Sen's sea of ​​consciousness, soothing Lin Sen's splitting headache.

It's just that the muttering of the sermon, although the sound is in the ear, is not really heard, as if it is vague and indistinct in the distant sky. Lin Sen naturally knows that this is because of his own cultivation It's too bad, it's far from enough to understand the way of the generals of the Zixiao Palace, but I'm not in a hurry in my heart.

The Huang Ting Jing was completely out of his control, Lin Sen just wondered why Huang Ting, who was seriously injured that day, had never appeared before, why he suddenly appeared today to soothe the severe pain in his soul.

This taught Huang Ting Jing to be in Lin Sen's body, and it was a disaster of life and death, but Lin Sen didn't know how dangerous his experiment was to himself.

Lin Sen just spontaneously tore that idea apart. Unlike the previous day when he was injured by others, what he did today was like tearing his own soul into five parts, and forcibly controlled it to prevent them from If the merger continues like this, even if Lin Sen does not die, he will probably become a mentally disordered lunatic.

But Lin Senzi still didn't know it at all, or deliberately forgot it. Seeing that the situation was irreversible, Huang Tingjing finally emerged from Lin Sen's mind, as if there was a spirit in it, bursts of primordial voices , Great Desolate Avenue, soothe Lin Sen's broken soul!

Following the appearance of the Yellow Court Sutra, another aura suddenly appeared in Lin Sen's sea of ​​consciousness. At that time, it was different from the Huang Ting Jing from the inside to the outside. This chaotic and weak aura entered Lin Sen from the outside to the inside. In the sea of ​​consciousness! (To be continued.)

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