Sure enough, it came!Lin Sen thought to himself, but the expression was extremely weird, it seemed to be gratified, and some seemed to be afraid.

Lin Sen is also very familiar with this aura, it is the ceremony of apprenticeship given by the Duke of Sui, and he played with it every day to study it, which contains the diagram of the big formation of Zhou Tianxing and the nameless method of the evolution of the formation. Jade plaque.

As soon as the mixed spiritual energy entered Lin Sen's sea of ​​consciousness, it was like a drop of ink in the clear water, and a dark scene spread in all directions.

The ink-like pitch-black color cast off extremely quickly, almost instantly dyeing Lin Sen's sea of ​​consciousness into a mass of pitch-black ink, only the Huang Ting Jing was still floating on the top of the sea of ​​consciousness, and there were bursts of primordial sounds in it.

Lin Sen had already seen this scene in Huashan Confucianism formation that day, but now there is a difference in his state of mind and cultivation level compared to that day. More importantly, at this time Lin Sen I have already dabbled in the mysteries of the Zhoutian and Star Formation for the first time, and I am no longer as confused as I was when I watched it that day.

A bright brilliance suddenly appeared in the dark night sky. The brilliance was mysterious, changing, and resplendent. Except for how many times stronger, Yu Linsen's idea was almost exactly the same.

This is the jade tablet showing to himself the supreme mystery of the stars in the sky, but Lin Sen didn't dare to have any distracting thoughts at this moment, he held his breath and focused his attention on the radiant brilliance.

Suddenly, the star suddenly emitted dazzling colorful brilliance, and then countless light spots scattered from the explosion.

In the colorful nebula, Lin Sen saw the sun and the moon, the four spiritual stars, the 28 mansions, the 360 ​​five auxiliary stars, and countless celestial stars, endless, with an eternal rhythm Run slowly.

Although compared to the first time, Lin Sen understood a lot at this time, but there were more things he couldn't understand. Following the slow rotation of the stars in the universe, Lin Sen closed his eyes and concentrated on slowly acting. Among the stars in the universe.

The operation principles that are too mysterious and complicated are far from what Lin Sen can touch now. All he needs is the most basic operation rules.

Lin Sensuo didn't study the places he couldn't understand, but concentrated on looking at the position of the sun and the surrounding stars.

Lin Sen had such an epiphany in meditation, but he didn't know how earth-shattering it was outside. Qing Ling and the others had long been stunned by the vision on Lin Sen's body. He didn't notice it either, he just stared blankly at Lin Sen who was sitting cross-legged on the boulder.

Obediently~ This monster...wrong...senior immortal elder, who the hell is it!King Jinya exclaimed inwardly, and even sat down to guess in his heart that Jiuye Qinglan must be here waiting for this person to arrive.

Not long after Lin Sen meditated, he suddenly felt an invisible but tyrannical force spreading infinitely around Lin Sen.

The Golden Tooth King is also a big monster who has lived for thousands of years. He has known the mysterious power of divine sense since the beginning, and guarding here with the Yin Corpse King is precisely to obtain this mysterious and mysterious power. I have never seen such a tyrannical and unparalleled power. Jinya Wang only felt that the power seemed endless, seemed to be high above, and seemed to moisten things silently. The thought of surrender, but suddenly realized that at some point, my body was completely out of my control!

This is definitely not Jiuye Qinglan's power. Although Jiuye Qinglan is miraculous, it is absolutely impossible to produce such an endless power of divine sense. That can only show that this immortal elder originally had this power!

King Jinya couldn't help cursing inwardly while being puzzled, why didn't Lin Sen reveal this divine sense earlier, if he had known that this fairy had such a strong divine sense, he would have given a fart, although the spirit is heavy, but I also have to lose weight, I am afraid that I and the corpse king have already run away, the corpse king will not die tragically, and I will not fall into such a field.

Before King Jinya finished complaining in his heart, Lin Sen, who was sitting cross-legged, let out a terrifying roar, which seemed to be in great pain. The roar was sent out with spiritual thoughts, and King Jinya only felt that his mind seemed to be trapped. After a sledgehammer, he felt dizzy for a while, his vision was so dark that he was about to fall, but he still dared to stand where he was, and hurriedly pulled the worried Qing Ling back.

But it's not King Jinya protecting the Lord, it's just that he is trapped by others at this time, if something happens to Qingling, he will not feel better!

Just now when he stood still, he felt a breath rising from Immortal Lin's body, which seemed to be infinitely large, and seemed to not exist at all. Once the breath came out, every time there was any hesitation, the Golden Tooth King and Yu Qingling It is involuntary prostration on the ground, like a pilgrimage to worship!

Then with Lin Sen as the center, the dark cave unexpectedly gave birth to dots of stars all over the sky, twinkling like stars all over the sky.

Qing Ling knew a little about Lin Sen's practice, and only said that the vision was due to the real body of the sky demon.

The stars all over the sky suddenly appeared, and then slowly dissipated, and finally only a few stars were left slowly orbiting around Lin En.

Although Qingling was puzzled, when he saw Lin Sen who was sitting in the nebula, although he didn't intend to wake up, but he had a clear expression on his face and a slight smile, Qingling's heart was finally relieved. After he got down, he became infinitely curious about his elder brother.

But it is said that Lin Sen sat cross-legged in the sea of ​​consciousness, and eliminated the incomprehensible parts of the nebula below him one by one, and in the end it was only the four spirits holding the sun like the fairy mansion.

Following the rotation of these five stars, Lin Sen suddenly had a sliver of enlightenment. He forcibly fixed the four thoughts on the position of the four spirits, but he only got their appearance, but did not sort out the laws of the four spirits' movement. , which is the key.

As Lin Sen closed his eyes and meditated, the five thoughts surrounding him also started to move slowly. At first, he was a little slow and slack because of the suction of the nine-leaf green orchid, but as Lin Sen's face slowly appeared, Ming Wu smiled, and the four thoughts revolving around the main body became more and more smooth.

Until the orbit in that star map is almost like a replica.

coax!With a bang, a loud noise suddenly appeared in Lin Sen's mind, and Lin Sen slowly let go of the control on those thoughts, while those five thoughts were still running according to their mysterious trajectory.

The Nine-leaf Green Orchid's psychic liquid was not gathering it anymore, but the psychic liquid on it spread to the four smaller thoughts, wrapping it like a cloud, healing the wounds left by Lin Sen's forceful tearing.

"Roar..." When the few thoughts were fully recovered, the roar of the tiger, the roar of the bird and the roar of the tortoise suddenly came out from those thoughts, and the four sounds merged into one.

The formation of the four spirits was completed, and the vision was born on its own. Lin Sen was immediately relieved, but also frightened for a while. He won the bet for his messy one!

At this moment, Lin Sen suddenly had a vision in his mind, and heard the sound of tigers roaring and dragons roaring. Although this sound was the same as the sound in Cai Cai's head, one was illusory and the other was real.

Although Lin Sen didn't open his eyes, he saw four balls of light emerging from his arms, and the sound of roaring tigers and dragons came out of the balls of light.

"Four Orbs..." Qing Ling immediately screamed out. These four orbs were given to Lin Sen by herself. Refining, how could it emerge by itself.

Lin Sen was also puzzled at this time, he could feel that the four spirit beads were flying up spontaneously, as if he had been summoned by something.

Under Lin Sen's puzzled eyes, the four orbs floated around Lin Sen in the position of four spirits, and then slowly began to rotate, and the law of the operation was actually the same as the movement of thoughts in Lin Sen's sea of ​​consciousness. No two.

With the movement of the Four Spirit Orbs, Lin Sen's thought spontaneously rose from the sea of ​​consciousness, and slowly moved above Lin Sen's head, while the Four Spirit Orbs slowly moved closer to that thought until It is one, the four spirit orbs are completely overlapped with the four spirit thoughts, and revolve around the bright thought in the middle.

When Lin Sen was puzzled, he could only feel the power of the four spirits spewing out from the four spirits orb. These forces were going elsewhere, and the goal was Lin Sen's four thoughts of occupying the position of the four spirits.

Before Lin Sen could react, that wave of power had already rushed into his thoughts, and suddenly he felt that with the infusion of the power of the four spirits, those four thoughts seemed to be the dry earth met with sufficient water. Greedily sucking the power of the four spirits, they grew up at a speed clearly visible to Lin Sen.

This kind of growth saved Lin Sen from tempering himself, which was originally a good thing.

But at this moment, Lin Sen was terrified. Don't forget that Lin Sen had five thoughts, but the four were tempered by four auxiliary stars around the outside. The main body of the thought in the middle was the most important thing. , is the cornerstone of this week's stars.

If the thoughts of the four spirits continue to grow like this, I am afraid that the formation of the four spirits that has just formed will lose its balance and be completely broken. At that time, even if Lin Sen is not dead, he may completely become a walking dead!

In a hurry, he hurriedly withdrew his thoughts, so as to cut off contact, but the thoughts hovering above his head seemed to be as far away as thousands of mountains and rivers from him, no matter how he tried to stop him, it would be like a stone sinking into the sea!

Seeing that the thoughts of the four spirits are getting bigger and bigger, they are about to break free from the shackles of the main body of the thoughts in the middle. At the moment of crisis, Lin Sen suddenly rang the warm boulder under his buttocks, and immediately regained his heart.

"Sure enough, it's an endless road..." Lin Sen exclaimed hastily, but he shattered the shell of the boulder under him with a burst of strength. Under the layers of rocks, in the middle was a piece the size of a fist. The pure white warm jade, which is the essence of the earth's core, gave birth to the ten-thousand-year warm jade of Jiuye Qinglan for thousands of years.

Lin Sen's thought is the momentum of the four spirits holding the sun, and the main body of the thought needs to be tempered by a positive thing. At this time, as soon as Lin Sen shattered the boulder, Wannian Wenyu got rid of the restraint, and immediately seemed to be restrained. As if summoned by an invisible force, it turned into a stream of light, submerged straight into Lin Sen's thought, and coincided with the main body of the thought.

When the boundless yang and energy spewed out of it, Lin Sen's hanging heart fell back into his stomach. The situation just now was probably slowing down a step, and the four spirits who were anti-client grew up, and he I'm afraid my life will be lost!

As the formation slowly moved, Lin Sen's five thoughts became more and more powerful under the nourishment of the four spirit beads and Wannian Wenyu.

Suddenly, the spewing speed of the spiritual power suddenly accelerated, as if the Milky Way leaked, the boundless spiritual power poured down, and Lin Sen's five thoughts swallowed up the spiritual energy completely as if he could never get enough!

"This is..." Lin Sen's eyes widened suddenly, he finally knew what the thought was doing spontaneously, and shouted ecstatically in his heart, "Turning fiction into reality, this is turning fiction into reality... .”

Lin Sen's thought was unintentionally expelled from the position of the four spirits, and with the help of the four spirit beads and Wannian Wenyu, at this time, he wanted to turn the emptiness into reality, just like the Buddhist monk who condensed his spiritual thoughts Like a golden body, but what Lin Sen condensed with his divine sense was Zhou Tianxingchen, even though it was only the most basic prototype, he was still Zhou Tianxingchen.

As the thoughts run faster and faster, more and more spiritual energy is emitted by the spirit beads.

"hold head high...."!With a terrifying howl, Lin Sen turned into the body of a demon and shouted angrily at the sky. The sound of a tiger roaring and a dragon chanting came out of that thought. Sen's thoughts are like a few newborn four spirit beads, and there is no danger of being scattered that day.

If he went through experience, with the increase of Lin Sen's cultivation base, he might even turn into a real star one day.

When the formation was formed, under the traction of the formation of thoughts above his head, the branches of the star fruit tree in Lin Sen's body immediately gave birth to an induction.

The starlight on the star fruit tree seemed to be awakened by a naughty child, and it was suddenly connected with Lin Sen's idea, and the stars all over the sky were drawn down by him as if they were real.

The power of the stars, which is like substance, condenses into a light curtain to cover Lin Sen's body. Since he cultivated the avatar of the sky demon, it is the first time that Lin Sen has attracted so much power of the stars. Suddenly, the blood all over his body let out bursts of groans.

The star fruit tree always appeared when Lin Sen was in distress, but how could it be so kind at this time? Lin Sen was still wondering, but he could only feel that the star fruit tree not only absorbed the stars of the sky with his divine sense Swallowing with force, it is through Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts to extract the aura of the four spirit beads and Wannian Wenyu.

This star fruit tree is a master who can't get enough to feed, and the devouring suction power is not comparable to that of Lin Sen's few thoughts, not to mention that it came out spontaneously just now, and now it is forced to draw.

The few spirit beads are all creations of heaven and earth, and there is a true spirit inside them. At this moment, they are full of panic and want to get out of Lin Sen's thoughts, but they finally have such delicious food delivered to their mouths. , How could the star fruit tree let it break free so easily.

Thinking about its spiritual root of heaven and earth, even if it is in trouble at this moment, it is not something innate like the four spirit beads that can break free. The thick spiritual energy inside is greedily extracted by the star fruit tree and merged into itself.

Although Lin Sen knew it, he could only just watch it. The star fruit tree is really useless, and he just got a little benefit from it, so now he has searched for it countless times on the four spirit beads. Come back, if things go on like this, I'm afraid these four spirit beads will be useless.

Although Lin Sen felt sorry for the Four Spirit Orbs that he had never used once, he knew in his heart that refining these Four Spirit Orbs might be able to be tyrannical for a while, but if the star fruit tree can be restored to its power, the benefits it will bring It is far from being comparable to these four spirit beads, so Lin Sen can balance it out!

Lin Sen's physical body was continuously strengthened by the power of the stars, and the star fruit trees in the purple mansion also grew rapidly under the aura of the dense star power hitting the few spirit beads.

On the side of the small branch, four more buds sprouted, and the five branches grew at the same time, and they didn't stop until they had grown to an inch!

The suction force disappeared, and Yu Wannian Wen Yu, the four spirit beads with dim light in his thoughts, finally broke free and quickly sank into Lin Sen's sleeve.

Although the luster on it is dim, the main body is not damaged, but it needs to be bred and tempered in a place with strong spiritual energy to restore the supernatural power.

Lin Sen couldn't help laughing inwardly, this star fruit tree actually knew the size, although it was greedy to eat it, it didn't completely destroy these treasures.

The star fruit tree in the Purple Mansion hiccupped in satisfaction, and streams of unparalleled pure star essence poured into Lin Sen's body like a river turned upside down, joining the army that tempered Lin Sen's body. After all, he After getting such a big benefit for the first time, if he didn't share some with Lin Sen, he was afraid that the host would drive him out.

Lin Sen, who was suspended in the air, was covered by the power of the bright stars. His eighteen arms were stretched flat to both sides. He raised his head as if embracing the starry sky. The noble and gorgeous purple-gold color all over his body became more and more concentrated Solid and heavy.

puff!puff!Suddenly there were several muffled sounds, and from under the eighteen arms, several arms grew out from under Lin Sen's ribs. Under the rare and generous exhalation of the star fruit tree, Lin Sen's blood of the supreme demon body It's always evolution.

From 24 arms to [-] arms, although it is far from the forearm demon god of the day, it is still a step forward!

When the power of the stars around him slowly dimmed, and the five pearls on top of his head slowly sank into the top of Lin Sen's head, Lin Sen slowly opened his eyes, and the gilded crimson eyes flashed a divine light, like two Surrogates generally light up the cave.

Qing Ling and the others were already stunned by the scenery in front of them. They knew that there were layers of ripples in the space in front of them, and Lin Sen's body suddenly emerged from it, and they just woke up.

" are recovering from your injury!!" Qing Ling said in surprise, and then bowed Yingying, "Congratulations, brother, not only is your injury fully recovered, but you have made great progress...Congratulations!!"

"Congratulations, senior...Congratulations, senior..." King Jinya was startled by the scene in front of him long ago, and now he only knew that he was lying on the ground, worshiping non-stop!

"If it hadn't been for Sister Qingling's painstaking efforts, I would not be able to find the spiritual objects in this world, and I would not have the chance today! Haha!" Lin Sen was very happy at this time, and it was the first time since he came to this world that he was so happy. Laughing, I felt the unparalleled divine sense in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the infinite power filled in the physical body.

Angel!I finally have the power to defeat you!Lin Sen said softly from the bottom of his heart! (To be continued.)

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