"Brother, what are you talking about..." Qingling was pale but grinning, and then pointed to the stones that were constantly sprinkled on the top of his head and said, "Brother, this place seems to be about to collapse. move!"

After Lin Sen nodded, Qing Ling immediately slapped the King of the Golden Tooth and said, "Little elephant, don't get down yet..." Although Qing Ling didn't use the driving formula, the King of the Golden Tooth was the first to respect the four legs Bend on the ground.

Although Cai Qingling just taught him a little lesson, it was still fresh in his memory. What's more, what Lin Sen just made was really shocking!

"It's so cute..." Seeing that King Jinya is so cute, Qing Ling also showed a slight smile on his face, and then stretched out his hand to Lin Sen and said with a smile, "Brother, please..."

"You..." Lin Sen naturally knew that Jinyawang's action was not driven by a magic formula, so it was not difficult to imagine the look in Jinyawang's eyes when he contacted him.

Lin Sen chuckled, his divine thoughts radiated slightly, and his own body connected to Qingling slowly rose up and landed on King Jinya's back, feeling Lin Sen's light body falling on his back, thinking of In the horrible scene just now, the subconscious King of Gold Tooth trembled suddenly. Fortunately, Qingling was concentrating on other places at this time, and Qingling would have to take the opportunity to repair many of them.

"Is this the divine sense?" Qingling said with admiration. Just now, Lin Sen took her to take off. Although the power was gentle, she felt an irresistible feeling. What ordinary flowers and plants, but an earth immortal big demon, a demon king, how tyrannical his elder brother is, has doubts in his heart, Qing Ling doesn't hide it, and directly asks, "Brother, how strong is your current strength?" level? My little sister can no longer spy on it!"

"Hehe! If you compare...it should be about the same as Master Zha!" Although Lin Sen's eyes quickly changed from curiosity to horror in Lin Sen's eyes, she knew who Lin Sen was talking about. Nongying, that is a celestial being in the world, representing the most powerful force in the world, but Qing Ling, who was astonished, didn't know that what Lin Sen said was actually restrained a little. According to Lin Sen's own estimation, he is definitely capable of doing so now. Overcome the power of the celestial beings on earth.

"Let's go!!" Lin Sen patted King Gold Tooth on the back, and the hill-like elephant stood up hastily. Although the wind was blowing, the elephant was walking on flat ground.

But before taking a few steps, King Jinya stopped. At this time, the horrified Qing Ling finally recovered. Seeing that King Jinya was not moving, he smiled softly and said, "Little Xianger, I didn't order you!" , why did you stop by yourself...?"

A light word made King Jinya tremble in fright, and his eyes were full of helplessness as he stared at the exit in front of him. King Jinya lived again for a hundred years, so he knew that this place was filled with chaos and chaos. There is an underground channel for Qi, he used to rely on the Yin Corpse King to get in and out, and going in like this at this time is tantamount to courting death.

If he died, King Jinya was really not afraid at this time, he was afraid that he would not die!

"Let's go at ease!" Seeing that King Jinya hesitated since then, Lin Sen knew the reason.

"Ang..." With Lin Sen's words, King Jinya raised his long nose and let out a cry, and rushed out of the cave with all four hooves. He didn't feel any movement, just looked at the Seeing the deadly turbidity of the earth, he seemed to be extremely afraid of them. Wherever he went, the turbidity of the earth spontaneously gave way.

This passage has been walking for so many years, and it is the first time that it is so smooth and easy today. Under the golden tooth king's four hooves, clouds and clouds are born, and his body is like a hill. He runs very fast, and runs to the ground in a hurry. go.

"Come out... come out..." Little Butterfly, who had been staring at the entrance of the cave for the first time, saw the blurry tall figure in the dark cave entrance, and immediately shouted excitedly, awakening and jumping forward to meet him. .

He just took two steps but was blocked by the King Kong King. Under the strange eyes of Little Butterfly, the King Kong King was on alert and filled his body with energy to ensure that he could deal with all kinds of attacks at any time. A pair of eagles He stared blankly at the exit of the cave.

Little Butterfly is innocent and innocent. In her opinion, the victory of her elder brother and sister is a matter of course, and they must be the ones who come out. However, although King Kong's surname is rough, he is a man who has been a king after all. He also has absolute confidence in Lin Sen and the two, but he must also take into account other situations. In case it is not Lin Sen and the others who come out, he should be prepared!

When the huge black shadow like a hill in the darkness became clearer and clearer, King Kong's heart became more and more suspended. If Lin Sen and the other two came out, how could they look like this? So far, Lin Sen and the others have all lost?

The demonic aura on his body became more and more pervasive. King Kong made up his mind that if the wrong person came out and missed a hit, he would immediately lead the person to escape.

A huge black shadow slowly emerged from the dark cave, as tall as a mountain, as white as jade, with a pair of golden teeth shining brightly, and the whole body shone with light.

White elephant with golden teeth!After hearing what Chamuduo said, King Kong knew that this was the real body of King Jinya. Did Lin Sen and the others really lose?King Kong's heart was filled with grief immediately, and a pair of iron feather swords appeared in his hands. He flew out and slashed at King Jinya, and said furiously, "Damn it, I will pay for my life..."

"The aura of heaven and earth is still comfortable outside..." Qing Lingfang stood up on Jinyawang's back as soon as he came out of the cave, and stretched comfortably.

It doesn't matter what she said, but she blocked King Vajra's wrath, and her two copper bell-sized eyes widened. At this moment, she saw the two figures on the elephant's back, but at this moment the castration It has been done, and he is suddenly told to stop, where did he stop!

Just when King Kong was terrified, he suddenly found that the powerful impact force he had just disappeared without a trace, and his dive like a eagle preying on him turned into slowly falling from the sky. He had this feeling once, but compared to the last time, this time it was more unpredictable and more silent. As soon as Fang stood still, he hurriedly looked at Lin Sen. After seeing the faint smile on Lin Sen's face, King Kong immediately praised in his heart, the benefactor who took him out from the hands of the monks that day came back!

"King Kong...I didn't expect you to care about me so much!" Qingling pointed at King Kong and covered his mouth with a coquettish smile, there was clearly a trace of water in those big eyes with copper bells.

"Who cares about you!" King Kong turned his head fiercely and said forcefully, "I'm just worried about my benefactor!"

"Sister..." Xiaodie woke up and ran over happily, and when she saw the blood on Qingling's body, she immediately worried, "Sister, you finally came out...you are injured!"

Qingling hurriedly flew down from King Jinya's body, hugged Little Butterfly in her arms, rubbed her soft hair and said, "It's just a little injury, I was worried just now!!"

"Yeah!" Little Butterfly nodded fiercely and said in shock, "The whole mountain was shaking just now, it was scary..." Then her big eyes were full of confidence, and she waved her small fist and said, "But I believe in sister Senior and I will definitely be able to defeat those two scoundrels!"

"Little girl..." Qing Ling immediately laughed when he saw Little Butterfly's expression, and fondled his hair.

"Benefactor!!" Chamuduo ran up to kneel in front of Lin Sen with tears in his eyes and said repeatedly, "The Immortal Elder helped me get rid of this serious trouble in southern Xinjiang. The many barbaric villages in southern Xinjiang will definitely remember the immortal Elder's kindness!"

"A few small things, let's get up quickly...get up!!" Lin Sen smiled, and as soon as his spiritual thoughts dissipated, Chamuduo stood up slowly amidst the astonished eyes.

"Sister, is he the King of Gold Tooth?" Little Butterfly stared at the White Elephant with Gold Teeth behind Qingling with her big eyes flickering and said, although she was innocent, she was by no means stupid!

"Yes!" Qingling said with a smile, "Brother gave him to sister as a mount!" After seeing the envious expression on Xiaodie's face, she smiled and said, "Do you want to do it?"

"Is it possible?" Little Butterfly's eyes lit up suddenly, and she said excitedly.

"Of course!" Qingling smiled and brought the little butterfly onto Jinya's back, "It's so big! It's bigger than King Kong's back..." Little Butterfly said bouncing on it, Golden Tooth King The body is huge, and even if the smiling little butterfly lay down sideways, it would not be able to reach the borders on both sides!

boom! !There was a loud noise, and the entire mountain trembled violently, as if it might collapse at any moment!

"Let's go!" Lin Sen looked at the bare mountain road in front of him, "I'm afraid this mountain is about to collapse!" The Wannian Wenyu and the Nine-leaf Green Orchid are the aura of a mountain range. If Lin Sen takes it away, if the aura in this mountain is lost, it may hurt the veins of the earth!

"Ang..." "Yo..." With the sound of an elephant and an eagle, King Kong turned into a big bird, grabbed the giant crocodile with one hand, and Chamuduo with the other, spread his wings and soared straight into the sky, and the King of Gold Tooth was unwilling Showing weakness, a cloud of clouds lifted him up like a soaring white jade hill, flying into the sky with King Kong!

As soon as the few people rushed out of the encirclement of the mountain peak, they only felt the breath in their bodies in an instant. There was Yin Qi above the mountain peak, not to mention spiritual energy, even anger was almost non-existent.

Although it is not harmful to the bodies of Lin Sen and the others, there is always an uncomfortable feeling of being unable to breathe in it.

Although the few people entered the phantom formation unaware of the passage of time, the night outside the phantom formation was already dark and the sky was full of stars. Before they knew it, Lin Sen and the others didn't know how long they had stayed below!

Just as the few people were breathing freely, Lin Sen's brows suddenly frowned, and he hurriedly looked to the north, and the rest of the people also noticed and hurriedly looked over.

But I saw a meteor streaking across the northern sky, and it was coming straight towards the few people at an extremely fast speed! (To be continued.)

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