The two of Qin Wei restrained themselves, and Lin Sen also didn't do his best. At this time, although he looked calm on the surface, there was already a huge wave in his heart. After the blow just now, Lin Sen Sen finally confirmed that he really has the strength to fight against the gods, and even surpasses the strength of the gods!

"Brother Lin, you really surprised my old brother!" Under Zha Nongying's equally amazed gaze, Qin Wei stared straight at Lin Sendao, with an expression as if he was at the same time. It was the first day I met him.

"It's just going out this time, and I got the treasure of heaven and earth by chance!" Lin Sen said slowly with a smile on his face. He could feel the change in the eyes of Qin Wei and the two of them. He liked Lin Sen, but there was always more or less a hint of contempt in his words or eyes. This was not done deliberately by the two of them. At that time, they were the supreme beings in the world, and it was due to the arrogance of the gods.

But at this moment, the serious contempt of the two was instantly dispersed by the building just now. From now on, Lin Sen really has the capital to talk about friendship with the two of them.

"Treasures of heaven and earth? My brother really has a good chance!" Zha Nongying, who had been dazed for a long time, finally recovered her former coquettishness, and smiled when she saw Lin Senjiao.

"Brother, for this opportunity, I still have to thank the disciples of Master Zha! Haha!" Under Zha Nongying's curious eyes, Lin Sen told what he saw and heard in southern Xinjiang, and of course he had nothing to do with Yin Corpse. Wang Zhizhan just mentioned it briefly, he just said that he thought that the southern border would get rid of this harm!

"Good job!..." As soon as Lin Senfang finished speaking, Zha Nongying applauded and celebrated, her charming face was full of murderous intent, "I haven't been in southern Xinjiang for a long time, and my life as a barbarian is so hard... This kind of damned thing dares to enslave me Miao people in southern Xinjiang... die well." Then for the first time, he touched the ground with his bare feet and bowed slightly to Lin Sen, "Brother, sister, I am here to represent Nanjiang The Xinjiang barbarians thank you!"

"How does this make... hurry up... hurry up..." Lin Sen didn't know until now that Cha Nongying was also a barbarian in southern Xinjiang, and he didn't expect that those barbarians in southern Xinjiang would have such a crush on Cha Nongying. With such a big influence, he hurriedly helped Zha Nongying up for a while, but in his heart he was also very impressed. For Lin Sen's kindness to the barbarians in southern Xinjiang, Zha Nongying was able to put down his body to express his thanks, no wonder even Even after disappearing for so many years, the barbarians in southern Xinjiang still worship her as a god!

Not to mention Lin Sen, but Qin Wei looked at Cha Nong Ying who was slowly flying up in the air again, and there was some unconcealable admiration in his eyes. Qin Wei asked himself, if it was him, although he would be equally grateful, but I feel like I can't do such a salute.

"Why can't it be..." Cha Nongying rose slowly, the smile on his face was no longer charming for the first time, instead he said bitterly, "The southern border is full of poisonous insects and dense miasma, if you live there, your life will be ruined if you are not careful I am overwhelmed, if my brother said that I don't know how to live and die, I don't know how miserable life is! Back then, I was just to protect the clansman... just... oh..."

This sigh, there is no resentment, but only sadness.

However, Lin Sen also understands that Cha Nongying set up the Twin Body Religion in Southern Xinjiang back then, originally aiming to allow all ethnic groups in Southern Xinjiang to have a comfortable living environment under this umbrella. The backing of this tyrannical defense, the barbarians are becoming more and more lawless, and although Cha Nongying is powerful in mana, he is afraid that he puts all his heart and mind on the practice, so how can he have the leisure to manage the big religion? Being besieged by many families not only failed to help the barbarians, but caused massacres of the barbarians, even their original status plummeted.

Although Zha Nongying yelled that she was at odds with Qin Wei and the others, but at this moment she knew in her heart that the biggest reason was actually herself, and that nothing could be more sad than heartbreak, maybe that was the case, even if her injuries healed After that, there will be no more land in the southern border.

"My little brother has an idea. Not only can he get rid of the current difficult environment of the barbarians in southern Xinjiang, but he can even make the southern border live and work in peace and contentment, and never suffer from the dire straits!" Lin Sen smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth that day. A thought in Nan Jiang's mind suddenly popped up, Zha Nongying valued the barbarian so much, and the barbarian regarded Zha Nongying as a true god, if this is the case, then this thing will be done!

"Oh? It's almost there!" Zha Nongying said excitedly. Back then, she set up a religion to free the barbarians from their hard life, but she just went the wrong way. Hearing Lin Sen's confident words today, she immediately It's interest.

"All the tribes in southern Xinjiang have been companions in the mountains since childhood, and they have been enemies of poisonous insects and beasts. No matter men, women, old or young, they are all cautious and strong, and they cross mountains and ridges like walking on flat ground! Almost all of them are soldiers. They are really a beast hidden in the mountains. The elite teacher among them!" Lin Sen said, although Zha Nongying still looked puzzled, but Qin Wei showed a trace of astonishment, obviously guessing some of Lin Sen's thoughts!

"To be honest with the leader, my younger brother is doing the act of establishing the emperor, and my big apprentice is the emperor who can unify the north and the south." Lin Sen said it word by word, and immediately let Qin who winked at him for a long time. Wei almost held his head in his hands, the less people know about this kind of thing, the better, how can he tell others.

Cha Nongying glanced at Qin Wei slowly with his beautiful eyes, and then said with a smile, "I don't know why old man Qin would hang out with you all of a sudden, that's what happened!" But since he can cultivate to the current level, he is naturally a smart person. After what Lin Sen said before Lianhe, he immediately had a calculation in his heart.

"You want my southern border barbarians to raise troops, and when your apprentice attacks the Southern Dynasty, the north and the south will respond!" Zha Nongying looked at Lin Sen and asked with a smile.

"That's right!" Lin Sen nodded and said, "The leader is like a true god in the south. As long as the leader raises his arms and shouts, all the tribes in the southern border will definitely rise up. With this elite teacher, why worry about the world is uncertain!"

"What if I don't agree!" Although Lin Sen spoke angrily, Zha Nongying still had a slight smile on his face and said softly, "My tribes in the southern border are hidden in the mountains. Although the territory is vast, the life is solid. , but it is also free from war, once involved in the general trend of the world, let alone whether our tribes in southern Xinjiang can escape the sea of ​​suffering, but they will definitely experience the pain of war!"

"I don't agree either!" Qin Wei had the same opinion as Zha Nongying, and said with a frown, "Using the power of a foreign race is tantamount to leading wolves into the house. I don't agree!"

"Listen to me first, both of you!" The smile on Lin Sen's face did not change at all. He had already known the reaction of these two people, and then he said to Zha Nongying first, "The origin of the southern border can be traced back to ancient times. It was the pre-Qin that also took actions to pacify the southern border, and the scourge of the war caused by the leader of Zha cannot be avoided. Regardless of the current northern and southern dynasties, no matter which side wins the world, it will eventually send troops to the south to pacify the southern barbarian region!"

Zha Nongying knew about these things, and Lin Sen saw that Zha Nongying had a look of approval in his eyes, and then hurriedly said, "Instead of waiting for the war that will come one day soon, it is better to raise troops early and help one party to calm down the world." , as long as the world is determined, I can assure Master Zha that the barbarians are no different from the Han people. As long as the Han people get it again, the barbarians will also have it. They will build mountains and fields, so that the barbarians can cultivate their lives proudly, so that all the barbarians can have food and clothing Wear it, read the book!"

What Lin Sen said was impassioned, but Zha Nong Yingzi would not be persuaded so easily. He glanced at Qin Wei lightly and said, "The same as the Han people?..." followed by a light sneer , this Qin Wei Celestial Supreme is still the head of Confucianism, he always regards barbarians as aliens, no different from tigers and wolves, which shows how people in the world treat his barbarian children.

"Maybe there will be some obstacles at the beginning! But the leader must not forget! How about ten years! How about 20 years! How about a hundred years! What about when the next generation grows together in a stable environment?" Lin Sen asked with a light smile Dao, in later generations, all kinds of nationalities merged into one family, isn't that the case!

"This..." Zha Nongying was speechless for a while, and he realized it in his heart. If it was like what Lin Sen said, maybe the barbarians would have a harder time at the beginning, but it is a matter of Zebei's later generations. It's just that Lin Sen could persuade the emperor, but there was a stubborn old man who taught Confucianism in front of him, who opposed it.

Lin Sen continued to look at Qin Wei, and just said, "The world has been established for the first time, and Confucianism must take the responsibility of educating the human race. Brother Qin, I just want to ask you, are the tribes in southern Xinjiang the human race?"

Lin Sen's words immediately brightened Qin Wei's heart. The so-called foreign race is just a narrow view of the Han people. He was also blinded by this concept, and he wanted to educate all living beings. It is also one of his great merits to Confucianism!

Only then did he realize what Lin Sen said just now, let everyone in the barbarians have books to read, read?what book?Of course it is his Confucian classics, isn't this just telling him cryptically!

A look of joy appeared on his face immediately, and then he said, "Thank you for your suggestion, brother, but I am narrow-minded! My Confucian school has absolutely no objection to this matter." Qin Wei didn't say it was me, but said that I am a Confucian school, It means that the entire Confucianism has agreed!

"If it can be done at this time, my brother will be our eternal benefactor of the barbarians in southern Xinjiang!" Zha Nongying also said excitedly, as if he had already seen the scene of the barbarians in southern Xinjiang living and working in peace and contentment that Lin Sen said in his eyes.

"Master Zha, you're being polite! It's not Lin Sen's work, but the opportunity for all the tribes in southern Xinjiang to fight for!" Lin Sen also replied with a smile, and this matter is done.

Excited, Zha Nongying said in a slightly confused tone, "Wait until Kunlun, I'll go back to the southern border immediately, and pull out an elite for you brother!"

When Zha Nongying said this, everyone is awakened, this time is the funeral, Kunlun is the catastrophe in front of him, if he can't get through it, what Fangcai said is empty talk! (To be continued.)

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