"Since my younger brother has the current strength, then things are easy!" Zha Nongying said with a smile, with brilliance in his eyes, "Just find a way to pull those Kunlun's bull noses out of the big formation!"

"It's easy to say!" Qin Wei said with a bitter smile, "If we go to attack, why do people leave the mountain guard formation unused and come outside the formation to fight with us! What's more, the three angels and the three of us Even if it can block it, it's still the disciples and disciples of Kunlun!"

"Yes!" Lin Sen couldn't help but frowned slightly and said softly, "Our strength is indeed a little weaker!" If the idea of ​​challenging the ancient sect of Kunlun with the strength of three people spreads, it will probably cause a sensation all over the world. Mocking, these three people are simply crazy!

Although Confucianism also has tyrannical power, it is absolutely impossible to involve Confucianism in this matter!

"Perhaps we can also increase our strength!" As the three of them were contemplating, Lin Sen's eyes suddenly flashed a light, and then he suddenly realized how he had forgotten this matter, so he looked at the curious eyes of Cha Nongying and the others. The middle way: "If I can restore the restriction of this Immortal Mansion, not only can I greatly enhance my strength, but also I can use this Immortal Mansion as a base, and I can attack when I advance, and I can defend when I retreat!"

Zha Nongying's eyes also brightened suddenly and said, "My brother went to the Southern Dynasties, but did you find the bright moon on the 24 bridges?"

"But I found it!" Lin Sen nodded slightly and then smiled, "But I do have another thing, which is definitely more effective against the Immortal Mansion than the 24th Bridge Bright Moon!"

"Oh? What is it?" Zha Nongying asked curiously, "Everything I have learned comes from an unknown inheritance. It is recorded in it that these 24 bright moon bridges are a rare treasure made by an ancient fairy girl. It's like a vast ocean, what good thing did my brother get, it has such a miraculous effect!" Zha Nongying smiled curiously, and Lin Sen was able to gain the strength comparable to that of a fairy in just a few days. What a surprise for them!

"Take a look, both of you!" Lin Sen smiled slightly, then took out something from his bosom, and stretched out his palm, inside it were four round pearls and a warm white jade the size of a fist.

"This is..." Qin Wei's eyes widened suddenly, looking at the thing in Lin Sen's hand, he said in astonishment, "This is an innate thing! A complete set of innate things!! This... the breath is gentle and solid, Containing but not leaking, this is the warm jade in the heart of the earth for ten thousand years!!"

Although Zha Nongying had been prepared for a long time, his eyes were wide open at the moment when he was surprised by the things in Lin Sen's hands, and then he discovered the strangeness of these things and said, "The Wannian Wen Yu seems to have suffered some kind of damage. , and these four spirit beads have already lost their aura, if they want to regain their power, it will take at least a thousand years of tempering, and the current matter may not be able to catch up!"

Lin Sen couldn't tell the two of them about the star fruit tree, but he smiled slightly and continued, "Although it takes a thousand years of nourishment to restore its power, it is not useless!"

Then, under the puzzled eyes of Qin Wei and the two of them, I saw that Wannian Wen Yu slowly flew up, heading straight for the high cloud bed in the middle of the main hall, and submerged in the envelope of the seven-colored heart lotus.

Under the heart lotus, the Wannian Wenyu, who was shining softly and radiantly, slowly approached the Chongming Pearl, and finally overlapped and completely blended together under Lin Sen's control.

The Chongming Pearl is also a spiritual object of heaven and earth. Although it cannot be used for that battle, the spiritual energy contained in it is like a vast ocean. It has only been buried deep in the ground for tens of thousands of years, supporting the operation of the entire fairy mansion with its own spiritual energy. So much spiritual energy was lost that Lin Sen succeeded in one blow in the East China Sea and shattered it with the power of a thousand-armed demon god!

Although the Wannian Wenyu was sucked by the star fruit tree, the spiritual energy accumulated for thousands of years is still extremely strong. Under Lin Sen's control, the spiritual energy in the Wannian Wenyu quickly poured into the Chongming Pearl, With the nourishment of this spiritual energy, the cracks on the Chongming Pearl recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until it finally returned to roundness and smoothness, although it was far from the vast sea-like aura in the prehistoric times, at least the main body had fully recovered, while the aura in the ten thousand years of warm jade finally dissipated completely and disappeared without a sound up in the air.

Then, with a wave of Lin Sen's palm, he sacrificed the four four spirit beads again. Without the spiritual power inside, the natural restraints in the beads were refined one by one by Lin Sen without any resistance.

"Go..." I saw Lin Sen pointing his finger, and the four pearls flew out of the hall at the same time, and scattered outside the hall, respectively heading towards the Four Spirit Halls around the fairy mountain.

As soon as the four spirit beads approached the four palaces, the spiritual energy that had already been exhausted within them was restrained, as if they were summoned, they spontaneously mobilized, the luster shone on the dull surface, and faintly emerged The sound of dragon and tiger.

But the movements on the Four Spirits Palace were much more intense than those of the Four Spirits Pearl. The four spirits that had appeared since the Chongming Pearl shattered suddenly condensed on the fairy mountain palace. After refining the shape of the four spirits, accompanied by auspicious clouds, they looked up to the sky with boundless power and screamed happily, as if they were celebrating or welcoming them!

Lin Sen never thought that it was just a temporary idea that would have such a miraculous effect. At this moment, he was no longer controlling the four spirit beads, but the four spirit beads spontaneously flew to their respective halls, just It seems that there is something on the fairy mountain that is attracting them!

Click!Four tones turned into one, and there was a slight sound at the same time, and the four pearls were spontaneously inlaid on the plaque of the Four Spirit Hall, forming a seamless one, without the slightest connection.

As if it should have been there originally, the aura above the four hills poured into the four spirit beads crazily, and then reversed from the four spirit beads to the hill.

During the process, the Four Spirit Orbs seemed to become a very strong magnet, absorbing the aura of the entire hill, and even integrated its own restriction with the restriction of the Four Spirit Hall, becoming the center of the restriction of their respective palaces.

Amidst the roar of the tiger and the chant of the dragon, the spiritual energy on the entire fairy mountain suddenly surged rapidly, but within a few breaths of the already solid spiritual energy in the fairy mountain, it continued to fill up, fully doubling in size Just now it stopped!

And the prohibition on the four hills was not only activated, but also more solid and resolute than before. If it was earth and rock before, it is now steel!

The four hills were immediately reflected in Lin Sen's heart. With the four spirit beads as the center, under Lin Sen's driving, these four groups of hills were like four spirit beads magnified countless times!

Since then, these four hills have not only been banned by the Immortal Mansion, but also a strange magic weapon in Lin Sen's hands. (To be continued.)

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