The timing Ren Shou just chose was really good. Not only did he take the opportunity to suppress the chance of Gan Chen preparing to play Kunlun's face, but he also took the opportunity to greatly increase his own power, that can set the majestic seal of the divine light, one blow Those pair of fierce purple and green swords left a deep impression on all the monks.

Even with Lin Sen's help for some reason, the Emei Sect, which is his true teaching at this moment, has also become famous all over the world with the passing of these jade talismans.

It was a god-sent opportunity that things went so smoothly, and Ren Shou's calm heart could not help showing a smile at this time!

"The old man is very grateful for the help of the long-browed real person! Hehe!" The faint words, like the unstoppable misty breath before, rang in everyone's ears with a slight smile.

Then two Taoists silently appeared in front of the monks in Kunlun, one of them was wearing a plain moon white Taoist robe, and his beard and hair were all white. It was the Taoist leader Gankong, and the Taoist next to him squeezed a gourd at his waist and wore sloppy clothes At this time, a pair of sleepy eyes glanced lightly at Ren Shou!

"Daoist Gankong is too polite! It was Ren Shou who acted recklessly, and I hope you don't blame the priests!" Seeing Ren Shou's apologetic and embarrassed expression, Qian Yuan couldn't help but secretly said in his heart. He said it must be his Kunlun enemy!

"Hehe! What are you talking about! Daoist Changmei came to help, and there will be a reason to blame Gankong! Haha!!" Gankong walked slowly past several people and walked to the head of the crowd.

A pair of eyes that seemed to be able to see through the void, looked at Lin Sen with a little doubt, and then said slowly, "The younger generation is awesome, the younger generation is awesome!!! This is Lin Sen! Such a young man with such strength! , It really makes the old man sigh! At the age of Xiaoyou, I, the old man, have not even touched the threshold of the earth fairy! Haha!!"

The youth mentioned by Gan Kong naturally does not refer to appearance. Practitioners have a long lifespan, and it is common for them to have a permanent appearance. Even those old monsters who have been around for thousands of years have maintained a childish state. What they are talking about refers to the real years of practice Even with the original cultivation time of the centipede spirit, Lin Sen has only cultivated for a hundred years.

A hundred years is a short period of time for a practitioner. It is no wonder that Gan Kong is so surprised that he has such supernatural powers after practicing for such a long time.

There was another continuous gasp, Gan Kong's words shocked the ears of others, who is Gan Kong?Kunlun Ganzi No.1!However, after more than 100 years of cultivation, he has become an Earth Immortal. If you ask him to say that, Lin Sen is only in his teens?All of them opened their eyes wide and there was already a huge wave in their hearts, but they still sat firmly in their hearts. This Lin Sen must be the reincarnation of a certain ancient power!

Compared with the information about Lin Sen's age, the sense of mystery that Ren Shou had just raised in the hearts of the monks was suddenly dissipated!

Sensing the change in the atmosphere, Ren Shou was astonished at Lin Sen's age, and also secretly scolded the empty old fox in his heart!

"Brother, what is there to say to this bloody evil man, this man dared to sacrifice such a cruel sword, and killed countless souls, so why not talk nonsense, just kill him..." Gan Chen pointed at Lin Sen and cursed with a face full of anger. Since Lin Sen showed the black ancient sword just now, the anger on his face has not dissipated!

"My friend from the old Taoist temple, not only did the aura of the ancient sword fail to turn around as expected, but they were intertwined with each other and restrained each other. I think this ancient sword is also my little friend's soon!" Gan Kong didn't pay attention to it, but smiled. He said that his eyesight of Taoism is really different, and he can tell the key point at a glance!

"Senior, you have good eyesight! Lin Sen admires him!" Gan Kong greeted people with such a smile, but Lin Sen, who was already ready to fight when he saw anyone, was not easy to do it now!

Gan Kong nodded slightly, and then said, "The sword is a good sword, but it's too murderous and hurts the harmony of the world. I hope you don't get addicted to it!"

"Thank you senior for teaching, Lin Sen woke up!" Lin Sen cupped his hands slightly and said, he already had a complete idea in his mind on how to deal with this sword, if it wasn't for this, he wouldn't have helped Ren Shou for no reason!

"Gankong old way! Don't gossip, you understand why we are here! To put it plainly, people, do you want to let go or not!" Cha Nongying walked slowly to Lin Sen and snorted coldly. After suffering a dark loss, he was even more upset when he saw the deity at this time, and it was hard for him to be so unceremonious as to question him without any fear of his empty strength!

"This is Master Zha of the Twin Body Cult in Southern Border! Although we have never met each other by fate, the old Taoist has long admired his name! Haha! Sure enough, he is straight and quick. Even so, the old Taoist will not beat around the bush today!" Gan Kong's slightly wispy beard, and his thoughtful look immediately caught Lin Sen's attention!

"The old way's answer is...don't let it go!" Although there was a smile on his face, these two words were utterly decisive, and he stared at Lin Sen and the others and said, "Let's not say that the elephant dragon was injured. The killing of 10,000+ and the grievances and grievances in Kunlun are what you have done this time. I, Kunlun, will never let go of this elephant dragon! Everyone, please go back!" Gan Kong can be considered straightforward, today's matter has already Everyone in the world knows that if Kunlun would release Xianglong, I'm afraid he, a Kunlun disciple, would never be able to hold his head up again in the world of practice!

All in all, Kunlun has lost face no matter whether he advances or retreats this time. The matter of the day, he must be killed with a thunderbolt, only then can he gain power in the world!

"Speaking so much nonsense, why don't you want to fight!" Zha Nongying sneered disdainfully, and his appearance immediately aroused Qian Yuan's wrath, "Old monster Zha, talk to me!"

"Hmph!" Not only did Zha Nongying not restrain himself, but he said more and more angrily, "Sacrifice and killing the evil undead, it sounds nice. Could it be that the hands of the Kunlun monks are clean? I'm afraid that only your Qianyuan's hands will kill the evil." It may not be much worse than that elephant dragon! I have nearly [-] followers in southern Xinjiang, and most of them died at your hands! If Kunlun sacrifices you to the undead, I will turn my head and leave today without saying a word!"

Talking about the excitement, Zha Nongying's breath surged violently, and pink clouds gushed out uncontrollably!

"Evil heretics!! Everyone who gets it will be punished!" Qian Yuan glanced at Cha Nongying, and uttered these few words coldly.

Just when Lin Sen was worried that Cha Nongying would explode and couldn't help but move, he saw the tumbling clouds slowly gathering up, and Cha Nongying, who was dressed in blood inside, had a cold expression on his face. Yuan hooked a sneer!

"Daoist Qiankong, that Xianglong already has a heart of repentance, and begged the Taoist priest to look at Qin's thin face and let him survive. Today's matter, I and the others will definitely teach Kunlun in front of the world. A satisfactory explanation!" Seeing that the situation was getting more and more tense, Qin Wei hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over, this is a truth, if today's matter can be resolved without using swords, wouldn't it be great!

"Old man Qin, I haven't asked you yet! What you have done today, where are the Confucian and Taoist schools!" Seeing Qin Wei, the anger on Qian Yuan's face became even more intense. Although the Confucian and Taoist schools are related It's not as good as it used to be, but it still exists in the alliance. Qin Wei, as the Confucian supreme celestial being, how can he not be angry if he loses Kunlun's face in such a bright way!

"The old man's today's matter is to personally assist Brother Lin, which has nothing to do with Confucianism!" Qin Wei had already thought of such a question before he came.

"Since you are willing to fall into the company of evil and heretics, why should I give you face!" Qian Yuan glanced at Lin Sen, Cha Nongying and others fiercely. Kunlun's face has been greatly damaged today. Qin Wei, who was with him, hated him even more!

Qin Wei is a person with a good face, just now he lowered his fairy face to ask for good words, but was insulted by Qian Yuan in front of the world's cultivators. It was anger coming from his heart, his face was red, his ears were red, his beard was blowing out and his eyes were staring, pointing at Qian Yuan, he was so angry that he was speechless for a moment!

"You put your hot face on someone's cold ass..." Zha Nongying immediately mocked, Qin Wei was already angry, but now he was ridiculed by Zha Nongying again, but he had nothing to say. To fight back, I had no choice but to turn around and snort fiercely!

"Brother Xianglong treats me like a brother. If Lin Sen doesn't know his brother today, he will never go back! Since Daoist Gankong refuses to let him go, then Lin has offended him!" Lin Sen's eyes widened. Xu Shenjing, since it doesn't make sense, then we can only start fighting!

"The younger generation is presumptuous..." Qian Yuan roared loudly, this life-or-death thing, in front of his senior brother, is so arrogant!

"What are you shouting about, let him go in a few steps, then you will see Zhenzhang under your hand, Qianyuan, how dare you fight!" Zha Nongying pointed at Qianyuan and cursed with a murderous intent.

"Why don't you dare, watch me surrender you!" Qian Yuan had already suppressed his anger, and at this moment, the two of them were so angry that they immediately confronted each other like the tip of a needle.

I saw Qianyuan stretching out his palm, and a scorching brilliance went straight towards Zha Nongying. At this time, he shot with anger, and as soon as he came up, he used the essence wheel. This essence wheel ran like light, and disappeared in a flash. Although the power is far inferior to Fang Cai's blow, how can the power of his innate magic weapon be comparable to Qian's blow!

Fortunately, that Cha Nongying is also extraordinary, just snorted coldly, swung Shuixiu, and the sky full of red clouds rose, covering half of the sky. Disappeared in the clouds, the crisp bell rang slowly, but it seemed that Cha Nongying's charming figure was everywhere in the clouds! (To be continued.)

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