The scorching light ball went straight to the red glow all over the sky, but I could only see where the light ball passed, the red glow spontaneously dodged, as if afraid, but there were countless charming people in the red glow. The cold mocking sound!

With the coquettish mocking sound, the huge hole above the red clouds slowly closed, as if swallowing the essence wheel of that day, a blow was made in the empty space, and it failed to accomplish any merit, but was teased and shadowed instead. Trapping his own magic weapon, Qian Yuan is not someone who is waiting for nothing, he just snorted coldly, "You can show your ugly tricks too... I will see the sun when the clouds open!!"

Immediately, the sun essence wheel in the red glow is like the sun star in the sky, radiating hundreds of millions of golden light, just like the sun is born, the light cables the earth, its brilliance is full, even in the red glow of the sky, it is also unceasing Rays of golden light shot out from all around!

The Celestial Immortal's attack is very powerful. Although everyone present has heard of the Celestial Immortal's method, most of them have never seen it. At this moment, when they saw Cha Nongying Yu Qianyuan's move, they couldn't help but marvel in their hearts. The antenna in the world is indeed as rumored. , Once it is used, it looks like heaven and earth!

Even if the fight has already started, there is no need to talk nonsense over there. As long as one or two people from Kunlun are caught, Lin Sen will not be able to do it. If you win, you are coming out, if you lose, you can drive away in the Immortal Mansion!"

"En! Brother, don't make us wait too long!" Qing Ling said slowly with a slight smile, her tone was full of confidence in Lin Sen. At this moment, they are just like ants, and can only become a burden to Lin Sen and the others!

Qingling is also a smart person, so she didn't bother, so she walked towards the Immortal Mansion, but stopped halfway, her eyes were full of worry, she thought for a moment, and then pulled out the wishful gold hairpin on her head After coming down, Su raised his hand and went straight to Lin Sen, saying, "Brother, let me help you with this treasure! Remember to return it to me when you use it up!"

Lin Sen didn't refuse either, knowing that Qing Ling was worried, and also knowing that he didn't have anything in hand, so he kept this treasure, and then he laughed loudly, "Thank you, big brother! Let's wait and see." Return this treasure!! Haha!"

After Lin Sen laughed, he turned around and said to Gan Kong, "Master Gan Kong, junior Lin Sen asks for advice!"

"Just because of you, you also want to fight with my senior brother, and let me deal with you!" Gan Chen shouted angrily, and danced with a giant hammer in his hand. Thunder and lightning were all over his body, and dark clouds were densely covered. Thunder's hammer hit Lin Sen straight!

"Hmph! Your opponent is an old man!!" Qin Wei had been holding back his anger for a long time, and seeing this dry anger, the anger that had just been humiliated was also born. The voice of the Confucian disciple reciting historical books is hidden in it, which is so powerful that it is even more shocking than the cloudless sky with thunder and lightning!

"Hmph, it's fine if it's you, as a Confucian student, willing to degenerate into the company of evildoers, give me a hammer!" Gan Chen shouted angrily, and in the dark clouds, centered on the wind and thunder hammer in Gan Chen's hand, countless bright rays of light were emitted in all directions. Dazzling lightning brilliance.

Dragging the bright tears, Qian Chen grabbed the handle of the hammer with both hands, and swung it vigorously towards Qin Wei to smash it!

"[***] Lingbei, capture the world..." Qin Wei sneered suddenly, and then squeezed the magic spell with his hand, and the stone tablet in front of him turned into six, surrounded by [***] Beside Qin Wei, the breaths of the six steles merged, creating a vortex of purple aura, and the thousands of thunder lights in Qian Chen's hand actually began to tremble slightly, even radiating subtleties, and spontaneously entered the vortex of aura uncontrollably. middle.

And without swallowing a trace of thunder, a purple mysterious pattern like thunder and lightning slowly appeared on the stone tablet!

"Hmph! What a magic weapon for demons and evil spirits!!" Fortunately, Gan Chen is also extraordinary. Seeing that this blow not only failed to achieve any effect, but under the stimulation of the thunder light, Xili Village became more and more prosperous, his face turned hard, and he thought to himself, if this treasure can be devoured infinitely In addition to the power of attack, to deepen one's own power, how can there be anything that can increase its power, there is definitely an upper limit!also good!Since you want to eat, then I will see how much you can eat!

Although Qian Chen is reckless on the surface, but he is a fine person in his heart, he immediately made a big move, using a magic spell, turning the aura of the surrounding world into thunder balls and wind blades all over the sky, such things are very harmful to him As far as the Supreme Celestial Immortal is concerned, as many times as you want, you don't need much mana at all, but its power is not small, it rains down, and goes straight to Qin Wei!

The surrounding monks had their eyes widened. They looked at Cha Nongying's place for a while, and then hurriedly looked at Qin Wei's place for a while. This kind of battle between heaven and earth is extremely rare in ordinary days. This method is of great help to them to understand the mind of heaven. Today, they saw both sides at once, but for a while, they didn't know where to look.

It was only when they saw someone holding the jade document to record it with the technique of engraving shadows that they reacted suddenly, and hurriedly took out the jade document from their bosoms, and recorded the battle between the two parties in the jade document with images , Yiliu will go back to the mountain and try to figure it out slowly, and strive to one day be able to realize a little bit of it, be able to increase his own Taoism, and maybe one day be able to achieve the position of this celestial being and soar into the sky!

"Daoist Qiankong, please enlighten me..." Lin Sen smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand, and the Ruyi golden hairpin exuded a brilliant brilliance, suspended in front of Lin Sen, and then turned into a stream of light and went straight to the sky And go!

Although the wishful golden hairpin in Qingling's hands failed to fully exert its supernatural powers, it was already extremely powerful. At this moment, Lin Sen's spiritual sense, which is as profound as the sea, is not comparable to Qingling.

I saw that the wishful golden hairpin that flew out suddenly emitted a bright golden brilliance, and then the golden hairpin swayed in vain, with eighteen parts in it, and at the same time it turned into eighteen weapons of yours, and went straight to the empty head class!

"Good baby... good baby..." Gan Kong stared blankly at the eighteen weapons flying towards him, not only did not dodge to dodge, but his beard was tied in his hand, his eyes revealed a look of praise, Slightly nodded in admiration!

When these two strike at this moment, it immediately attracts everyone's attention. After all, whether it is the boundless magic power of Qian Kong when he knocked everyone back, or the vast divine sense of Lin Sen, the owner of the Immortal Mansion, they are all tyrannical. How can the two of them not make everyone curious.

Eighteen kinds of weapons formed a closing momentum from all sides, besieged and strangled, but the dry sky still nodded without dodging or evading, waiting for the group of weapons to shuttle past the white ethereal body, and to be in front of everyone. In the frightened eyes, the figure of Gan Kong gradually became blurred and dissipated!

The monks couldn't help but wiped their eyes fiercely. When did they leave?Except for Lin Sen, everyone is almost at a loss, no mana fluctuations?No trace of magical powers?It just disappeared without a sound, just like that Gankong was originally a illusory phantom!

"Daoist Qiankong is also a good way..." Lin Sen didn't see the slightest look of shock on his face. On the contrary, he had known it for a long time. I don't know when Gan Kong appeared there, following Lin Sen's slightly smiling voice, the [-] kinds of weapons transformed by the wishful golden hairpin immediately turned around and went straight to the cloud layer!

The confrontation between the two did not have the slightest aura of fireworks, even the mana fluctuations. Compared with Zha Nongying, Qin Wei and Qin Wei were magnificent, boundless and powerful, and the scene of aura shocking, the battle between these two people , seems trivial.

But all the monks stared at the two of them without daring to blink. Whether it was Lin Sen's vast and wonderful divine sense, or Gan Kong's perfect means of restraining his own mana, as long as everyone figured it out If you discover some of the mysteries, you will definitely make great progress in your practice!

Seeing the eighteen kinds of weapons attacking again, Gan Kong didn't hide any more this time, but lightly waved the floating dust in his hand, and threw it into the sky!

The floating dust seemed to be waved by someone, the sweeping dust rotated slightly downwards and turned into a circle, and after only a few rotations, the white and smooth filaments soared rapidly, and instantly turned into a cloud of floating dust. The huge tornado, with its powerful suction, even the surrounding clouds are sucked into it, and even the earth and rocks on the ground roll upside down, turning into a long dragon and sinking into the mouth of the floating dust tornado!

Even Cha Nongying, Qin Wei and the others, after the dust tornado came out, their bodies all paused slightly, and their progress became sluggish, obviously their bodies were also disturbed by the strong suction force, And the crowd of onlookers were even more astonished to find that even though they were so far away, under the protection of their own magical powers, they still involuntarily moved towards the center of the battle group!

In a panic, he hurriedly resisted, but found in panic that no matter how he resisted, he could not hinder his movement to the battle group. Fortunately, everyone was far away, although they were pulled by the suction force, but Also just move forward slowly!

Under the tornado of earth and rocks, Lin Sen still stood with his hands behind his back. Even though there were mountains, rocks and trees rising into the sky, Lin Sen's body didn't move at all, but Lin Sen knew that I have already lost a little bit, this Gankong really deserves to be the No. 1 Kunlun Ganzi generation, a heavenly immortal who has practiced for a long time, just a shot, even under his extremely strong divine sense, the mysterious body on his body The color Taoist robe was also rattling as it was pulled by the suction force of the hurricane, and its figure was uncertain!

As a last resort, he had to show his hole card first, and the spiritual thought was born in the back of his head. Four bright and round thoughts slowly rotated around the shining main body of the thought. The tyrannical aura around him completely offset it! (To be continued.)

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