Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 265 Ren Shou Visits

Dingling clang! !There was a burst of dense noises, and the two figures in the sky suddenly separated, one of them was a mighty man in a red robe, holding a ferocious spear, it was the elephant dragon that had turned into a celestial being.

However, although the elephant dragon's face was depressed, he said with a little joy, "No more fights, no more fights... I lost... Your weird offensive is really troublesome!" That ferocious big gun disappeared slowly!

And the person who is fighting against him on the opposite side is not Lin Sen, so who is it!

But Lin Sen was smiling, and [-] of the [-] arms formed on both sides of his body slowly disappeared.

After the miracle appeared in Chang'an that day, the two of them did not say goodbye, but went straight back to the mountain from Chang'an. After returning, Lin Sen couldn't wait to hone his martial arts with Xianglong!

At the beginning, Xianglong was not far away from using weapons, but with his bare hands, Lin Sen's six arms could still take advantage, but when he had more arms, he couldn't resist. It was only resisted until Lin Sen transformed the No. 16 arm, and then he was declared defeated!

It is normal to say that Xianglong is depressed. If Lin Sen is only talking about martial arts, he cannot compare with him, a master who has been immersed in this way for thousands of years. However, Lin Sen has many arms, and they cooperate with each other. Gao Qiang, being caught in that tight siege is also forced to be in a hurry!

But Xianglong didn't know that the two of them just competed in pure martial arts. If it was against the enemy, Lin Sen's lightning-controlling technique and the interference of his tyrannical divine thoughts, his fighting ability of the demon avatar would surely It will be a nightmare for the enemy!

"Are you saying that the ancestor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty is a witch clan?" Thinking of what Lin Sen said during the martial arts competition, Xianglong couldn't help but said with some doubts. He is a thousand-year-old dragon, and he knows more than Lin Sen, a newcomer. There will be a lot more in the older generation!

"That's right!" Lin Sen nodded slightly and then said, "And I'm sure, he is also a strong fighter in the hospital, and his aura can only be honed on the battlefield! And..." Lin Sen reached out and fished out the black Gu Jian said, "I got this sword from the Yin Corpse King of Southern Border, but it is exactly the same as the weapon in Yu Wenxian's hand..."

Speaking of this, Lin Sen's eyes could not help but calm down slightly and said, "The most important thing is that Yu Wenxian is definitely not fleeing the world privately, but has a mission, and there is a tyrannical person behind him. Although I only saw one arm, its strength is definitely not inferior to that of the sky on Kunlun Mountain!"

This is what Lin Sen is afraid of. If Yu Wenxian is alone, it is not terrible. What is terrible is the person behind him, that is, sending Yu Wenxian to the world, he must have a conspiracy!

He took the black ancient sword full of scars in Lin Sen's hand and looked at it carefully. After thinking about it for a while, Xianglong said slowly, "The shape of this ancient sword is like that of the pre-Qin period, but I have never seen it before." Such a size!"

"So...the Yin Corpse King Yu Yuwenxian, all of them were generals in the pre-Qin?" Lin Sen couldn't help but wondered, but his heart immediately trembled. It was rumored that he was the ancestor of the Yuwen family, but The underground palace built by Yingzheng got the dragon spirit, so he was very concerned about the pre-Qin Dynasty, a dynasty where the witch clan rose. So, is this Yu Wenxian the same as Yingzheng?The one who stayed in the world with a mission?But there is a great witch like Yu Wenxian, even if he doesn't show his power, he is still a warrior on the battlefield. If he took action, he would have unified the north and south, but why bother to hide in the imperial city?

After the Wu clan experienced Yingzheng, could it be that they haven't given up yet?Do you still want to rise above this land?

There are too many mysteries in it, but Lin Sen faintly feels that the ** seems to have unintentionally involved some secrets!

But at this time, the little butterfly suddenly flashed a pair of flower wings, covered in pink clouds, and flew towards Lin Sen and the two quickly, and kept shouting, "Brother Lin...Brother Lin...has an eyebrow... A man called Ren Shou is begging to see him outside the mountain gate!"

"En! I got it, you take him to the main hall!" Lin Sen said, and the little butterfly agreed in a jerky manner, and summoned the heavenly crane to fly out of the mansion!

"The person here is what you said is the true teaching of Taiqing?" Xianglong immediately thought of who this person was when he heard Little Butterfly's call!

"En! It's the real person with long eyebrows, Ren Shou!" Lin Sen nodded, and then said with a soft smile, "Brother, don't you think that this person is only an Earth Immortal now, and his Emei is just a young man who just opened the mansion. A small faction, this kid has a deep scheming mind, and in a few years' time, the Emei's aura may still be above that of Kunlun!" Lin Sen is a person of later generations, so he knows that it won't take many years for the sword fairy to rise, and the time will fall. In this world, the Emei family is the only one!

Xianglong nodded slightly in agreement and said, "Listen to you, that Ren Shou is a very scheming person, but I don't like this kind of person, but I have to bother my brother to come forward for this matter of hospitality." Go! Hehe!"

After Xianglong finished speaking, he didn't wait for Lin Sen to reply, but ran away quickly.

Xianglong's surname, Zi Linsen, is very clear. He just straightened his clothes and disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already in the Hall of Stars!

Not long after Lin Sen sat down, he saw Little Butterfly walking in with Ren Shou!

As soon as Fang entered the hall, he smiled at the little butterfly, and then he heard the familiar Ren Shouji clasping his hands and saying, "Master Lin, I am overjoyed, overjoyed!!! Hahaha!" He walked up quickly. He cupped his hands repeatedly and said, "Ren Shou is really blind.....It's just that he didn't see such a great opportunity for the Immortal Elder. Now that the Great Sui Dynasty has been established, the Immortal Elder has won the honor of the Emperor Master. What a good chance! Envy Ren Long live!"

Lin Sen, an acquaintance like Ren Shou, couldn't be negligent, so he hurried forward, and after letting Little Butterfly go down, he said with a smile on his face, "It's been a while since we left Kunlun, but brother Ren Shou hasn't seen it for a long time." See you! Haha!! But I think this cave is contemptuous, but I have never come to be a guest!! Haha!"

Lin Sen's appearance immediately made Ren Shou look extremely favored, and apologized again and again, "How dare you! How dare you! The immortal master is now the respected master of the emperor, and this cave is also an ancient treasure. Ren Shou recognizes it. Don't come to see him early, but after the Kunlun incident, the immortal master disappeared, and if it wasn't for the shocking incident the day before yesterday, Ren Shou would not have dared to come and disturb him!" Even if Lin Sen knew the true meaning of Ren Shou's words, it might not be half true It's heavy, but it's still comfortable to listen to!

"Brother Ren, why should you be so polite... come here, please do it quickly!!" Lin Sen hurriedly greeted, and with a wave of his hand, a cloud bed was born from the stars.

However, Ren Shou did not attend the seat, but first took out a box from his arms, handed it to Lin Sen respectfully, and then said, "The Immortal Master is overjoyed, but Ren Shou is poor, but there is no benefit for congratulations. The vermilion fruit tree was obtained by Ren Shou by accident, so I took it as a gift, and it can also add some beauty to the fairy mansion!"

"Brother Ren, come here at any time, why should you be so polite with a gift..." Lin Sen smiled as he flashed Zhu Guo's subordinate in his hand. Such good things are not to be given anyway White no!

Even after the guests were finished, Ren Shou sat upright on the cloud bed, and then he bowed his hands to Lin Sen and said, "In the past when we were in Kunlun, the immortal chief spoke out to help me and raised my power on Emei. Today, Ren Shou Shou once again thank you for your kindness!" Ren Shou said that although he was grateful, Lin Sen's unreasonable words of help made him feel uneasy all the time. There is no free lunch in the world. If there is no benefit, who will help you for no reason !

Finally couldn't bear it anymore!Lin Sen smiled secretly in his heart, but on his face he said with a hearty smile, "Brother Ren, why did you say that, you and I met in the East China Sea, and it can be regarded as a life and death together. Brother is Taiqing's personal heir, and Xinli Emei For one thing, Lin Sen just said out loud, there is no need to thank you for such a trivial matter, but it seems that you and my brother are out of touch!"

It's just that the more Lin Sen is like this, the more disturbed Ren Shou is. Under the speculation in his heart, his face has not shown half, and he hastily cupped his hands and said, "Immortal is righteous, Ren Shou admires it. At least a hundred years of work is left! This is such a great kindness! Wouldn't I, Ren Shou, become an unintentional person!"

"Brother, what are you talking about? The name of the immortal elder seems to be very different. You and I are brothers. In the past, I thought that Brother Ren's method is unique. The skill of controlling the sword is also wonderful. The anger is soaring, so we can know that the Emei Sect must have a great prosperity in the past, but now Lin Sen can't wait to make more efforts! I wish I could see the prosperity soon!" Lin Sen's sincere words But it sounded like thunder to Ren Shou's ears, and he couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

After talking so much nonsense, Lin Sen finally revealed his intentions, but Ren Shou never thought that Lin Sen would have such thoughts. Looking at Lin Sen's smiling face, he couldn't help but think to himself , Could it be that this person knows something?Who is he under!

The matter of Emei was handed down by the old gentleman. Even Ren Shou never mentioned a single word to his master and apprentice before. It's not because he can't believe them, but because the matter is too important!

At that time, Laojun was reincarnated into the world, went west from Hangu Pass, and turned Hu into a Buddha. Ren Shou, who was collected outside Hangu Pass, passed on his strong and fierce sword-handling skills that were not attached to the law of the mean in the Taiqing Dynasty, and even more so. It is said that his purple and green double swords, although these two swords are powerful and powerful, but the most important thing is the luck of the sword fairy contained in them.

He, Emei, said that his great prosperity must be under these two swords, and the great prosperity of sword immortals in the world is also under these two swords. This pair of precious swords can be said to be the destiny of Emei, and even more so, the destiny of sword immortals. .

In the past, the old gentleman accepted Shou as his disciple because he was afraid that Duobao would give birth to heresy, so he kept a secret. Even if Duobao failed to divide the luck of Buddhism, when Emei was booming, he could also have the luck of the sword fairy Destroy the prosperity of the Buddhist sect! (To be continued.)

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