The luck of the ancestor of the Emei Sword Immortal is related to Laojun, Taoism, and the world, and what Lin Sen said at this moment is actually wanting to get a share of the luck of the ancestor of the Sword Immortal!

Even though Ren Shou was deeply scheming, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment at this moment, looking at Lin Sen with a smile, he hurriedly thought to himself, what does Lin Sen really know?Or just guessing?

If you really know the secrets, then Lin Sen's background must be extraordinary. After all, this is the work of an old gentleman, and it can be regarded as an ancient secret. The person who can know it must be a powerful generation at the top of the prehistoric world!

And if Lin Sen guessed randomly, then this Lin Sen is really too smart!

However, no matter whether Lin Sen is one of them, the luck of the ancestor of the sword is absolutely inseparable. At the beginning of the year, the teaching of ten thousand immortals came to court, and the momentum was the same for a while, but in the end it was due to lack of luck, and finally ended up with the result of the teaching being destroyed and people scattered!

Although Lin Sen's words surprised Ren Shou, but the thoughts in his mind turned very fast, he was slightly stunned for less than a moment, and then apologized with a smile, "Brother Lin's kindness that day, Ren Shou can't repay him enough. , if brother Lin is helping, Ren Shou is powerless to repay!" With a wry smile, weeping poorly, and then it was a great favor that was hard to repay, and he didn't dare to accept his favor again!

"Ah~~" Lin Sen hurriedly stopped his words, "You and I are brothers, and it is our duty to help each other, so why bother about these common things, how can you and my brothers repay each other like that stranger? "Although we have obtained the luck of the emperor and teacher now, no one would think that there are so many things in the luck, not to mention the great luck of the sword ancestor, even the great prosperity of the Buddhist sect will be suppressed by him in future generations .

As known to later generations, many monks helped Emei regardless of rewards, and even sent their disciples into Emei, because they valued that Emei was like the sky, with great luck, and Lin Sen would meet him. Wouldn't it be a pity not to get a share!

When Lin Sen said this, Ren Shou was sure that Lin Sen definitely knew something and wanted to keep his mouth shut, but his own strength was not as good as others, and from what Lin Sen said, if he did not agree to what happened today, he would just I'm afraid that something will go wrong later!

He had no choice but to smile wryly, "Since Brother Lin is so sincere, if Ren Shou is objecting, it would seem that Ren Shou is contrived. Even so, that's all! I don't know how Brother Lin wants to help Ren Shou!" As long as Lin Sen is not too greedy , such a trip is actually good for him!

But Lin Sen drew out the ancient black sword from behind, held it in his hand and said to Ren Shou, "Brother Ren, do you still remember this sword?"

"I remember this sword, but..." Ren Shou looked at the lifeless ancient sword and couldn't help being a little unsure. It was really the thing in Lin Sen's hand. The difference between what he saw that day was too big. It's not as sharp as Ziqing, but it's still sword qi soaring, killing intent shocking, and full of spirituality, but now let's look at what Lin Sen has in hand.

Ren Shou is a generation of sword celestial beings, of course he knows how to use a sword so cruelly, the sword in front of him has lost its aura, although the murderous aura inside is still there, but it doesn't have the same spirituality as before. It has dropped several grades, and it can only barely be regarded as a good sword!

Lin Sen caressed the sword in his hand with regret on his face and said, "The aura of the imperial envoy's sword in the past was not suitable for me. Later, because of me, the aura was greatly damaged. However, this sword is such a spiritual thing. But I don’t want to cut it off by my own hands!”

Ren Shou also looked at the black ancient sword with a look of pity, but the look of pity was true. A generation of sword celestial beings who love swords, a famous sword was destroyed in front of his eyes, how could he not feel distressed, It's just that Lin Sen's attitude at this time really made him a little confused, and he asked softly, "Brother Lin, what do you mean?"

It can't be that Lin Sen wants to use this abandoned sword to his Emei, and then contact him just now to talk. Isn't Lin Sen just teasing him?

"Once this sword is destroyed, its foundation is still there. If you refine it and put it in the spiritual energy to nourish it, after a long time, it will recover a little bit of its power!" Lin Sen said with a smile. Looking at Ren Shou said, "Brother Ren has a lot of treasures in his hands, so I don't like this sword. I'm going to put it in the southern border for warming, but in the future, I can send the suitable disciples and grandchildren to the southern border. If there is a predestined person , this sword comes out by itself, and it can also add strength to the great prosperity of Emei!"

"That's it?" Ren Shou couldn't help but let out a deep breath, and asked back with relief!At the beginning, he thought Lin Sen had such great ambitions that he wanted to share the fate of his sword ancestor, whether he wanted to talk about it or not, it was just such a simple request, to keep this sword warm and nourished for future generations, even if Emei had a ** To get this sword, there is also a lot of luck that can be shared!

"That's it!" Lin Sen smiled and nodded slightly, he could see that Ren Shou was finally relieved, but he worked so hard, how could he just do it for such a small profit!

"That's the case, then I will take the lead of future generations to thank Brother Lin for the gift first!" Ren Shou immediately laughed and said, he is a person who knows swords, so he can see that even if this sword has been conceived for thousands of years , I am afraid that he will not be able to regain the glory that he could compete with Ziqing back then!

Even if the important matter has been negotiated, there will be some useless greetings afterwards. He has long eyebrows and long life. Even running around for the sake of Emei, he was extremely busy. Today, he came to Lin Sen's cave, but because Lin Sen's status is different at this time, he was invited by the emperor's teacher, so he had to come this trip.

After so reserved, Ren Shou hastily said his goodbyes, he left, and Xianglong appeared behind him, stood beside Lin Sen and slightly praised, "This son is really extraordinary, you are so aggressive just now, he She can still look normal! The heart is really deep!"

After one party finished admiring, it was only then that someone said to Lin Sen with some doubts, "You have wasted so much strength just to send this waste sword to Emei? Even if Emei really has a great day, your aura has disappeared How much luck can you share with things!"

Seeing the long eyebrows disappearing into a purple light in the sky, Lin Sen smiled and said, "Brother doesn't know something, if I just took out something else, I am afraid that the long eyebrows will turn their faces on the spot, and they will definitely not Let me meddle in that Emei's luck, Ren Shou sees that even if this sword nourishes for thousands of years, Emei will not be able to do much, so he agreed so happily!"

Seeing Lin Sen's smile, Xianglong suddenly laughed in astonishment, "Could it be that you have a way to restore the power of this sword?"

However, Lin Sen also nodded with a smirk and said, "Although the aura of this sword is lost, the murderous aura that has been tempered for thousands of years is still there. I have a method that can not only restore its power, but also greatly increase its power. After thousands of years Nourishing, I will definitely give Emei a big gift in the future!" (To be continued.)

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