The attack just now turned countless soldiers of the Sui Dynasty under the Qianfo Cliff into ashes. Lin Sen and the others didn't dare to act rashly at the moment, so they had to retreat and look at each other. Lang Yu's move was extremely vicious, but It also hit their weakness, they can't advance, they can't retreat!

When Lang Yu's faint voice came out from the golden tower, Xianglong couldn't help it immediately, pointed a big gun in his hand and shouted at Lang Yu, "Go to your mother's are still a Buddhist The merciful and eminent monk...with such a lowly means, the bald donkey really has no good things..." Although his face was flushed with anger, and his eyes were blazing, but he was extremely aggrieved and helpless. That part of the power of breaking the mountain and breaking the sea cannot be used at this time!

Lin Sen stared at the giant golden tower with anxious eyes. Now, every minute passed by this time will lose one point. Once the army led by Yang Lin arrives at Maming Pass, 30 vs. 30, even if Yang Lin is against the battlefield Zhidao is a gifted genius, and this battle is also a losing battle. Every time there is a breath, someone will die, and the key lifeline of the Sui Dynasty lies with a few people. If those [-] soldiers can be rescued, not only can the crisis be resolved, but also Take advantage of the situation and go south.

But at this time, under Lang Yu's ruthless plan, the few people seemed to be anxious to watch, but there was no other way!

"If you guys don't leave, you can come over there to attack as much as you want, and the old man will follow suit!" Seeing Lin Sen and the others standing there neither going nor entering, Lang Yu turned a deaf ear to Xianglong's insults, just The golden pagoda said flatly, even though the Huibu five people were shocked by the blow just now, their mouths and noses were bleeding, but at this time they were all extremely excited to cast provocative gazes at Lin Sen and the others. The power of one Earth Immortal made it impossible for the five Heavenly Immortals to move forward or retreat. If it was spread, the five of them would immediately become famous all over the world!

"Huh! If you want to die, I will fulfill you!" Cha Nongying has never been provoked like this before, let alone a few earth immortal juniors, how can an arrogant Cha Nongying bear it, and couldn't help but coldly under the rage Said, "Isn't it the sin of three 10,000+ souls? See if I kill all these soldiers, and see what else you can do to hide in that turtle shell? At worst, the leader of the sect will fight for this life, and the soldiers of Nanchen will also be killed." Slaughter and cut it clean, let me see how you can dominate the world!"

In desperation, he wanted to make another move, forming a long whip of red mist in his hand, and wanted to wrap it around the giant golden tower. Not only were Huibu and the others not afraid of such a formation, but they were slightly excited. Nongying died, what an honor it was to kill a celestial being, and at the moment, Cha Nongying continued to show provocation.

"Sister, don't be reckless..." Lin Sen hastily pulled Zha Nongying back, and Hui Bu and the other five were obviously teasing on purpose, arousing the anger of several people to attack, if Zha Nongying really acted so recklessly, On the contrary, it just fell into Na Langyu's plan to kill him!

Being pulled by Lin Sen like this, Zha Nongying also calmed down. What he said just now was just gasification. If he really went to fight in the Nanchen army, his thousand years of cultivation and his soul would disappear in a short time!

"Hmph..." Angry in his heart but unable to vent his anger, Zha Nongying slammed the long whip of smoke in his hand on the nearby mountain range viciously, shaking the sky and shaking the ground, cracking the earth and rocks, and the mountain range Under the trembling, behind Lang Yu and the others, it was also affected by the blow of Cha Nongying just now, and slowly emerged.

Seeing this scene, as well as the words that were spoken by Lang Yu and the provocative actions of Hui Bu and the others, Lin Sen's eyes lit up, and the flying sword in his hand turned into three silver chains and flew straight out. Xiang Long and the others thought that Lin Sen was the same Anxiously preparing to smash the jar, he hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, "Brother Lin, don't be reckless!!"

But after flying in front of Lin Sen, Lin Sen's eyes were calm and clear. It seemed that he had acted unintentionally under the anger, and he stopped immediately!

But Hui Bu and the others were already sneering and pinching the seals, and they just waited to transfer Lin Sen's blow to the soldiers.

Suddenly, I saw the flying sword that was heading straight for the giant golden light tower, suddenly turned around deftly, and dragged the bright starlight to go around the golden light giant tower. Thousands of Buddhas are leaving!

The Thousand Buddha Array received such a sharp blow from Lin Sen, and immediately trembled intermittently, appearing extremely clearly in front of everyone's eyes, but although Lin Sen was worried about it, it didn't happen. The formation was stabilized, but under the violent shaking, Lin Sen's attack power was not divided, and instead hit the soldiers as before!

Seeing this scene, Lin Sen couldn't help smiling, then stared at the people in the pagoda and slowly said, "It's true, the five of you are supporting the merit relic pagoda at this moment, and you can't move at all, right?" If Hui Bu The five people were able to move, so why did Lin Sen's flying sword fly past the giant tower just now, and then hit the Thousand Buddha Formation, revealing the secret!

None of the people present were stupid, so they could see the clue from Lin Sen's attack just now. There was a smile on his face at the moment, but Lin Sen laughed and said, "The matter of absorbing the attack and dividing it into points, Only the main body of this merit tower has supernatural powers! Haha!!"

The Thousand Buddha Formation was originally supposed to be based on the two treasures of the Thousand Buddha Cliff and the Merit Tower, but now Lang Yu and others split the main body of the Merit Tower into another formation in order not to occupy the karma. Controlling it doesn't take up karma.

This was originally Lang Yu's brilliance, but it was also his failure. At this time, the merit pagoda cannot move under the control of Hui Bu and the others, so Lin Sen and the others can bypass the few people and directly destroy the Thousand Buddha Formation!

It's no wonder that Lang Yu deliberately led in his words as soon as he came up, as if he wanted to break through his hurdle in order to break through the Thousand Buddha Formation, and he deliberately stood in front of the formation to attract Lin Sen and others, not only ridiculed with words, but also Hui Bu and the others were not provocative, they were just to attract attention, to draw the attention of Lin Sen and the others from the Thousand Buddha Formation to Lang Yu himself!

If it weren't for the fact that Lin Sen and the others had an inescapable bond with the Great Sui, they might have been bluffed by it just now, and they left separately!

But now, Lin Sen and the others couldn't help laughing, and in the blink of an eye, there is another village, which is really difficult to deal with, but its strongest point is also its weakest point. ridiculous.

Lin Sen and the others can ignore Lang Yu and the others now, and go straight to the Thousand Buddha Formation. Lang Yu and the others can't move now, so they can't stop them, but if they disperse and disperse the merit tower to stop them, it will be even easier , Without the threat of those 30 sergeants, the five angels would still be afraid that they would fail! (To be continued.)

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