"Amituofu..." When Lin Sen poked the hole in the formation, Lang Yu in the merit tower was still calm, shouted the Buddha's name, and then said slowly, "The benefactor is really a smart person, it's just that In a short period of time, I saw the loopholes of the old monk, if the benefactor wants to break the Thousand Buddha Formation, just go!"

After finishing speaking, he closed the curtain without saying a word, and then the Huibu five people also chanted ** in a low voice with him, and they didn't care about the matter of Lin Sen and the others going to break the Thousand Buddha Formation, as if they were right The Thousand Buddha Formation has an extremely strong confidence, even these heavenly immortals can't break it!

"Hmph! I'd like to see what kind of tricks you, old bald donkey,..." Zha Nongying had long ago burned with anger, wishing that some of Na Lang would come out to fight them, but now that people are shrinking If it doesn't come out of the turtle shell, then he can only vent his anger with the Thousand Buddha Formation!

The long red mist whip in his hand, like a dragon, rolled in the air, like a giant dragon churning, and struck the cliff where the Thousand Buddha Formation was located.

Before Zha Nongying's long whip was drawn, the Buddha's light was loud on the cliff, and the Sanskrit chanting shook the sky, thousands of golden lotuses were born out of thin air, holding Cha Nongying's pink long whip in the air, even though it was there Under the long whip, golden lotuses continued to shatter, but they sprang up rapidly, even if that Zha Nongying's blow was as powerful as a dragon with tens of thousands of equal strength, it couldn't hit it for a while!

"Hmph..." I'd like to see how long you can withstand it, Zha Nongying let out a cold snort, rolled the long whip in the air again, and threw it at the Thousand Buddha Formation again!

Lin Sen and the others didn't want to just watch, and each cast their magical powers one after another, or flying swords soaring like stars, or flying big spears like flying dragons, or which stone monument is towering to the sky and is better than Mount Tai. They smashed towards the Thousand Buddha Formation, but the strange thing was that Lang Yu and the others still ignored him, closed their eyes and meditated!

This is a joint attack of several angels, even the magic of the thousand Buddha array, it can't resist for a while, not only the thousand Buddha cliff began to shine, but also the 360 ​​five small merit relic pagodas appeared in the air Shaking wildly, the merit pagoda abutting Qianfo Cliff is the foundation of this formation, when it is shaken at this moment, it immediately shakes the entire formation!

Within the formation, Qianfo Cliff shook the sky and the earth, and the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty who were standing there were stunned. Under the shaking, they couldn't stand upright, and lay down on the ground, while the more than 3000 people on the cliff The monks of the monster clan, the voices of the Sanskrit singing became more and more vigorous, high-pitched, and went straight into the sky. With the uniform voice of the Sanskrit singing in their mouths, the golden light of the spell on the cliff became brighter and shinier, obviously Stabilize this formation!

However, although they are numerous in number, they have different levels of cultivation. Among them, the strongest person is King Kong and King Jinya who are waiting in front of the line, and even those with lower cultivation levels are Lian Zhu Le and Little Butterfly. They are far worse, how can such a combination resist the blows of Lin Sen's angels even with a large array of cheers!

Although the Sanskrit singing in the mouth became more and more anxious and steady, but in the end it was unbearable, I just listened, touch!touch!

At the beginning there was only one sound, and then it became a continuous piece, but finally there was a monster monk with poor cultivation who couldn't bear the backlash, and suddenly turned into fly ash and dissipated into the invisible. In the introduction, a series of voices sounded immediately, and in an instant, there were nearly a hundred monster clans, which burned up and turned into fly ash and disappeared without a trace!

This is not the dissipation of the physical body, but the complete dissipation of the physical body but the soul!

Although gaining power, Lin Sen and the others hastily stopped under the scene. Lin Sen studied the Zhou Tian Xing Chen formation as a master of the formation. After carefully sorting out the context of the Thousand Buddha Formation, his expression changed drastically. !

The Thousand Buddha Formation is based on the Thousand Buddha Cliff at the Gongde Pagoda. The layout of the formation is not complicated. At least for Lin Sen, it didn't take much effort to understand the pass.

But seeing it clearly, breaking it is another matter, Lin Sen couldn't help showing a cruel expression, staring at Lang Yu under the merit tower and said in a deep voice, "What a vicious heart... What a vicious calculation...you are so What sutras do people still recite, what Buddhas they cultivate..."

The rest of the people didn't have Lin Sen's vision. Although they stopped because of the ashes in the battle just now, when they heard what Lin Sen said, they looked at Lin Sen suspiciously without checking!

"This so-called Thousand-Buddha Formation..." Lin Sen pointed at the formation and cursed, "This so-called Thousand-Buddha Formation... is just based on two treasures. The merciful eminent monk has added an extremely vicious formation!" Lin Sen said, the aura in his body could not stop violently churning.

"Connect the life energy of these three thousand monster races into this large formation. If you want to break the formation, you must slaughter all three thousand monster races, and let these three thousand monster races be wiped out! Such a vicious thing, even the evil spirit You can't do it, Lang Yu...you are simply a Buddhist scum!!" Lin Sen became more excited as he spoke, and finally, under the anger, his whole body was churning. The sound of rolling thunder seemed to echo Lin Sen's questioning!

"I'm just setting up the formation, and they will die. It's also because you broke the formation, so what does it matter to me!" In the merit tower, Lang Yu slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Lin Sen lightly and said, The calm look seemed to have nothing to do with him at this time, and Lin Sen and others were only to blame for breaking the formation!

Although the three thousand monster clans were doomed to be wiped out, there was a big difference between dying under the curse of the heavens and at his own hands. No matter how Lin Sen could not allow himself to kill the three thousand monster clans with his own hands!

Now that the aura is thin, and the starry sky is far away in this world, every monster in the world can be killed, and there will be one less. There are more than 3000 monsters, which is almost the total number in Nanchen. How can Lin Sen survive? hand!

After Lin Sen's furious scolding, Cha Nongying and the others finally understood. No wonder Lang Yu dared to be so calm. If Lin Sen really managed to wipe out the three thousand monster races, he would win in a few days. Now, Lin Sen's Taoism will also have a huge flaw, don't even think about going further in the future, and even his cultivation will continue to regress!

"I'll come..." Qin Wei strode out, holding the stone tablet in his hand and said in a deep voice, "Anyway, I have killed many monsters before, Brother Lin, if you can't do it, then I will let you fight this battle." Let's break!" Although he said it lightly, his face was extremely serious, if these 3000 monks were really disciples of Buddhism, they would not be lenient in killing them.

And these three thousand monster clans are cannon fodder as puppets. Although Qin Wei has killed many monster clans, he is right in his heart. It is killing harm, so there is no shame in killing them, but if you kill these three thousand monsters, Confucianism is full of righteousness, and the most important thing is justice in your heart. If you feel guilty, I am afraid that your cultivation will be turned into water!

"Brother Qin...you can't..." Lin Sen hurriedly stopped him, and he knew of the pass, no matter whether these 3000 monsters were wiped out by them, they would definitely die in their own Dao Heart Leaving a huge gap in it!

"What a Buddhist monk... what a compassionate one..." Cha Nongying stared at Na Langyu and said coldly, "You old monk is more sinister than me, a demon... I really don't know Your Buddhist school is blind, and the reason why you accepted such an asshole is because your Buddhist school was originally such a place where filth is hidden, sinister and vicious..."

Zha Nongying's scolding words are extremely vicious, not only scolding Lang Yu angrily, but also involving the whole Buddhism. With a look of anger, he said, "Bold evildoer, the file insults my Buddhism, and I will let you taste the pain of karma and karma..."

Zha Nongying snorted coldly, and mocked, "Let me suffer from that karmic fire? Just rely on your tortoise shell?" His tone was filled with disdain, "If you spread this matter, let the world know that you are good at it. But I'm just a turtle with a shrunken head, I don't know who else will learn the skills of a turtle with a shrunken head like you!"

"Bold..." Zha Nongying's mouth is really vicious, and he can't leave his heart. If he is really ascetic, his heart is like a rock, he would have reached the bliss of the Western Heaven, why bother to suffer in this world? When being insulted by Zha Nongying, Na Langyu immediately yelled with a face full of anger, and then slowly raised the Wuliang Temple in his hand, and the brilliance of the exquisite Wuliang Temple in between flowed and shone, and a ray of Buddha's light shone Fly out of the merit tower!

"Even if I'm in this merit tower, I can subdue you and other disobedient people!" Following Lang Yu's loud shout, a golden light galloped out. Lin Sen had seen this formation before. Riley hit it into a serious injury, and turned it into the golden light of the Great Strength Bodhisattva!

Obviously, under the insult of Cha Nongying, Langyu was also planning to deal with Lin Sen and the others lightly. Anyway, he is invincible now, so he can have fun with them, which is good People all over the world know that he is as powerful as a Zen master!

"Be careful..." Lin Sen has a lot of sins about the mighty power of the past, the divine sense that was hit by him that day was shattered, and the golden core was sealed, but today is completely different from the past Changes, but the power of the general trend should not be underestimated, and hurriedly reminded everyone!

However, after the Buddha light flew out, it grew rapidly, and in an instant it turned into the size of that half of the sky, as if looking down on all living beings from the top of the sky!

But I saw that Bodhisattva manifested, the Buddha's halo at the back of his head was like a shining sun, his treasured appearance was solemn, with a compassionate smile on his face, and he was dressed in a white monk's robe like auspicious clouds. A pure white jade vase, like creamy fat, with green willow branches stuck in it!

Lin Sen originally thought that what he manifested was the image of the great power, but he did not expect that it would be such a result in the end. The majestic appearance of this precious image is well known in the world. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, one of the Bodhisattvas. (To be continued.)

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