Lin Sen was on guard in his heart, but he didn't want to show up not the Mahasthama Bodhisattva who severely injured him last time, but the even more ruthless Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, one of the four Great Compassion Bodhisattvas of Buddhism. It is farther than many Buddhas!

I saw the appearance of the Avalokitesvara who seemed to occupy half of the sky, the gentle brilliance on his body, although it did not have the brilliance and grandeur of great momentum, but under the faint brilliance of compassion, Lin Sen's hands smashed the sky-shattering beast above the wolf. The killing intent quickly melted and retreated!

"" Qin Wei couldn't help muttering while staring at the huge figure that pierced the sky. The name of this Buddhist power is certainly known to everyone, but what is the magic weapon in Lang Yu's hand? How can this Avalokitesvara be called out.

Not to mention the strength of the Avalokitesvara, at this time Lang Yu is hidden deep in the merit tower, even if the few people fight against the Avalokitesvara, apart from consuming their own real energy, they will not be able to do anything to this battle. To the slightest effect!

"Xiao... Xin..." Lin Sen shouted loudly, and then said in his mouth, "This dharma is very powerful...and, the last time I met was the Buddha's great power and great power!!"

"It's too late to be careful now..." Lang Yu said slightly mockingly, "Let me show you my buddhist body today..." Then he sacrificed the Infinity Hall again, only to see that Under the shining light of the Infinite Hall, the Buddha's light flew out again, and it was bright; his face darkened, but after the rapid consumption, although his face was ugly, he pulled out a smile. With these two Bodhisattva Dharma, even if Lin Sen and the others are all gods, they cannot escape death today!

Then a ray of Buddha's light flew out, growing at the same rapid rate, and turned into a Bodhisattva standing half the sky, with a vase on his head, holding a lotus in his hand, the treasure face solemnly smiled, and his whole body was full of light!

As soon as the Great Strength Bodhisattva's dharma form appeared, under its radiant light, the red clouds all over the sky quickly melted away, and even from time to time, Cha Nongying's extremely painful moans came out!

It's unimaginable that such an arrogant character like Zha Nongying would make him unable to bear the pain of making a sound. Under that light, even the hidden Shark King quickly appeared in the air. True shape!

The Dharma images of these two Bodhisattvas are separated from the sky on the left and the right. They both stand on the top of the sky and the earth, with kind faces, and a pair of eyes looking at Lin Sen and the others as if looking down on the whole life. Hearing Lang Yu's laughter, Lin Sen Sen couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive in his heart, not only the Avalokitesvara Dharma image, but also the Dashizhi Dharma image was much stronger than last time.

Apparently this time Lang Yu casually made a difference under the previous contempt, and this time he did his best to surround and kill everyone here!

At this moment, I saw that the Avalokitesvara figure finally made a movement, stretched out the palm holding the Wanzi seal, and grabbed Qin Wei who was the closest, even though it was just a normal grab, but in Under the giant hand that covers the sky, that slender palm seems to be impossible to escape forever!

"Brother careful!!" Lin Sen hurriedly shouted, at this moment, the Sha Po Lang was unable to perform due to the compassionate power of Avalokitesvara, so Lin Sen could only fly up while shouting, fearing that something might happen to Qin Wei Accident!

This is Lin Sen's overthinking. In the past, although he was defeated by a powerful force that was far inferior to today's, but he was tyrannical at any time in those days, but he was still far away from the gods. Today, the Guanyin Although the Dharma Aspect is tyrannical, it is just a Dharma Aspect after all. Qin Wei is also the Supreme Being of Heavenly Immortals, how could he be easily taken down by a Dharma Aspect!

I saw Qin Wei staring at the giant hand that covered the sky, but he was not afraid at all. His white robe fluttered, his beautiful beard twitched, his eyes stared at the giant hand and he snorted coldly. The righteousness is so high, the purple clouds all over the sky are not much weaker than the aura of the Avalokitesvara, and they block the huge hand distance.

Although the Avalokitesvara Avatar is just a mass of dead matter with condensed energy, it will never allow an ant-like existence to be able to withstand her blow. At that moment, a willow branch in the suet jade bottle in his hand spontaneously flew up a branch and leaf, fluttering During the turmoil, I don't know how high it has risen. Anyway, Lin Sen and others looked up and saw that the whole sky was blue. Although there was no sunlight, it didn't look dark under the Buddha light around the two bodhisattvas!

Covering the sky like this, the willow leaves seemed to beat everyone up like this, but only heard the elephant dragon snort in disdain, "Arrogance..." Even if it is the Avalokitesvara, so what, but It's a dead thing, how dare to despise them so much!

"Aw..." He raised his head and let out a long cry, was the tall body of the Xianglong covered with a red golden luster, and then turned into a crimson streamer flying into the sky, the light dissipated, where was the figure of the Xianglong, showing A huge red gold dragon emerged, swam up, surrounded by red gold flames, held a dragon ball in its mouth, stretched out its beard and claws, and grabbed the willow leaf without fear.

Thinking about it at this time, it is serious. Most of the prehistoric creatures were derived from the great god Pangu, so the body of the great god Pangu is the most suitable body for this world, the most suitable for breastfeeding and exerting combat power, but the dragon race is different, it is an ancient race , Zulong good fortune, showing the dragon body is when it is the most tyrannical!

If this thing is really a willow leaf in Guanshiyin's hands, few people would stand with it, fearing that they would not be able to resist, but now it is just a mass of energy condensed, although it has a trace of power from the main body, but there is a gap between them But it's the difference between cloud and mud, Xianglong is happy and fearless, besides, among the five elements, fire defeats wood, and the willow branch is the most suitable for him to deal with!

I saw the red dragon poking out its claws, followed by raging flames. Although it failed to make a big hole in the willow branch with one claw, it still burned a piece of darkness on it, and made several deep ravines!

Simultaneously with the Avalokitesvara, the Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva's dharma form would naturally not be idle, only to see the brilliance of the aquarium above his head shining, and then the brilliance of thousands of dao swayed down, but that formation was even more powerful than that day when Lin Senshen was crushed Nian, when the Lin Sen Golden Pill was sealed, I don't know how many times more powerful it was!

Zha Nongying had suffered a great loss under the brilliance of the Great Strength Bodhisattva just now, how could he let it go, even though his body was restrained by the divine light of the Great Strength Bodhisattva, he still did not hesitate With a cold snort showing weakness, the pink clouds all over her body agitated, it was the precious pink peach blossom miasma, but this time it did not spread out thousands of miles like before, but condensed into the size of a few acres that was almost like a real veil, Phantoms of slender figures were crazily rushed out of it, and the phantoms hit the light spots all over the sky. Although they dissipated rapidly, they could also take away several light spots at the same time when they dissipated. Destroy!

Cha Nongying's anger was aroused, and the pride in his heart was also aroused, and he did not flinch to fight for the consumption of the great power!

As for the general trend, the reaction of Avalokitesvara's Dharma form is the same. When the attack is blocked, when the palm is thrown, the lotus flower in the hand is thrown out!

The lotus is very miraculous. It is said that the great god Pangu was conceived from the 36 grades of green lotus, and even the innate magic weapons of all sizes in the world are mostly derived from its broken rules, so The lotus is sacred to Buddhism and Taoism, and the magic weapon in the lotus outfit is also extremely powerful, far surpassing the same kind, and the lotus in the hand of the great momentum seems to be a treasure of protection at first sight. , but its power must be extraordinary.

Lin Sen was subconsciously preparing to stop it, but a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, his body that had just moved suddenly stopped, and he pinched the magic formula in his hand, but the Shark King involuntarily rushed towards the lotus flower In the past, even if Shark King wanted to find a place to hide and secretly watched Lin Sen and others fight, his body rushed up uncontrollably.

Once he gets close to the lotus, the situation is out of his control. Even if Lin Sen is out of control, in order to prevent the lotus from taking him in, he has to resist desperately. Its control, but just now I saw what happened to the three thousand monsters in the Thousand Buddha Formation, and it fell into the hands of these monks, so it is better to stay under Lin Sen's hands.

At least there is still life left, those monks sent his three thousand monsters to the guillotine while talking and laughing!

Sharks are already extremely fast, and the Shark King is very aggressive. At this time, he is doing his best. Above the sky, it is like swimming in the sea. The fish's tail is swaying, its fins are flapping, and it sometimes appears to dodge hundreds of miles away. , appearing next to Lianhuang from time to time, beating and biting, in short, entangled the lotus flower tightly. Although he could only fight with his original form, so many of his spells could not be cast, but his tyrannical body, fast speed and The instinctive hunting skills, but let the Shark King play with the lotus in the applause, and it has been unable to fall from the sky for a long time!

Lin Sen asked the Shark King to resist, naturally not to torment the Shark King, but to have his own plan. At this time, Cha Nongying and the other four gods were fighting against the two Bodhisattvas. Even though he won't be defeated even if he doesn't have time, this kind of situation actually leaves Lin Sen free.

Naturally, Lin Sen couldn't waste the opportunity created for him by so many people. Two faint divine lights shot out from his eyes, and they went straight into the Thousand Buddha Formation. As long as the formation can be broken, without the threat of the 30 soldiers, they can attack the Gongde Tower directly. As long as they defeat Lang Yu who is hiding in the tower, everything in front of them will be solved easily!

Although it might be troublesome for Lin Sen to defeat Lang Yu's methods by himself, but with a goal, it's not better than the current situation, with no brains and no brains.

The eyes of both eyes directly shined on the Thousand Buddha Formation. This Thousand Miles Divine Eye is a combination of the divine light passed down by the ancestor of the gourd and his own life. Because, with this pair of eyes, Lin Sen couldn't believe that he couldn't find any other way to break through the Thousand Buddha Formation! (To be continued.)

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