Yang Lin had been listening to this voice for an indeterminate amount of time, but he was naturally very familiar with it, and his exhaustion quickly disappeared. Yang Lin jumped up from the big seat, and shouted excitedly, "Master..."

The words just now were naturally what Xianglong said, only to see that in the big tent, Xianglong and others were all standing in it at some time, looking at Yang Lin with a smile on his face!

These tools are all elders, so Yang Lin naturally stepped forward to salute one by one. But there was one more person standing behind Qin Wei. At first, Yang Lin thought it was another elder whom he had never seen before, but when he took a closer look at it, he always felt a little familiar, a feeling of déjà vu, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, his eyes Staring at Yuan Yuan, he said in astonishment, "Qin Yi, why are you here!"

But the man he saw was about 30 years old, with a white face and no beard, and his aura was very indifferent, completely different from the battlefield killer just now, and he was dressed in a Confucian uniform, so Yang Lin didn't recognize him for a while!

"Confucianist Qin Yi has met Senior Brother Yang, but he never thought that Senior Brother is a disciple of a fairy. No wonder he has such a martial arts strategy at such a young age!" Qin Yi saluted slightly and then said with a wry smile. All this seemed like a dream to him , Just now, with grief and anger in his heart, he swung his mace and killed himself, but before he hit it, the situation changed, and sand and stones flew away.

Naturally, this kind of vision cannot be caused by the touch of heaven, but the spell cast by Qin Wei is just like what Lin Sen said before, but Qin Wei has a heart of love for talents, and wants to take this Qin Yi into his family , since he couldn't let him die in front of his eyes, so he cast a spell to save Qin Yi, and left the golden armor and golden mace behind, making it look like Qin Yi was dead!

Until now, Qin Yi still didn't really believe this was true, and he was accepted as a disciple by this immortal!

"Mr. Qin is the supreme Confucianist, a celestial being in the world, and it is a good opportunity for him to join Mr. Qin's sect!" Yang Lin bowed his hands back and said enviously. Brothers are different, what the two of them learned from Lin Sen was only human martial arts, battlefield strategies, and emperor's mind skills, but this Qin Yi went straight to the immortal way, so much luckier than their brothers!

"Don't be envious, I will teach you the same one day!" Lin Sen said with a smile, and Yang Lin immediately looked at Lin Sen with joy. He knew that although his master was a master Uncle's eldest brother, but the master on weekdays is still the uncle who is full of smiles, once he opened his mouth, the sentence was settled, and he couldn't help but hurriedly thanked him, "Lin'er, thank you uncle, thank you master!! !"

"Look at you little monkey!!" Lin Sen looked at Yang Lin and said with a smile. The child who was five or six years old in those days has grown into a general who ruled the side today. After sighing, Lin Sen smiled and said "We have always been worried about some accidents for you since we came here. Even if you are fine, it is inconvenient for us to wait for a long time in this battle. We are leaving here! You should take a good rest and take that Nanchen as soon as possible. Down!"

Lin Sen said with a smile like this, Yang Lin immediately saluted gratefully, and the two masters took a few immortal masters to run for him, which showed that they paid attention to it, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, Lin'er, and send off to all the masters!" After getting up, Lin Sen and the others in the big tent had disappeared!

But the tiger-headed golden gun in the tent also disappeared.

Not to mention how excited Yang Lin was in the big tent after finally fulfilling his wish, Lin Sen and the others flew out of the tent to the clouds, Lin Sen's words just now, Xianglong and the others didn't say anything because of Yang Lin's presence , but at this moment, Xianglong looked a little embarrassed and said, "My brother! You just agreed a little impulsively!"

In this way, it's not that Xianglong doesn't like Yang Lin and doesn't want to pass on his immortality, but there are other reasons. Xianglong said with a embarrassed expression on his face, "If you teach Lin'er the way of immortality, then you must Where is Jian'er?" This is the embarrassment for Master Xianglong, and it is for this reason that they have never taught the two little ones the art of immortality!

Yang Jian is the king of the human emperor. Since the return of the three emperors and five emperors in ancient times, this human race has issued a ban to strictly pass on the art of immortality to the human emperor. If Lin Sen dares to think about Yang Jian's legend of the immortal way, he may be destroyed tomorrow if he teaches it today. !

Lin Sen has been worrying about Yang Jian's question for a long time, but he has no idea, and said with some headaches, "This matter has to be taken one step at a time!"

A group of people flew towards the Cuihua Mountain slowly with auspicious clouds, and they were not as anxious as when they came here, so they could turn around leisurely!

"Brother..." Yuan Lang walked quickly into the conference hall and shouted to Yang Jian, who was waiting for Yang Jian to stand up immediately and said a little anxiously, "Is it the master and they are back!" Yang Jian couldn't help it Don't worry, the news from Sishuiguan has come back, but the masters and the others have not returned.

"Master has a message!" Yuan Lang held a piece of jade talisman and said, "Master Yu and the elders have already returned to the Immortal Mansion directly, let me tell my brother!" Yuan Lang said with a look of disappointment on Yang Jian's face After a flash, he turned to the dragon chair and asked, "How is the matter at the border?"

"My 30 soldiers in the Sui Dynasty have captured the first town in Nanchen, but..." Yuan Lang hesitated slightly.

"But what?" Yang Jian immediately asked with some doubts, and Yuan Lang followed up and said, "The 30 sergeants did that massacre!"

"What?" Yang Jian suddenly sat up from the dragon chair, his face was full of anger, and he shouted angrily, "Who dares to issue such an order? See if I won't scratch him!"

No wonder Yang Jian was angry. He was not angry about this matter, but the timing of this matter. To do this act of massacring the city at this time is tantamount to adding fire to the grief and indignation of the people in Nanchen. On the contrary, it will make it difficult to occupy Nanchen, and the management after that will be even more troublesome!

"No one ordered!" Yuan Lang also said with some doubts, "The 30 army seemed to be crazy, and they killed everyone they saw. It seemed that something happened at Sishui Pass, but now it has returned to normal. The commander-in-chief has also sent the war message back to the court!"

Even if no one ordered, Yang Jian couldn't pursue it, so he had to sit down and ask, "What else?"

"Second senior brother reported back, the whole army is resting, and they are ready to attack Nanchen!" After Yuan Lang finished speaking, Yang Jian smiled slightly. His younger brother was really ambitious, and he fought for three days with 30 against [-] Still not satisfied, now he was still thinking about going to bed, and was about to say something, but he saw that the heroic general in white armor transformed by Yuan Lang in front of him had turned into a mercury ape in white armor, Yang Jian couldn't help asking anxiously, "Junior brother, what does this mean?"

But Yuan Lang showed a smile on his monkey face and said, "He said that Yuan Lang went down the mountain privately to assist his brother in his great cause. Today this great cause will be accomplished, but Yuan Lang is going back to the mountain!" In this life, it is only a moment, but the experience in the battlefield has made this formless monkey in the past become so calm now!

Yang Jian opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say it. It was only then that he realized that the emperor, who is naturally ruling the world, couldn't offer any conditions to keep Yuan Lang!

But after returning to the mountain that day, Lin Sen continued to retreat for two months, not for anything else, only for the meritorious stupa!

Although Lin Sen knew that the pagoda was a good thing that day, so he took it down, but he didn't check it carefully. After returning to the mountain, when his divine sense went into it to check it, he couldn't help secretly happy in his heart, and picked it up. It's treasure!Anyway, there were no more problems at that time, and now I am impatient to retreat, wanting to refine this merit stupa!

But why is Dowlinson so excited?But I wanted to start with the things in the center of the pagoda. As soon as Lin Sen entered it, he found that it was full of mysterious and mysterious yellow things. As a Taoist, how could he not know what these things are!This is the best tonic for all monks, and it represents the merits and virtues rewarded by heaven and earth!

This merit stupa is actually as its name suggests. Although it is an acquired thing, it is a treasure of merit and virtue. This discovery makes Lin Sen not excited. Lin Sen was the one who discovered this merit stupa just after refining. The mystery is that several people in Lilang used such a treasure for defense that day, it was a waste of money.

This merit relic pagoda is divided into the main body and the body. The main body is the giant golden light tower that blocked Lin Sen's attack that day. The inner world is completely isolated from the outside world. The Eight Ways of Enlightenment, the eight portraits not only contain infinite magic power, but also the eight paintings themselves record Buddhist teachings. It is a pity that there are no Buddhist monks among the crowd, so this method is left alone, but even so, Lin Sen Benefit a lot!

And above the main body, there are 65 small towers in Sanbai, which are like 65 shrines in Sanbai. Not only can you cast spells, but there is also a small world inside each small tower. They are the same, but they must not interfere with each other and be connected to the main body at the same time. Even Lin Sen, the master of formation, can't help but admire the ingenious production!

Buddhism studies the power of the world intensively. Whether it is the bliss of the Western Heaven, the Buddha Kingdom in the palm, the three thousand worlds, or the 24 heavens, they are all small worlds created by the great power of Buddhism with its own magic power. The prosperity of Buddhism's research on the power of the world can be seen It was a glimpse, and Lin Sen realized a lot of things that Zhou Tianxing and Chen didn't understand from it, and they benefited a lot from each other's reflections!

Lin Sen didn't feel the passage of time at all while performing sacrifices while reflecting on the stars in the sky. Two months passed in an instant. If Xianglong hadn't come to wake him up from his samadhi, he wouldn't have known How long do you have to sit cross-legged in the hall! (To be continued.)

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