Although Lin Sen was in samadhi, the movements around him were still engraved in his mind. As soon as Xianglong entered the hall, he immediately felt a sensation in his heart. He woke up from the samadhi and asked, "But what happened?" matter?"

But the smile on Xianglong's face didn't disturb Lin Sen's guilt at all, he strode forward with a big smile and said, "If I don't come to call you again, I'm afraid it will be a mistake for Jian'er to rule the north and the south The court meeting!"

"So fast?" Lin Sen blurted out in astonishment with his eyes wide open. As soon as they came back, Yang Jian was already ruling the world.

"How fast! It's been almost seventy days since we came back!" Xianglong is also a cultivator, so he knows that this cultivator has no concept of time at all when he enters samadhi. At that time, one sleep would last for decades or hundreds of years!

Lin Sen couldn't help but lamented the passing of time in his heart, and at the same time, he felt that the Shapolang had absorbed enough killing energy on the battlefield, but he only went straight to the southern border.

The golden pagoda in his hand slowly disappeared, and he said suspiciously, "Even if it is more than two months, it is too fast. Then Nanchen is still a huge country that occupies half of the country!" Even if Nan Chen didn't fight back, it would take a lot of time to occupy one city and one town in Sui Dynasty. How could the overall situation be settled in such a short time!

"Hahaha..." Xianglong immediately laughed heartily, and said with an excited expression on his face, "Isn't it my good disciple who took his 1 people around the town, starry night and night, It was actually a single tool that captured the Nanchen Imperial City, but the emperor of Nanchen surrendered! Haha..."

It's no wonder that Xianglong is so excited, this apprentice is promising, and the master naturally has a bright face, but Xianglong's excitement in the past few days is almost as high as that when he was just a celestial being. This is the impatient potential urging Sen to leave the customs, so that he can go to Chang'an City to show off!

Lin Sen understood like this, why Xianglong was so anxious, but since Yang Jian had already become the great cause of the unification of the north and the south, he, as a master, had to show his face no matter what!

I didn't say much at the moment, so that Xianglong could leave the main hall together, but I saw that the people from the whole mountain outside the main hall had never been so together before, apparently let Xianglong call out one by one!

Zha Nongying, Qin Wei, Ding Xie, Jin Ning and his wife, Qingling, Little Butterfly, Yuan Lang, Qin Yi, King Kong, King Jinya, and King Shark are the giants that have been kept in the Xuanwu Hall. The crocodile was also brought out by Qingling at this time, and everyone on the fairy mountain was called by Xianglong today. Seeing that Xianglong had made such a big battle, Lin Sen couldn't help but smiled wryly.

However, there are too many people. In such a prosperous age, if only a few of us go there, it will be a bit shabby. Even if everyone gathers, only waiting for himself, Lin Sen waved his sleeves and said, "Let's go!!"

clang! !clang! !In Chang'an City, the sound of heavy bells was recalled again. In front of the main hall of Chang'an Imperial City, the eunuch in charge shouted, "All ministers pay homage, the emperor's morning court!!!" Following the sharp and clear shout, all civil and military officials The important ministers filed in, walked into the hall and stood on both sides, and Yang Jian, who was wearing a luxurious red and black dragon robe, came out at the pace of a tiger, and stood at the head of the hall with incomparable majesty!

All the ministers bowed and saluted immediately, "Long live my emperor... Long live... Long live...", but Yang Jian slightly raised his hands and said, "Get up!" It happened all the time, but today is very different. From today on, he is no longer the king of the Sui Dynasty, but the co-lord of the world, the third emperor to unify China since ancient times!

Then the chief servant, under Yang Jian's affairs, stepped forward and shouted loudly, "Bring Chen Shubao to the palace..." The voice was passed down all the way.

Not to mention that Yang Jian rewarded civil and martial arts in the main hall, and did the rewards. Lin Sen and his party had not arrived in Chang'an on the auspicious clouds, but they saw the golden dragon flying above the city of Chang'an. Just as real, a pair of dragon eyes are full of majesty, not at all like a fake!

Bringing Lin Sen and the others close to Chang'an, the golden dragon flew up immediately, and after circling around Lin Sen and the others for a few weeks, it just soared away. The Luck Golden Dragon is going to strangle everyone. From now on, this Chang'an City is not a place where monks can come here casually!

Lin Sen came here this time to celebrate the unification of the North and the South, so he couldn't enter Chang'an City so silently, only to see the Qingyun all over the sky suddenly appearing under Lin Sen's body. Seeing this, everyone immediately became odd!

Qin Wei in the middle raised a mighty purple aura all over the sky, and Zha Nongying waved a sky full of fairies with his first move, the god eagle statue, and the butterfly fairy dancing lightly, with colorful faces.

And the rest of the people also offered sacrifices to the magic treasures and gods one after another. For a moment, the precious light filled the sky, and the divine power was mighty, and the power all over the sky was like the arrival of those immortals!

"It's the emperor's teacher..." "It's the emperor's teacher..." How can the people in Chang'an City not notice such a big commotion? It is auspicious clouds, stretching as far as the eye can see on the sky, not only the emperor dragon, but also the divine fairies who are as beautiful as flowers.

When did the common people see such a battle, they immediately ran out of the house one after another, worshiping Lin Sen repeatedly in the open air, praying loudly for the protection of the emperor and master, today the Great Sui Dynasty unified the north and the south, The emperor actually brought a group of immortals to congratulate me, and my Da Sui will surely create a glorious and prosperous world!

In the main hall of the court, there was also a change outside it, so Yang Jian came out with all the cultural relics and officials, and the first one fell down and bowed and shouted loudly, "**** Yang Jian welcomes Master Fajia!"

But before he knelt down, Lin Sen's divine sense lifted him up. Lin Sen held the pagoda in his hands, smiled, and uttered a voice of compassion, as if accompanied by a fairy voice, which made people feel at ease "Now you think you are the master of the world, but I can't bear this bow!"

Yang Jian's face changed slightly, but there was a trace of joy in his heart, but he was also depressed, and he was not insisting on it at the moment. The civil and military officials also stood up, but Lin Sen stood in the air and laughed again: "Now the world is gone. Definitely, the Human Emperor returns to the throne, and besides coming to congratulate Master, I still have a gift for you, for Tai Sui!"

With Lin Sen's finger pointing, eight large characters in seal script appeared in the sky above Chang'an City, which read "Ordered by the Heavens and Yongchang!" !Each character is half an acre in size, shining golden brilliance in the sky.

The literate people in the city whispered at almost the same time, "Being ordered by the sky is to accept Yongchang..." These eight characters naturally knew where they came from. Inductively, there was a clear dragon chant in the air, and the golden dragon body appeared in front of the eyes of the world, circling around the eight big characters!

And those eight big characters were also rapidly condensed into a group in this surrounding, exuding a radiant and majestic brilliance like two suns in the sky!

In the long chant of the golden dragon, the radiant brilliance shrunk rapidly in front of the eyes of the people of the world. After reaching the square of one foot, the brilliance of the whole body suddenly shrank, revealing the thick golden seal inside. With a groan, it rushed into the golden seal, and then the golden brilliance visible to the naked eye circled around the golden seal, and then the golden dragon rushed out of the seal with a long groan, disappeared into the sky above Chang'an City, and disappeared. On the big seal, there is an exquisite and real picture of a giant dragon hovering, just like the golden dragon just now!

And although the big golden seal floating above the sky is only about a foot in size, the eight large seal characters shining brightly under it are clearly in front of everyone's eyes.

After the golden radiance slowly dissipated, the square golden seal slowly fell and floated in front of Yang Jian!

When Yang Jian put it in his arms calmly and slowly, Lin Sen smiled and said, "The jade seal of the ancient Three Emperors is the seal of Kongtong, and after that, the seal of Nine Dragons was condensed, which is the luck of the human race. The First Emperor Yingzheng also used the Heshibi to cast the Jade Seal of the Kingdom, and the Jade Seal of the Jade Kingdom was lost after the Qin Dynasty, and today my Golden Dragon Seal is being used as the Jade Seal of the Jade Kingdom of the Great Sui Dynasty, so as to guarantee the luck of the Great Sui Dynasty!"

But Xianglong said in a low voice of astonishment, "So you have prepared for it!" Even Linsen didn't know when the Golden Dragon Seal was refined!

Lin Sen smiled slightly but remained silent. This Golden Dragon Seal was also a seal that he had created at will when refining the Sha Po Lang that day, using the remaining mixed things in the Trapped Dragon Stone. Lin Sen said today It was unexpected that it would resonate with the lucky golden dragon. After the fusion just now, the golden dragon seal is closely connected with the great Sui luck!

"I thank Master for your generous gift!!" Yang Jian did not perform the kneeling ceremony, but bowed his body to salute, and the civil and military officials and the people in the city also shouted loudly at the same time, "Thank you for the gift from the emperor. ..."

In the midst of such loud shouts, the mysterious yellow aura suddenly descended from the sky in between. The mortals could not see it with their naked eyes, but a practitioner like Lin Sen could see it clearly.

Just as the world is united, the 300-year war of swords and soldiers is over, and there is a natural induction under the law of heaven, and the descending of monks is the most coveted merit.

But I saw that the mysterious and yellow air that filled the sky was divided into two parts, one big and one small, the big one took up about [-]%, most of it was integrated into the luck golden dragon, and the small half was mostly sprinkled on Yang Jian and the ministers. On the other hand, the rest is integrated into the Golden Dragon Seal!

As for the four successful virtues that flew towards Lin Sen and others, most of them flew towards Lin Sen, but Lin Sen did not use the merits to improve his mana, but used the merit tower to gather them, such a good thing Such a use is too wasteful! (To be continued.)

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