Empress Dugu advocates frugality, so she leads by example. The place where she lives is also very simple, but it also has a fresh air of Xiao Qiao's flowing water!

As soon as everyone entered the courtyard, they could only see four things parked in the garden. When everyone came in, their eyes looked at the same time. At this time, I couldn't help but tremble and my feet stopped!

The most conspicuous thing is the golden-toothed white elephant that shines like white jade, and the big blue bird with iron feathers beside it is also extremely heroic, and the scarlet giant crocodile is the one that scares everyone the most. , although the crocodile is not as imposing as the other things, but the eyes of the other things have spirits, just like human eyes, and only this thing is motionless, but the tyrannical breath of blood and nothing in the eyes The rational and cold expression made everyone feel terrified!

But among the few things, only the pitch-black shark is not very conspicuous, but Gao Ying and the others who knew its identity knew that this seemingly inconspicuous evil shark was the most terrifying existence among them !

Fortunately, those things just glanced at them and then looked away, and everyone followed Yang Jian who looked normal and hurried to the queen's bedroom!

As soon as I entered the main hall, I saw that it was filled with all kinds of immortal masters, not only the immortal elders with a strong sense of immortality, but also the fairies who were yingyingyanyan, not only the queen was here, but The empress dowager, who lives in seclusion, is also chatting with Yu Dishi, who is full of smiles!

The crowd were unwilling to look too much, but even though it was Yang Jian who stepped forward and went straight to the smiling young man on the first seat, he paid his respects!

"Disciple Yang Jian pays homage to the master!" Yang Jian led all the officials to bow down to bow down, but Lin Sen stopped him again and said, "I just said that now you are the co-lord of the world, but you don't have to do it anymore. The master has performed this kneeling ceremony!"

Although Yang Jian couldn't kneel down, he still said firmly in his mouth, "A master is like a father. If there is no teacher's teaching and help several times, there will be no such thing as Yang Jian today. Jian'er's worship is not a bow from the emperor, but a bow from the emperor." Meet the master as a disciple!"

When Yang Jian said this, Lin Sen really didn't insist on that with the firm look on his face, so he had to let go of his divine sense and let Yang Jian lead all the officials to bow down. Then he smiled and said, "Get up!" Yang Jian Such persistence in kneeling down made him, the master, feel warm in his heart, and he asked with a smile on his face, "The people behind Jian'er are all the pillars of my great Sui Dynasty, but most of them I don't know!"

"Wu Jianzhang pays homage to the Emperor, Master and Immortal Chief!!!" Gao Yingyu Dugu City didn't need to introduce him, but the man with a firm face and eyes like knives said first, this person looked like a warrior on the battlefield, a loyal man!

Immediately, Lin Sen hurriedly held him up and laughed, "The descendants of Mr. Wu, who came from a famous family, are really extraordinary! Haha!!"

"He Ruomi pays homage to the emperor teacher!!" This is a man with an ordinary face, his whole body is extremely ordinary, but it is such an ordinary person, standing here is extremely extraordinary!

"Han Qinhu.." "Ding Yanping..greetings to the emperor!!" Another two generals came out. These two are also warriors on the battlefield. Although their aura is not as good as Yang Lin, they are not far apart , Lin Sen couldn't help but nodded with a smile.

But the last person looks like a very young son, his face is as white as jade, and he is a little older than Yang Jian. Standing here at such an age, it shows that this son is extremely extraordinary, but the aura around him is also It can be seen that it is also a one-yuan tiger general, but he came out at the end and said, "Li Yuan pays homage to the emperor..."

Li Yuan, as soon as this name came to his ears, Lin Sen's heart immediately trembled. This name is so familiar, and there is another name that made him more famous in later generations. His son, Tang Taizong Li Shimin, is now Fangli of the Sui Dynasty But when he heard this name suddenly, Lin Sen couldn't help but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Although the killing intent disappeared in a flash, and then turned into that smiling look again, but whoever was not human, they all found out the difference in Lin Sen's attitude towards Li Yuan!

Yang Jian hurriedly stepped forward with a smile and said, "Master, Gao Ying, Dugu City, Yang Lin, and General Yuan who escaped from the world are all the founding ministers of our Great Sui Dynasty, and they have made great achievements for our Great Sui Dynasty." The military exploits are all the pillars of Jian'er!" Yang Jian quietly glanced at Yuan Lang in the palace when he said General Yuan!

"Everyone has worked hard!! Lin Sen will give some gifts today!" Immediately, Lin Sen waved his hand, and the billowing spiritual energy rushed into the bodies of several people, restoring everyone's bodies to their best condition. .

Seeing everyone, Lin Sen was very happy at first, but after seeing Li Yuan, the calculation in his heart was to suppress the joy. Although it hasn't been shown yet, he will definitely show its benefits. Moreover, Lin Sen's own luck is closely related to the Great Sui. Although it will not be weakened by the demise of the Great Sui, the stronger the Great Sui, the stronger his fortune will be. The stronger the luck, coupled with Yang Jiandi's relationship, he couldn't just watch this great country fall into the hands of others!

After the fluctuation of the spiritual energy passed, the crowd immediately saluted with unbearable joy and thanked them. At this time, a big event is certain, and the remaining hundred years of history will be rich and prosperous. Who would not want to have a good body to enjoy a few more years, Lin Sen's casual gesture excited them more than any other treasure!

Such a smart person as Dugu Jialuo could feel the embarrassment in it, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Master, Your Majesty, everyone who is here today is my own family, why bother to thank you so much! Disciple daughter-in-law But I prepared some vegetarian dishes by myself, especially to honor the master, and I also invite the master to bring you to the adults to taste!"

When Dugu Jialuo said this, Yang Jian hurriedly laughed and said, "Jialuo's craftsmanship is unrivaled in the world, but today the apprentice is in the honor of the master!" Even if they just drop by to cook the vegetarian food, that is already the supreme kindness of the emperor!

"Really?" Lin Sen immediately laughed and said, "I have long been a teacher, but today I seem to want to taste Jia Luo's craftsmanship! But there is one more thing before eating!!" Lin Sen was talking but changed the subject , that serious look immediately made everyone stunned!

Indeed, Lian Sen said seriously, "Yang Lin, kneel down..." When Lin Sen called out in such a stern voice, Yang Lin, who was full of smiles, was taken aback, and hurriedly knelt down on Lin Sen's face in a daze. in front of you.

Looking at the serious faces of Lin Sen and his master, he felt terrified and at a loss. No matter how he reacted, he couldn't figure out what wrong he had done. Reason! (To be continued.)

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