Lin Sen's sudden yell made everyone stunned, even Yang Lin himself was at a loss, and couldn't think of what he had done wrong after thinking hard, but he still hurriedly knelt on the floor of Lin Sen. In front of Mori, there was a cute expression of admitting his mistake and accepting punishment!

Seeing this, Lin Sen said seriously, "Yang Lin, my senior brother and I want to formally accept you as an apprentice, and pass on your immortality, would you like it?"

Yang Lin was anxious for a while, but he didn't expect it to be this question. He had been waiting for this idea for a long time. He was slightly stunned for a moment, and then nodded hurriedly full of surprises, "Yes...Yes. ..”

Everyone in the hall originally thought that Yang Lin had made a mistake and was worrying about it, but they didn't expect this to be the result. The worry on their faces immediately froze and then turned into full of envy. The god of immortality, from now on, there will be a gap between immortals and mortals!

Not to mention this group of people, even Xianglong and the others were fooled by Lin Sen. Although this matter has already been settled, we can't say that now!What should Yang Jian do?A few people were wondering, but Lin Sen asked solemnly, "Once you enter the immortal world, you have to give up your status in the world and be rich and prosperous in this world. Are you willing?"

"Lin'er is willing..." Yang Lin had been looking forward to this method of immortality for some time, but at this moment, an opportunity finally appeared in front of him. What is the wealth and honor in the world compared to the great cause of immortality?So I nodded and answered without even thinking about it!

Yang Lin said like this, but Yang Jian, who was standing on the side, quietly showed a trace of tangled expression. What his master said was also asking himself, he was different from Yang Lin, the emperor of the world, everyone in the world It would be a shame to let him throw away the position of master!

However, Lin Sen asked aloud, "Once you enter the immortal way, you have to throw away all kinds of love and love in the mortal world, kindness and hatred, are you willing?"

Yang Lin patted his head and said with a silly smile, "Lin'er has no wife or enemies, so there is no problem with this one, Lin'er is willing to..." Yang Lin smiled but answered without even thinking about it!

At this time, Yang Jian felt more and more that the master was not asking Yang Lin, but himself, and immediately asked the same question in his heart, if he was himself, could he really give up?His eyes quietly glanced at Dugu Jialuo, but Dugu Jialuo found that Dugu Jialuo was also looking at him, obviously his Huizhi Lanxin had already discovered the mystery!

"You have to be brave and hardworking to enter the immortal way, and you have to advance and never retreat, are you willing?" After Yang Lin answered, Lin Sen asked again seriously!

"Lin'er is willing!" Yang Lin nodded fiercely, he knew the truth, and he was already prepared in his heart!

"Once you enter the immortal way, if you are not careful, your soul will fly away, and you will not even be able to enter the reincarnation. Would you like it?" The more Lin Sen asked, the more urgent the voice became, and the more he asked, the more high-pitched he was. Even the time to think was reserved for Yang Lin, and Yang Lin replied firmly without thinking, "Lin'er is willing!"

After asking so many questions, Lin Sen finally put on a faint smile on his face and said, "Get up! That is to say, let's go back to the mountain together later!" As soon as Lin Sen said this, Yang A smile finally appeared on Lin's face, and he stood up cheerfully and said, "Lin'er, thank you for your success!"

And everyone in the palace couldn't help sighing inwardly at this time, it turns out that the immortal way still has such complicated requirements. How would you answer yourself!

Not to mention the thoughts of the ministers, after Yang Lin stood up, Lin Sen looked at Yang Jian, and then said, "Jian'er, it's your turn now!"

Yang Jian also didn't speak, just stepped forward and knelt in front of Lin Sen, and the faces of the ministers were panic-stricken, and Gao Ying hurriedly shouted, "Your Majesty, please! Your Majesty... At this time, the world has just been settled, and a thousand wastes are waiting to be rejuvenated. Your Majesty is in full bloom, and it is the time for us to create a foundation for eternity. We must not give birth to the heart of reclusiveness! Your Majesty..." And the other people are also anxious He fell to his knees and begged, thinking that if Lin Sen's status as the emperor's master was not too high, all the civil and military personnel would call him a monster for harming the country at this time!

But Dugu Jialuo didn't react in the slightest, he just looked at Yang Jian's figure with affection in his eyes!

"Jianer, I asked you the same question just now, can you do it?" Before Yang Jian could speak after Lin Sen finished asking, he continued, "As a teacher, I will tell you bluntly today. Afterwards, you can’t pass it on to the emperor. This is the rule of heaven and earth. If you violate it as a teacher, you will be wiped out. Therefore, I will turn over a method that has not taught you and Lin’er the slightest bit of immortality. Today I will let you Choose, if you can give up everything in this world, I will take you back to the mountains and pass on your immortal way**!"

As soon as Lin Sen said such words, Yang Jian, who was kneeling in front of him, suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention. The pleadings of the ministers also stopped suddenly, and they just looked straight at the young emperor. A simple and difficult choice, but it will change everything in this world!

After a few breaths of silence in the hall, Yang Jian finally made a decision, raised his head and looked straight into Lin Sen's eyes and said, "Master, disciples are not as decisive as Brother Lin. There are too many things and feelings of reluctance in this world. Jian'er decided to stay in the world and create a prosperous world for me in the Sui Dynasty. Although the way of immortality is precious, it is rare to leave a name in the history. If I don't want to go back to the mountain, I hope the master will atone for my sins!" Yang Jian said deeply Give Lin Sen a discount!

If he had asked before, the long-awaited Yang Jian would have agreed like Yang Lin, but now no matter whether it is the world, his wife or children, he cannot give up. Looking forward to Xiandao!

After Yang Jian bowed his head deeply, he also stood up because he was waiting for Lin Sen to speak. Instead of blaming Lin Sen for such a choice, he smiled on his face. He himself, no matter what Yang Jian chooses today, he will support him!

"Long live my emperor..." Hearing Yang Jian's choice, the courtiers were finally relieved, and at the same time they were deeply moved. The emperor even gave up the way of immortality for the sake of the Sui Dynasty. Is there any reason not to do my best!

And that Dugu Jialuo had a gentle smile on his face, as if he already knew that Yang Jian would make such a choice, there was no trace of panic from the beginning to the end, and only now did he come forward and smile, "Master, all the elders, It's better to follow Jia Luo to eat! Don't wait for the vegetarian food to cool, and let Jia Luo's vulgar craftsmanship make a fool of yourself!!"

What Dugu Jialuo said made the atmosphere in the room much easier immediately, everyone couldn't help but smile on their faces, Lin Sen also smiled and said, "Use vegetarian food, use vegetarian food, if there is any delay, Jia Luo is afraid I'm going to dislike me, an old man who is too talkative! Haha!!" Lin Sen made a joke in such a small way, and immediately shortened the distance between the crowd and let the dignified atmosphere dissipate. Then everyone got up and followed Dugu Jia Luo went to the dining room! (To be continued.)

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