This meal was a pleasure to eat. Lin Sen and the others are all immortals who have been eating all kinds of treasures from heaven and earth for a long time. Appreciation, it is worthy of what Yang Jian said is a must!

But Yang Jian finally untied his heart knot, Yang Lin's dream finally came true, and all the civil and military people were deeply favored by the emperor. This vegetarian meal can be said to be a happy one.

After dinner, Lin Sen and the others immediately left. In this world of mortals, it is still inconvenient for their practitioners to stay for a long time. Walking against the wind, and it is not the first time to go to the Immortal Mansion where I have lived for a long time, but at this moment the state of mind is completely different, and there is a slight sense of anxiety.

Compared with the smile on his face when he came out, Lin Sen's face at this time was as serious as the bottom of a pot. Although there were laughter in the imperial city, most of them were pretending!

Seeing him like this, Xianglong couldn't help but stepped forward to comfort him, "Jian'er is his own choice, brother, you can't force it!" Apparently, Xianglong thought that Lin Sen was due to Yang Jian, and he was upset .

Hearing what he said, Lin Sen, who had been thinking about things, finally came to his senses, and hurriedly said, "It's not about Jian'er, but I was thinking about something else!" The name Li Yuan has always been in Lin Sen's name. Wandering in my mind, as a person of later generations, I naturally understand what this name represents, but at this time everyone is here, but it is inconvenient to say!

After returning to the Immortal Mansion, Lin Sen sent everyone back to rest, but pulled Zha Nongying, Qin Wei and Xianglong into the main hall. Seeing Lin Sen's serious look, Qin Wei couldn't help but He asked in doubt, "What is it? Brother, why do you have such an expression?"

After they were seated, Lin Sen looked at them and asked, "What do you think of the ministers today?"

Lin Sen was serious all the way, but he opened his mouth with such a question, which immediately confused several people, and everyone couldn't figure it out, Qin Wei replied suspiciously, "The tiger general of the world, the pillar of the country! "As the patriarch of Confucianism, these eight characters can be regarded as a high evaluation for those people!

Even Lin Sen nodded, those few people today are indeed the dragons and phoenixes among the people, but it is because of their extraordinary aptitude that he is bored!

"But what's wrong with those people?" Lin Sen's question, together with his expression along the way, made Cha Nongying understand a little bit, and said with a strong killing intent in his tone, at this moment he All the disciples of Nanjiang rested on the Great Sui, and he would never allow any heresy to appear in the Great Sui before the scene of living and working in peace and contentment appeared in Southern Xinjiang!

Lin Sen didn't answer, but asked instead, "Who are those people who impressed me the most today!?"

"Wu Jianzhang, the descendant of Wu Zixu, is a man of civil and military integrity, and he is very upright!" Qin Wei replied without thinking about it. Although he is a fairy teacher, his mind is still disturbed by Confucianism , so the impression of this famous family is the deepest!

"He Ruomi!" Zha Nongying's answer made Lin Sen slightly stunned. That ordinary person should be the least eye-catching one in the hall, but he didn't want to cause Cha Nongying's attention instead. Keeping the attention of high-profile people at all times, seeing Lin Sen's gaze, Zha Nongying couldn't help saying softly, "This man's surname is stable, which is rare in the world. His eyes didn't change at all when he was not looking at me as a mortal!" Even Lin Sen didn't pay attention to the general details, so it's no wonder this person attracted his attention!

"Brother! What on earth do you want to say, just say it!" Xianglong asked anxiously after being scratched by Lin Sen's strange questions one after another!

"Do you know who is the person I pay the most attention to?" Lin Sen's question immediately aroused the curiosity of several people, and they opened their mouths and asked in unison, "Who is it?"

"Li Yuan!" Lin Sen said with a solemn expression and calm eyes!

"Li Yuan? That young master?" Xianglong couldn't help but wondered. Compared with the others, that young master really has nothing outstanding except for his looks!

But Cha Nongying suddenly said at this time, "When you saw Li Yuan just now, the aura on his body also changed. Could it be that there is something secret about that young master?" At that moment, there was a flash of murderous aura on his body, and Zha Nongying was arrogant on the surface, but in private he was extremely careful, and he could feel the changes in Lin Sen just now!

"Don't you think that Li Yuan is too young to be a loyal minister of the Sui Dynasty?" Lin Sen asked in a deep voice.

"What's the matter!" Xianglong replied casually, "Aren't Jian'er and Lin'er younger..." But as soon as he finished speaking, even he himself realized what was wrong, and immediately understood What Lin Sen meant was that Yang Jian is the emperor of the people, and Yang Lin is also the founder of the country, and the two of them have been taught since childhood that they have achieved such achievements at this age, and that Li Yuan can do this is a testament to his Extraordinary!

But Lin Sen nodded slowly and said, "You have also discovered that Li Yuan's aptitude is not inferior to Jian'er's emperor's posture, and he deals with people, not greedy for merit, not aggressive, although the aura on his body is the same. place, but I still don't feel relieved, while washing their tendons, I checked their bodies by the way!"

"What's the result?" Xianglong asked anxiously, Zha Nongying and the other two were also anxiously waiting for an answer!

"They are all fine in their bodies, but Li Yuan's body is extremely pure, with almost no debris, just like..." Before Lin Sen finished his puzzled words, Xianglong who was listening said. "It's as if someone has washed his muscles and changed his marrow!"

After Lin Sen nodded slightly, the few people couldn't help but calm down. If Li Yuan had really been washed and changed, then things would be complicated. This only shows one problem, and there are people who practice mixed with it.

What worries and puzzles him the most is, if he is really a cultivator, why did he come to Li Yuan? Even he has the merits of the founding official, but after several discounts, such merits and virtues are in the hands of the cultivator. There are not many left.

Practitioners are the same as people in the world. If there is no benefit, how can they waste their efforts for no reason? Even if chance and coincidence are not ruled out, then this matter should not be taken lightly!

"Since there are doubts, then this matter must be investigated!" Qin Wei also said sharply, his Confucianism has just seen prosperity, and there must be no disclosure at this time, even if it is only one in ten thousand possible To kill it, in this regard, Qin Wei is absolutely decisive. (To be continued.)

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