Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 300 Moon Essence Wheel

But Lin Sen used the star essence to condense one large, four small and five clusters of star brilliance on the ground fire lava that was forcibly suppressed by Xianglong, just like the four spiritual thoughts behind his head.

But the formation of the four spirits has been completed, and the speed at which Lin Sen draws the power of the stars in the sky not only does not weaken, but becomes more and more rapid. Although Xianglong is puzzled, he has no time to distract distracting thoughts. It disappeared in a flash, and then suppressed the violent ground fire with all its strength!

What does Lin Sen want to do?

However, the erupting earth fire was too violent. This kind of majesty of heaven and earth, let alone an ordinary formation, is the formation of the four spirits based on the foundation of the sky. I am afraid that it is difficult to resist, even if it can be resisted for a while. It's hard to say which day there will be a slight accident and it will erupt again, but at that time, the crime will be more or less on the heads of Lin Sen and the two of them!

It is also decisive at the moment, don't rush to form a formation, but continue to frantically draw the power of Zhou Tianxing and the stars, and the brilliance that continuously flows into the lava, quickly surrounds the four spirits under the control of Lin Sen's divine sense The formation gathers.

In the rapid gathering, the formation was so difficult that even Lin Sen's divine sense could not be supported, veins appeared on his forehead, beads of sweat rolled down his face, and even his face turned pale, showing his exhaustion.

Fortunately, that bit of star essence was finally condensed and formed, and it was divided into four directions, seven in each side, each surrounding the four spirits. It was the next extension stage of the Zhoutian star formation, the formation of 28 stars, but it was Lin Sen. Incorporating that virtuous energy into the thought, after comprehension, together with the previous study, I finally deduced my own comprehension of the Great Formation of Zhoutian and Stars to this stage, but it just happened to be used here!

Once the starlight of the 28 constellations came out, even Lin Sen's divine sense at this time, gathering the power of so many stars at the same time, and making a specific mysterious formation work, is an extremely difficult thing. What's more is that the gums are clenched tightly, and the body trembles slightly.

It's just that at this time, there is still no rest. Although the main formation has been completed, it has not yet completed the formation. This is the most difficult time. Lin Sen, who was already strong and comfortable, is now It is also necessary to separate the divine sense and connect a kind of star brilliance.

Such a huge consumption of spiritual thoughts only shocked Lin Sen into a daze, and his seven orifices were bleeding. With his current strength, although he can deduce the power of 28 stars, but if he wants to form a formation, his strength is indeed not enough. Don't catch, even the demon emperor Jun in the past, what a proud person, never thought of completing the Zhoutian star array with his own strength, but gathered five monster clan sages from the monster clan 360 to complete it together!

Fortunately, although the strength is not enough, but under Lin Senqiang's support, he finally completed the connection of the shining stars on the lava, and only saw that the formation was [-]%, and immediately spontaneously extracted the energy of the stars in the sky, and all the lights The clusters suddenly shone with bright brilliance, and there was an invisible bond between the clusters of light to connect with each other.

The formation has been formed, Lin Senzhi's whole body loosened, his body softened, his mind suddenly felt dizzy, and he fell weakly from the top of the cave, but fortunately he reacted extremely quickly, and his spiritual thoughts dragged away After the humanoid body fell slowly, it staggered a few steps before standing still!

And the elephant dragon wanted to fly out when the formation was formed, and turned into a human form, with beads of sweat on his face, and sat paralyzed beside Lin Sen, panting heavily. The dragon is directly facing the erupting lava of the earth fire. The power of the heaven and the earth over there, its consumption can be seen, even the heavenly immortal bred by the earth fire like the dragon, is also gasping for breath one after another, "Tired... tired... I'm exhausted...this damn thing..after so many years..the power is still so berserk...huh..."

Although he was exhausted and panting like an ox, Xianglong couldn't break through the invisible barrier above the tumbling red gold lava, and finally showed a gratified smile on his face. There is a closure in my own hands!

However, Lin Sen didn't even have time to speak. He hurriedly started to recover from the damage caused by the intense consumption of spiritual thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness. After the stabbing pain in his head gradually subsided, Lin Sen finally opened his eyes. Seeing that it was so much, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a faint smile appeared on my face.

The two celestial beings, facing the erupting lava, sat cross-legged for nearly an hour before slowly standing up!

Although it was dangerous and dangerous just now, the formation was finally completed. Although I was tossing myself unclearly, I also gained a lot of experience. The next time when I don't arrange it, it will be relatively convenient Will be much more proficient!

At this moment, the battle has been completed, but it's time to recover the results of the battle. Lin Sen stretched out his hand, and the merit pagodas surrounding the Moon Essence Wheel flew down with the Moon Essence Wheel just now!

Although the moon essence wheel is a congenital object, it is an unowned object, and most of its supernatural powers cannot be stimulated, and Lin Sen's merits and virtues are gathered together. Trapped that moon spirit wheel!

Carefully spreading out the formation of the merit tower, Lin Sen was always on guard when canceling the formation, after all, the bleak moonlight blade of the moon essence wheel just now left a deep impression on him!

Carefully withdrew the formation, only to see that the Yuejing Wheel suspended in front of Lin Sen not only failed to fight back, but the sound of the treasure gave birth to bursts of joy, as if thanking Lin Sen for sealing the formation, and finally Let it escape from the underground!

The crescent-shaped moon essence wheel slowly rotated and flew forward, slowly rotating around Lin Sen, as if expressing his friendliness.

And it was only at this time that Lin Sen finally saw the appearance of the moon spirit wheel. The body of the wheel was like a black moon, and it was composed of two circles, one big and one small. The outer circle was a blade, and a faint bright moon shone on it. The brilliance condenses into a Hunyuan arc, the inner circle is densely covered with mysterious patterns of various colors, exuding a soul-piercing cold light!

This moon essence wheel has no handles at all, and it seems that it can't be grasped at all. It is born to be controlled by spiritual thoughts.

But it said that the moon essence wheel was full of joy and slowly rotating around Lin Sen, like a moon elf playing around for a hundred years.

But at this time, a faint fairy sound suddenly rose from the cave, and a cloud of air was born from the top of the cave, heading straight towards Lin Sen and the Moon Spirit Wheel!

Seeing that ball of luck, Lin Sen's eyes suddenly opened wide in astonishment, and Yue Jinglun jumped up with even more excitement, as if cheering for the arrival of that breath! (To be continued.)

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