The sudden clouds came straight to Lin Sen at the moon essence wheel. Lin Sen opened his eyes wide in astonishment, staring straight at the aura, not because it appeared too abruptly, but because the aura was dark yellow The color is exactly the aura of merit that he had just obtained before, and this battle is obviously a merit from heaven!

But he didn't expect to come to subdue the moon essence wheel and completely seal this violent earth fire, but he didn't expect the reaction under the law of heaven, and the aura of merit was born as a reward, which can be regarded as an unexpected joy!

The mass of virtuous energy was divided into two in the air, and about [-]% of it flew towards the moon essence wheel, while the remaining [-]% flew towards Lin Sen. But he didn't feel any loss at all, being able to completely solve the evil obstacles of the past today is enough to satisfy him, as for other things, he can't ask for more!

As soon as the virtuous energy entered his body, Lin Sen directly sent it into his divine thoughts. This kind of merit is incomparable to that of the Human Emperor, but no matter how little virtuous things are, it is a good thing and it is better than nothing.

However, Lin Sen looked at the Moon Essence Wheel while absorbing the virtuous aura, and the Moon Essence Wheel rotated slowly, and the black and yellow aura fell and merged into the mirror-like blade.

I saw a bleak light suddenly appearing from the edge of the blade, flowing along the edge of the moon essence wheel, under the brilliance, faint ripples slowly appeared on the moon essence wheel, and there seemed to be something in the ripples As if born from it, under the wrapping of the black and yellow aura, a fuzzy ball emerged from the edge of the blade, and then slowly squirmed and grew into a human shape.

In an instant, he turned into a middle-aged Taoist in a moon-white Taoist robe, with an immortal demeanor, just like an immortal in a painting!

"Dry the machine..." Xianglong burst out suddenly, this cry also aroused the surprise in Lin Sen's eyes, the spirit born from the Moon Essence Wheel was the Kunlun who fought against Xianglong back then dry machine?It really is a good style!

Under the nourishment of the dark and yellow energy, although the machine on the edge of the moon essence wheel became clearer and clearer, but he could not speak. He just cupped his hands at Lin Sen and the two of them, and then he was full of enthusiasm. With a grateful smile, he flew into the sky and disappeared under the nourishment of the mysterious yellow energy!

"I didn't expect that there was still a wisp of the machine's remnant soul in the moon essence wheel!" Xianglong said with a sigh, and his mouth was full of surprises. Today's trip was too unexpected, and the biggest one in his heart The knot in my heart is finally solved!

"Such a person who feeds all the people with his body will naturally have an induction under the way of heaven, how can he let his soul fly away!" Lin Sen couldn't help but sigh, when the machine was used to seal the fire on the ground, he himself was burnt out of his soul, Even Nascent Soul was able to escape from the earth fire. Everyone in the world thought that his soul was already gone, but he didn't expect that there was still a trace left in the moon essence wheel. Today, under the nourishment of this merit, three souls and seven souls In the end it is complete, rushing to the six paths of reincarnation.

As soon as Qianji's soul left, a radiant brilliance appeared on the Moon Essence Wheel as if congratulating, and then it slowly flew to Lin Sen's side and spun around. The obstacles completely disappeared, and the layers of restrictions were all beautiful. They didn't hinder Lin Sen's refining, but spontaneously agreed with Lin Sen. In a short time, Lin Sen left behind in the moon essence wheel. Engrave your own spirit!

The moon essence wheel slowly rotated around Lin Sen, and Lin Sen could clearly feel the connection within the moon essence wheel, as well as bursts of joyful messages from the moon essence wheel like a child!

Strictly speaking, this moon essence wheel is Lin Sen's first congenital object. After all, when the four spirit beads were refined, their aura had already been lost. Lin Sen couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Said that its power is the aura of this treasure, it is not comparable to this acquired thing, what is even more precious is the rules of heaven and earth recorded in this moon essence wheel, the innate treasure of heaven and earth is generated, and the rules and avenues in it are also Tool is until the origin of the Dao!

"How does this Xiantian Lingbao feel? Haha!!" Seeing Lin Sen's fascinated face, Xiang Long couldn't help laughing.

But Lin Sen nodded deeply and sighed, "The innate thing is really extraordinary!" This is the message that Yuejinglun realized just a moment ago, but it deepened his understanding of the Zhoutian Xingchen formation layer!

Suddenly opening his eyes, without moving his hands or feet, a cold light of autumn water suddenly flowed over the Moon Essence Wheel, and the blade of Hunyuan spun extremely fast, circling the cave for a circle, although it was silent, but The boundless sharp aura emanating from the edge of the blade left countless thin, paper-like deep knife marks on the cave!

Then, amidst Lin Sen's smile, all the huge boulders around the cave fell down, and fell into the flying lava, swaying down densely like rain, and after a while, the ground fire was completely destroyed. These rocks are all tempered by the earth fire, and they are extremely firm, and today they are pressed on the earth fire.

Although it doesn't work now, after a long time, when these rocks are connected to the leyline again, the earth fire here will be sealed forever, even if the earth is buried and changed, it will never erupt again. Maybe, even if you have received the merits of that day, you must do a good job!

Among the boulders swaying like rain, Lin Sen and the two flew straight up. With the moon spirit wheel in front, the boulders that fell were cut into two by the sharp aura before they touched Lin Sen. Duan, after passing the stone rain, Lin Sen and his two used the ground walking technique to sink into the ground, and rushed straight to the ground!

As soon as the ground came out, one could only see the red land thousands of miles away, and the eyes were full of barrenness. It stands to reason that although the ground fire is a violent thing full of death, but the cathode is positive, and the ground fire lava is the best nourishment after it cools down. After so many years, this area should have been turned into fertile soil for thousands of miles, but the slightly trembling ground in front of me is still barren!

Lin Sen had a pair of divine eyes, and a pale yellow divine light emerged from those eyes. At a glance, the red ground was covered with ghosts full of injustice. The tyrannical resentment of a dead person cannot be resolved, so after so many years, he is still not as good as that reincarnation, just wandering in this homeland blankly.

The injustice and death on it made this fertile land, which was originally fertile soil for thousands of miles, become such a barren land without any grass!

"Brother, these people, you may turn them into reincarnations like that reincarnation!" The situation here is known to Xianglong even if he doesn't look at it, even if he is regretting his mistakes in the past, he can only make up for it one by one at this time. These 10,000+ wandering souls all died at his hands, how could Xianglong turn a blind eye!

With so many people, even Lin Sen didn't have any difficulties, but this matter was like a dragon's knot, but it had to be resolved no matter what, so he said softly, "Let me try it!"

To save such unjust souls and sins, he is best at Buddhist exercises, but although Lin Sen has mixed knowledge, he has not dabbled in Buddhist exercises. However, there is a stupa of Buddhist merits and virtues. Presumably, as long as the aura of injustice on these innocent souls is refined, these innocent souls will naturally go to the land of reincarnation!

I saw Lin Sen stretching out his palm, and the virtuous relic pagoda flew out, and became longer in the wind, turning into a towering golden pagoda more than ten feet high, standing on the wasteland, and then from around the pagoda, densely packed The exquisite small tower is surrounded by four sides, covering an extremely huge area.

Lin Sen squeezed the magic formula in his hand, and reprimanded, "The formation..." Although Lin Sen had never learned the Buddhist formation, he had studied the Thousand Buddha formation before, and with his own knowledge of the formation Realize that even though he has a set of tricks in his hands!

I saw that the golden light between the pagodas is connected, like a golden giant, with the golden light tower as the center, throwing on the sky, and following the magic formula in Lin Sen's hand, the pagodas all exude a soft glow. Thick Buddhist brilliance!

Buddhist exercises advocate cause and effect, extinction, and most of them are based on spiritual thoughts, but they are most effective for these dead souls. It can only be seen that under the Buddha's light, the wandering souls seem to be attracted by something. Unconsciously, they gathered from all directions to the giant golden tower!

There are 10,000+ ghosts in the whole wasteland, and they are all gathered from all directions at this time. What a magnificent scene, at first glance, they are all confused souls full of injustice, surrounded by black The qi flew out under the golden Buddha light, the more the grievances on the body dissipated, the more sober the grievances were!

According to Lin Sen's original calculation, after all the grievances are dissipated, these ghosts will naturally reincarnate, but the weaker the aura of each of the grievances, the more intense the resentment in their sober eyes.

In the wandering of these 10,000+ ghosts for so many years, even if they are unconscious, the aura around them is extremely strong, and there are naturally some people who are born with strong spirits, but I don’t know which one is actually dragging out the Buddha’s light Controlled, as if feeling the threat of the Buddha's light, he raised his head to the sky and let out a silent roar!

A ghost is a spirit body, and this roar was naturally also sent by a spirit body. From the mouth of the roaring ghost, invisible ripples spread around, and the ghost under the sound wave also suddenly woke up. Shouting, shouting and screaming!

All the ghosts were filled with resentment at first, but at this moment, visions appeared in the heavens and the earth amidst the wailing, gusts of dark wind suddenly rose above the entire wasteland, and even the sun in the sky slowly disappeared, being overwhelmed by the dense dark clouds. To cover up, grievances and death aura rapidly emerged from under the ground, and the resentment that had been condensed just now grew even more crazily.

Pieces of dense grievances surrounded by black energy roared wildly around the giant golden light tower, and the breath was condensed into one piece, and the Buddha's light could not penetrate it at all. (To be continued.)

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