Seeing that the Bone Demon nodded to him to acknowledge him, and followed him again, Lin Sen smiled slightly, and then gave up the control of that direction, and followed the flow of the aura of the mountain!

He is indeed not like a dragon, and he can find the direction very clearly in the depths of the ground as if he was in his own backyard. Although he has taught Lin Sen several times, but he wants to do that, but it is still far from it. !

However, it is not the only way to find the source of the veins in the mountains. Although Lin Sen doesn't know the way, he has his own ideas in his heart. At this time, he let go of his control and just followed the line of defense flowing through the veins. And go, the spiritual energy in the veins will naturally only flow to one place, which is the place where the spiritual energy in the mountain gathers. .

And if there is anything in this mountain, it should be there naturally, so with the current, the aura of the earth veins will naturally lead Lin Sen and the others to that destination!

What Lin Sen and the two entered before was only a small branch of the veins, but as the aura gathered from all directions, Lin Sen and the two only felt that the surrounding veins continued to widen, and the aura grew geometrically. Come on, if it was a stream before, now it is just as surging and surging as the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers! !

There are many dangers in the underground, but Lin Sen's divine sense is scattered all around, always paying attention to every move around him, and the bone spirit sees that Lin Sen has closed eyes, so he closes his eyes and concentrates, anyway, there is Lin Sen Sen Zai, not long after, it turned out to be this gun, and as the strong cold air in the ground veins entered his body, the red lips on his face slowly showed a trace of joy Comfortable smile.

The outside of the Skull Mountain is barren. Since its transformation, I am afraid that it has never been surrounded by such a rich aura!

But with this kind of flow, he doesn't know when it will be the camera. Lin Sen is not in a hurry. The place where the spiritual energy of the mountain range is condensed is like the heart of a person, and whether the spiritual energy flows to Where is the place where they will eventually meet, so the two of them may not be flowing to the place of spiritual energy at this time, but there will always be a time to arrive!

In this kind of drifting, after about half an hour, there was a sudden void in front of the two of them, and this sudden change made the bone spirit immediately refreshed from his body, and his eyes widened. He opened his eyes and asked anxiously, "Senior, are we here yet?"

"Not yet!!" Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts were scattered all around, but he had already known about the changes on the road, so he shook his head slightly and smiled, "We have just entered the land veins and rivers. , I didn’t expect that this Skull Mountain actually has this underground river!”

There is a desolate place on the Skull Mountain. Naturally, there is no water source, but it has never been thought that there is still this quietly flowing river deep in the ground.

This river is about one foot wide and as deep as half an arm. Don't underestimate this small river. The spiritual energy from all directions gathers here and flows slowly after blending into the river. The cold river water, even in this darkness, is still shining with a faint brilliance!

"Is this spiritual energy talking liquid??" Bone Demon stretched out his hand to scoop up the cool river water. The rich spiritual energy in the water could almost penetrate the veins by himself. When had she seen this in the Skull Mountain? Immediately, he looked at the river with fascination, and murmured in his mouth, "I just heard that in that famous mountain and great river, the rich aura will condense into a river, but this is the first time I have seen it." !"

Seeing his shocked appearance, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "This is not the real aura liquid, the river water is not the aura condensed, but the aura infused into it, the real aura fluid is the aura condensed It becomes a liquid, and the richness of spiritual energy is far from what this river can match!" On the side of his hanging mountain, there are several silver-white waterfalls flying down, and those things are the water in the hanging mountain. The spiritual energy is condensed, and the real spiritual energy is transformed into liquid, but the spiritual energy is many times thicker than the river in front of you!

"I really want to see what it looks like!?" Hearing Lin Sen's words, the White Bone Demon immediately showed his longing expression. He was also pitiful. He practiced in this mountain day and night, looking at the unchanging desolate scenery. Facing the famous mountains and great rivers in this fairy world, one can only imagine!

Seeing his appearance, Lin Sen sighed slightly in his heart, and then said, "Let's go! Follow this river, we will be able to reach the place where the spiritual energy of this mountain is condensed, and everything will be decided by then!" Immediately He started to walk along the flowing river in the darkness, and the bone spirit hurriedly followed behind Lin Sen!

In this quiet darkness, only the river water still glowed with a little spiritual light. Lin Sen and the two walked along your river, but they did not use spells, and as they continued to move forward, from time to time What's more, there is that spiritual energy condensed from all directions, and the river becomes wider and brighter as it goes!

After walking like this for about half an hour, Lin Sen's footsteps suddenly stopped!

The two of them were walking forward in silence, but his sudden stop made the bone spirit behind him startled for a moment, and then hurriedly asked, "Senior? What's the matter? But it's here?" Looking forward anxiously, although her cultivation base is normal, she still has this night vision skill!

While looking around like this, Lin Sen raised his arm and pointed forward and said, "Look, what is that?" Following the direction of Lin Sen's arm, the Bone Essence was looking away, but he saw the distance between the two people. About a few tens of feet away, there is a slight bulge above the Yan'an of the river.

From such a long distance, it looks like a raised rock at first glance, and Lin Sen naturally won't stop because of a small rock. The bone spirit looked very far, and after careful identification, the ruddy little He opened his mouth and opened his eyes, but he couldn't help but screamed "Yeah!!"!

This scream was very loud in this quiet cave, and with the reflection of the cave echoing for a long time, it was the bone spirit who looked a little flustered, and asked Lin Sen with some doubts and confidence in his mouth. Said "That's...?"

The distance of tens of feet is not too far, and besides, it is in the darkness, but I have already seen it wrong, so I hurriedly looked at Lin Sen, but saw Lin Sen nodded slightly. Nodding his head, his eyebrows were also slightly furrowed and he said, "You read that right, it's a dead body!" (To be continued.)

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