Sui was just a dead body, but it made Lin Sen's eyes settle down involuntarily. This place is under the leylines, in the middle of the mountain, this kind of place is almost isolated from the world, and suddenly a sentence popped out for no reason. When the corpse comes, anyone with a sense of mind will find something is wrong!

"How could there be a dead body here?" The Bone Demon immediately uttered a voice of astonishment, and immediately stepped forward hurriedly. Although he was in the dark, he could still see the appearance of the dead body. Next, I couldn't help opening my mouth and exclaiming "Yeah!!"

But what I saw was a dead body on the edge of the river. It stands to reason that this bone spirit has seen countless dead bodies in this mountain. It was because of a dead body that I was shocked like this. .

The reason why he was entangled in the root cause was because of the appearance of the dead body.

However, the dead body seemed to be crawling up again, the upper half of the body was lying on the ground, but the lower half of the body was still soaked in the water. It had been in this mountainside for an unknown number of years, but the physical body had no body. Rotten, but the muscles on the body are completely dry, covering the bones like a thin layer of skin. Although it is in the water, it is completely a dry corpse without the slightest moisture!

Lin Sen also followed her. Looking at it, he understood why the bone spirit was shocked. The appearance of this dead body was very similar to her original body, and a dead body like her Become a spirit, but it has nothing to do with the previous life, so your memories of the previous life are all gone. After waking up from the pile of bones, she has nothing to do with the previous life, and at this time in the belly of the mountain , unexpectedly encountered a dead body that was very similar to her, but she couldn't help but be surprised!

Lin Sen's eyes looked at the mummy in the water with luster, but he immediately saw the mummy thoroughly. In the body of the mummy, all the meridians and bones were completely dry, and this kind of It's extremely dry, but it doesn't seem to be formed naturally. On the contrary, it seems that all the nutrients in the body were forcibly extracted by something!

Such domineering strength!Lin Sen couldn't help marveling secretly, what was in the ground, the dead body was extracted cleanly, and there was not even a trace of life spirit left behind!

Spreading out your divine sense in all directions, your heart was very alert, and then you said in your mouth, "Hurry up! It seems that we are coming soon!" Then you walked forward first, and you Bone Spirit looked at the corpse. Yes, this is the one who hastily followed!

Although Lin Sen had no intention of walking, the spiritual thoughts in his mind were cautiously guarding the surroundings. He didn't want to be sucked into the appearance of a mummy by something that suddenly appeared!

Going forward like this, how many steps have not been passed, and another skeleton appeared in the water, but this time it was not in the shape of a human, but looked like a slender beast, and as he walked The farther away, the more and more corpses there are. Almost within a few steps, one, sometimes even several entangled corpses appear at the same time!

And Lin Sen's eyebrows became more and more entangled. What is there in the depths of the ground? With such a forward movement, after a sudden change in front, the scenery in front of them really made Lin Sen and the two stunned. It stands to reason Both of them are monks who have practiced for a long time, and they have seen all kinds of scenery before, but they have never heard of the scene in front of them!

I could only see that the dark and deep cave was full of mummy corpses like before. Although they were of different sizes and races, they were densely packed, layered on top of each other, and there was no end to be seen at a glance. , full of corpses, follow the dark cave to the depths!

What made Lin Sen even more secretly startled was that there were so many corpses without the slightest breath, not even half of the dead breath, just like these corpses, Zeng Jin was not alive. Creatures, themselves are like this kind of stone land!

"Senior!!!" Bone Essence couldn't help but turn pale. Seeing this scene, he said in a slightly trembling tone, "Why don't we start going back!!" The scene in front of him is really scary, especially But among the bones, there are still some huge monsters, obviously they were all extraordinary people in their lifetime, and all these things died here, but she is not allowed to come to such a place!

"Nothing!!" Lin Sen looked into the depths of the passage with his eyes, and said softly in his mouth, since he is about to arrive, he should take a good look at it anyway, otherwise all this effort would be in vain. Without waiting for the bone spirit, he levitated and flew towards the cave, but he didn't want to touch the ground paved with bones!

Seeing that Lin Sen was the first to leave, the Bone Demon hesitated for a while. After hesitating left and right, he finally dared to follow up cautiously. It wasn't that she was also curious about that thing, but at this time she was not in such a place. Dare to go back alone.

The cave is not very long, Lin Sen is suspended in mid-air, but the speed of travel is very fast, from time to time there are bones of different shapes appearing under him, each of them has a hideous face, and he can still vaguely see the body before he was born. In such a flight, Lin Sen finally flew out of the mountain within a short time.

But as soon as he came out like this, the front of his eyes suddenly opened up, and what appeared in front of him was a pitch-black cave the size of a football field. In this cave, it was like being outside. There are countless corpses piled up on the ground. If you insist on the difference, it's just that the number of corpses is obviously denser!

And these corpses are all in crawling postures. Although they have different images, they all face the same direction. Surrounded by four sides, the forward direction is all facing the center of the cave. , and the flowing river of aura also flows towards the center of the cave, and around this cave, there are still about a dozen of the same caves, all of which flow out such clear river water, flowing towards the center of the cave. Gather!

And the source of all these water sources is also the center of this cave. In the direction where the corpses are crawling, there is a pool about ten feet wide. There are so many sources of water, but that pool of water is really submerged. To be precise, that thing is just a small puddle of water!

But the reason is that the thing in the middle of the puddle is a pillar about one foot high, the whole body is pitch black like black jade, although it is in the darkness, it is glowing with a little bit of luster, very What's strange is that even in this darkness, the black luster is very clear!

But the black bamboo grows very strangely, there is not a leaf on the whole body, the branches are just a bare bamboo pole, but the bamboo pole has nine knots, the topmost knot is actually nine knots. It was only the little black shoots that popped out!

But the rich spiritual energy rolling in the puddle, in the water, is constantly rushing towards the black bamboo, and it is just like this, these more than a dozen streams of water are injected at the same time, but the puddle is not visible!

When he saw the black bamboo, Lin Sen's eyes suddenly went dark. Although the name of this thing is unknown, and there is no aura around it, but in the current situation, it is obvious that it is being supported by the power of this mountain. It became such a barren mountain and wild ridge, and it was precisely because of this black bamboo in the mountainside that it absorbed a lot of spiritual energy!

"Senior, what is this bamboo?" The Bone Essence also hurried forward, and after seeing the black bamboo, he could see the reason in his heart, and asked curiously!

After being questioned like this, Lin Sen just shook his head slightly. He also knows a lot about spiritual roots in the prehistoric world, but among them, bamboo spiritual roots are very few, and The most famous ones are of course the six pure bamboos in the hands of the Western Saint, but obviously this thing in front of me is absolutely not!

However, although this black bamboo does not know its name, just looking at its power, it is definitely a very powerful spiritual root treasure. At that moment, it is cautiously and slowly drifting towards the black bamboo. Four weeks, to make sure that I can give birth to a sense of heresy at the first time, and then get away!

Seeing that he stepped forward, the bone spirit was also full of curiosity and anticipation, and called out softly, "Senior, be careful!" Then he watched Lin Sen slowly approaching the bamboo with piercing eyes.

But Lin Sen was very cautious, and even said that his speed was very slow, just to prevent sudden accidents, but where the spiritual roots are, there must be something guarding them, and this is so so around the black bamboo. Of course, his corpse is just placed here for no reason!

And even as Lin Sen stepped forward so cautiously, until he reached the side of the puddle, nothing happened. It seemed that everything was just Lin Sen's carelessness, but in fact, nothing happened. Nothing ordinary!

Seeing such a scene, Lin Sen showed a slightly reassured look on his face, and the bone spirit whispered expectantly and curiously, "Congratulations, senior, for harvesting the treasure spirit root!" Although this thing should have been her chance, But at this moment, he doesn't have any reluctance, he just wants to get out quickly, as for this treasure, as long as his life is still alive, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, so he hastily started to congratulate Lin Sen at this moment!

"Hehe! But I haven't got it yet!" Hearing the Bone Demon's joyful congratulations, Lin Sen replied with a slight smile, and then stretched out his hand to grab the bamboo.

And this claw is not important, but Lin Sen's complexion changed suddenly, with a horrified look on his face and said, "Not good!" (To be continued.)

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