But most of the things with spiritual roots are things that are invulnerable to all dharma, water and fire, so after Lin Sen heard the congratulations from the bone spirit, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab the black bamboo, and this claw can It doesn't matter, Lin Sen's complexion changed drastically immediately, his eyes couldn't help showing that panicked look, and he blurted out in a hurry, "Not good!!"

And with such a shout, the bone spirit immediately showed anxiety on his face, and shouted anxiously, "Senior, what are you doing? But what happened?" He immediately stepped forward quickly, his face full of That look of anxiety and panic!

"Don't come over!" Lin Sen hurriedly stopped him, and then said in a hurry, "There is something wrong with this black bamboo, you should get out of the way!" With such an anxious cry, the Bone Demon didn't retreat, but instead He stepped forward even more anxiously, rushed straight to Lin Sen's side, and shouted anxiously, "Senior, what's the matter? What do you need the little demon for?"

"You need to leave quickly! This black bamboo is very strange, don't say you are also involved!" Lin Sen immediately shouted anxiously, and at the same time, the robes around his body seemed to be resisting something!

After he shouted like this, instead of retreating, he saw the bone spirit walking slowly in front of the mountain, staring at Lin Sen with a pair of winking eyes, and said with a reluctant smile, "I don't know if you are stupid!" What? Still stupid! I don’t know how a person like you survived in this fairy world, and when he was about to die, he still thought about others, so I really felt a little bit reluctant to kill you!”

And seeing his appearance like this, even a fool should react. Lin Sen stared at him immediately, and then angrily said in his mouth, "You plotted against me?" It began to tumbling rapidly, as if it was about to take down the Bone Demon!

It's just that Lin Sen had just mobilized his mana, his face turned pale, and the bone spirit didn't show the slightest panic, not much or flashing.Just standing beside him with a smile like this, it seems that he is not worried that Lin Sen will suddenly get up and take him down. Seeing Lin Sen's mana running like this, and then turning pale, the bone spirit immediately smiled coquettishly Said, "I advise you to use less mana, that will only make the black jade devour your heart and speed up the speed of absorbing your essence, blood and vitality. In this way, you can linger on in this world for a while longer!"

"Despicable!!" Lin Sen seemed to have felt the faster absorption speed, and while his face was pale, Wei Wei scolded the bone spirit slightly out of breath!

"Despicable?" Bone Demon asked back with astonishment, then looked at Lin Sen with a smile and said, "I only blame you for being too stupid. All of you have tyrannical magic powers in your body, but your brains are all rigid than you have already cultivated. Apart from beating, Killing, I don't know how to change it, Kong has all the strength, why not capture it to me!!" Then with a smug smile on his face, he said, "As long as this black jade heart-eating bamboo doesn't swallow some physiological blood, it can give birth to nine At that time, my empress will be able to hold this bamboo to fight in all directions. What bull devil, what seven great sages, all will bow down under my empress!!! Hahaha!!" [

The more the bone spirit talked, the more excited he became, and then he seemed to have seen his own glory, and then he laughed involuntarily!

"It's a good strategy, but it's a pity that you don't have a chance!" Amidst the laughter, a cold snort was heard, and then a fist rushed out suddenly.The diameter pierced its body from the front chest to the back!

The bone spirit was laughing up to the sky, but he didn't expect that Lin Sen would make such a sudden attack. Just one punch stopped his laughter, and then he showed a horrified expression on his face, and looked at Lin Sen The arm that pierced it seemed to want to say something, but it just opened its mouth.But in the end no words came out.

Then, when she tilted her head, she turned into that withered female corpse, hanging on Lin Sen's arm!

"Hmph!!" Lin Sen snorted coldly, Wei Wei had already used it, and then shook the female corpse to pieces.Then he said in a cold voice, "I want to run, I'm dreaming!" Then with a wave of the palm, a thunder ball was thrown out, directly hitting the pile of corpses.

And before the thunder ball arrived, a sharp scream came from the pile of corpses, and then a white figure rushed out of the pile of corpses. Who is he who is not a bone spirit!

At this time, he looked at Lin Sen in a panic, and said in disbelief, "How is it possible!? Before the Moyu Heart-eating Bamboo matures, anyone who grabs it will be sucked dry by it! How is it possible?" How could you be okay? How could you see through my spells and find my original body!?"

At this moment, Bone Essence has too much consternation and doubts in her heart. Over the years, she has already deceived countless people to come here, borrowing the weakness of her heart, and turning them into this black jade heart-eating bamboo... Nutrients, but this is the first time in so many years that someone has not been sucked dry by the bamboo after catching the heart-eating bamboo!

What made him even more alarmed was that Lin Sen could see at a glance his supernatural power to escape from feigning death, and then accurately and mistakenly found himself among the piled up corpses, which had never happened before. What happened, she is a dead body, hidden in this pile of corpses, but because of that corpse, how could she be found so easily!

How could he not be horrified that his means of saving his life were so easily seen through!

"Golden cicada escapes its shell?" Lin Sen saw that the bone spirit was slightly puzzled, but shook his head again and said, "No, it should be reborn through a shell!" He looked at the bone spirit and smiled with an interested look on his face. "It turns out that this is the case, but your spell is really interesting!"

When he was reading the original book, he wondered how the bone spirit could escape from the hands of the dead monkey one after another with such low strength. You must know that the dead monkey will never be soft on such monsters. However, they were teased and escaped one after another, but at this moment Lin Sen understood!

Just now, the female corpse that he killed and turned into fly ash was none other than the bone spirit, but the one in front of him was also the bone spirit. It should be said that the bone spirit died once, but he was not completely dead, but came back to life. Its source is this spell, or its original body!

In this area, there are all corpses that have been sucked dry by this black jade heart-eating bamboo, and this bone spirit is one of them. It stands to reason that such a body that has been sucked dry will not be born no matter what. Sensible, but there are always accidents in this matter, but this bone spirit is not lying a little bit, she really got a pure yin energy for some reason, maybe it is due to her own special physique, or your Mo Yu Heart-eating Bamboo's intentional leak.

In short, that kind of aura made her conscious, and then she started to practice spontaneously, but this bone spirit did something very clever at first sight, but connected all the mummy corpses in the mountain belly with her. In one place, under such joint cultivation, although the progress is slow, it is life-threatening! [

All the mummy in this mountain can be counted as a part of her body. Even if the body that went out died or was broken, she only lost one body, but there are still countless bodies in the mountainside that are left to be attached. His resurrection is already equal to that little half of the immortal body!

With such a spell, it’s no wonder that the bone spirit was able to escape from the dead monkey one after another. It’s not that the dead monkey didn’t beat him to death, but that he was resurrected in the mountain. Lin Sen expressed doubts about his death!

Seeing that Lin Sen understood his own life-saving trick so easily, the white bone shuddered suddenly, and then stared at Lin Sen cautiously, already thinking about the way to escape!

Lin Sen, who saw him, slowly withdrew the palm holding the Moyu Heart-eating Bamboo, and then said with a smile on his face, "As for why the effect of the Moyu Heart-eating Bamboo devouring souls and nourishing itself works for me!!!" Speaking of this point, Lin Sen laughed and said, "The reason is very simple, because I didn't catch the bamboo at all! It's just that you pretended to have a mutation, and you really showed your feet!"

"As for, how do you find out where you are?" Lin Sen said with a smile, "You may have never dealt with people who practice spiritual thoughts! It was only in the magic power of the method of escaping from the ground, but There are more than just a few things!" As early as that time, Lin Sen left a brand of himself in his divine sense, so although the bone spirit was lying in the pile of corpses in the utmost secrecy, he was still in Lin Sen's eyes. From Sen's point of view, it's no different from lying in front of him with nothing to hide!

Seeing the faint smile on Lin Sen's face, the bone spirit couldn't help but secretly hated her teeth. She naturally knew the art of divine thoughts, but Lin Sen had never shown the art of divine thoughts during this journey, and had been using it all the time. Moving forward with mana, because he simply didn't know that he was a monk who practiced spiritual thoughts.

But now that I think about it, this bastard was messing with himself from the very beginning, and then he asked in a cold voice, "You have suspected me since then? Where did I show my feet?"

This is the ultimate question in his heart. From the previous words, it can be seen that although his cultivation is not high, he has great confidence in his own resourcefulness. It's okay to lose, but if you lose in Brain Mountain, you have to figure out why, otherwise she won't be reconciled even if she dies!

Hearing his question, Lin Sen smiled slightly and said, "Maybe you think you are smart, but in my opinion, you have too many flaws!" (To be continued...)

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