As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking with a smile like this, the Bone Demon's complexion was completely paralyzed, his complexion was ashen, he stared at Lin Sen and murmured, "Impossible!! How could you find out! !"

Seeing his expression, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "Nothing is impossible! Although your actions just now were secretive, in my opinion, such actions are indeed more noticeable That's all!" Then he stretched out his hand and nodded between his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Don't forget, I left something in you, and your every move can't escape my eyes!"

After seeing that Lin Sen was not fooled, the White Bone Demon had already started to think of a way to escape, but he was deliberately provoking Lin Sen to talk, so as to buy enough time!

While Yu Lin Sen was speaking, he had already begun to connect his soul to your body in the distance. As long as Lin Sen killed her again, she would be able to resurrect in the distance, thereby separating Lin Sen from you. The distance between them and the time to escape, but he didn't know what he did, but it had already appeared in Lin Sen's eyes without any delay, so he let him do what he did, but his heart had already It is certain that it cannot escape!

But the Bone Demon was looking at the faint smile on Lin Sen's face at this time, as if he had seen an evil spirit. His eyes widened and he yelled in horror. His body suddenly sank to the ground. Among them, it is the method of escaping from the ground, the speed is even faster than Lin Sen's movements when escaping from the ground. Obviously, this escaping technique is not only good, but also very profound!

Seeing the Bone Essence running away so anxiously, Lin Sen was not in a hurry, and immediately activated the divine thoughts in his mind, and with Lin Sen's smile on his face, it was not too far away from him In the place, a figure rushed out of the ground in a hurry, with his head in his hands, his face was ferocious, his facial features were distorted, and he kept screaming in pain, "Please forgive me!! Senior!! Please forgive me!! The little demon dare not! The little demon dare not!!"

She is just a celestial being, and her sea of ​​consciousness has not yet been fully developed. How can she resist even a ray of Lin Sen's divine thoughts? It is as if thousands of needles are piercing randomly, this kind of severe pain from the soul, no matter how resolute it is, it is difficult to resist, not to mention that he is not a resolute character in the first place. Beg for mercy!

In the meantime, Lin Sen stopped the divine sense, and at the same time Lin Sen stopped, the bone spirit suddenly changed his expression and said coldly, "You forced me! Ah!!! !” At that moment, there was a desolate and sharp howl, and the flesh body suddenly burst into pieces.

Under such an explosion, your completely withered body immediately turned into dust scattered all over the sky, swaying down in all directions.

And a little surname!Lin Sen thought to himself, and then he flicked his sleeves, but a strong wind blew away the dust scattered on him, but he would not let these filthy things stand on him!

And after the dust that filled the sky slowly settled, the entire mountainside immediately burst into a soaring dead air. Under the filled gray dead air, the densely packed corpses on the ground were all dead. He got up slowly, and there was a gleaming black light on each withered body. Although he was staggering, he was swarming towards Lin Sen from all directions without fear of death!

In this space, the bone spirit screamed sharply, "Hahaha!! It's been so many years, how can I not be prepared, these corpses are covered with this corpse poison, even if it is contaminated by Xuanxian and Zhenxian, it is very troublesome, Today I am doomed, but even if I die, I will definitely not make you feel better!! Hahaha!!"

The voice of the Bone Essence reveals absolute confidence. In order to calculate the sting, the first is to calculate the defeat. Of course, she has thought that if the matter is revealed, she will face the opponent's beheading, and her cultivation base is low, and her progress is slow. There are only these endless corpses, so over the years, he has continuously injected his own corpse poison into these corpses, and used these corpses to warm up!

After so many years and hundreds of years, among the endless corpses, if there is a single one, the corpse poison is naturally nothing, but it is better than the number and everything. Some trouble!

It's just that each of these mummies is very fragile, and these are his body. Under such a forceful trend, it will cause heavy damage to itself, and it may also end up dead. , turned into flying ashes, it's just that things are forced to this point at this moment, but she can't help but not work hard!

Amidst such sharp shouts, the countless corpses stood up one by one, surrounded each other and wanted Lin Sen to walk, and in the passages around the cave, there were also corpses walking towards the cave. Walking here, in the sky, in the ground and in the water, you can see that white mummified corpse everywhere!

"Just these things? Is this your life-saving method?" Lin Sen immediately said mockingly. Although these corpses may have been strong before they were alive, but now they are just some completely dry corpses, and the vitality of life has gone away. At this time, even if they were mortals, they could smash them into pieces in one lap, not to mention Lin Sen's cultivation!

I saw Lin Sen wrapping his sleeves, with it as the center, a gust of wind rose from the flat ground, whistling and blowing in all directions, while the mummified corpses around were blown into a sky-filled haze under the gust of wind. The dust that dissipated one after another was caught in the strong wind!

"Ah!!!" The Bone Demon immediately let out a sharp howl. Lin Sen's attack almost destroyed most of the corpses in the cave, although these corpses had only a slight connection with her and could not be felt. Pain, but these are the things she relies on to escape, and she is ruined by such things at this time, how can she not feel distressed!

However, after such a sharp howl, he started to giggle again, the laughter was very refreshing, but Lin Sen understood why he was laughing at the first time, with the wind blowing, A puff of black air gushed out from the shattered corpses. Under the strong wind, this puff of black air rapidly condensed and expanded, almost instantly, within the mountainside. Spread out overwhelmingly!

In the dark and foul-smelling mist, the sound of corrosion can be heard from time to time, it is the poisonous fog corroding the surrounding rock walls, and amidst the sound of corrosion, there is still the weak but hearty smile of the bone spirit "Haha!! The poisonous mist has condensed!! You are waiting to die!! You are waiting to die!! Haha!!"

Although most of her body was destroyed at this time, she was almost on the verge of collapse, but the culprit was also uncomfortable, even if she died, she would hold her back, and she smiled heartily when she said nothing! (To be continued.)

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