Even if it is death, she has to pull a back. This is the current state of mind of the bone spirit. The poisonous mist bred and tempered in the mummy is her last killer move. She is very confident in her heart. As long as there is this diffuse The corpse poison is here, even if she is discovered, she still has the strength to fight!

"This is your life-saving trick?" Lin Sen smiled at the moment, maybe this bone spirit has never been out of the Skull Mountain, or maybe it really just can't get out, such a corrosive poisonous fog, although the power is not bad , but it is something that has not been condensed, has not been tempered by mana, and is forbidden to gather. It is absolutely impossible to show off in front of him!

This time, it was not blown away. This corpse poison is considered a good thing. Collect it and refine it a little later. It can also be exchanged for something good, right? .'

At that moment, he stretched out his palm, and a small golden tower flew out of his hand, and then a huge suction force came out from the bottom of the tower. As soon as the suction force came out, the poisonous mist of corpse gas permeated the mountainside, and it was The speed visible to the naked eye rolled and poured into the merit stupa.

The poisonous mist has been condensed, but it is just some loose things, how can it resist the swallowing of the stupa like a long dragon absorbing water, almost in an instant, the huge poisonous mist is being swallowed alive After sucking up a gap, the bone spirit immediately screamed when he found out, and then hurriedly began to control the poisonous mist, but unfortunately it was too late at this time, how could she get rid of such a thing? The snatched Guo Linsen!

Even the divine sense was not used, Lin Sen just relied on the power of the pagoda to completely suppress the bone spirit and suck the rolling corpse poison into the pagoda!

"No!!!" With a sharp cry, the bone spirit that had turned into dust in the air immediately uttered that terrifying and piercing howl. This is how her painstaking efforts over the past few years were taken away by the person in front of her. She fought desperately with others. The last resort is gone!

And following this cry, the bone spirit also seemed to know that today might not end well, so he immediately shouted angrily, "Bastard, I will fight with you!" The mana fluctuated, and with that fluctuation, the corpse powder that was not shattered by Lin Sen seemed to be driven by an invisible force, and it spun rapidly above the cave.

Turn faster and faster!Turn faster and faster!Then your gray whirlwind continued to the ground, and in front of Lin Sen, a gray-white giant with bones about three feet high quickly condensed out, with a cold will-o'-the-wisp in his eyes, staring at Lin Sen's constant beating Flashing, the huge ancient sword full of barbs in his hand was about to slash at Lin Sen!

At the same time, the gigantic skull and white teeth began to sag, and the cold voice of the bone spirit came from within, "You bastard, die!!" Years of planning came to naught, and even his life was at stake. But the Bone Demon didn't care about anything anymore, he was going to fight Lin Sen desperately at this time!

"Dharma Body?" Lin Sen saw the spell of the Bone Demon, and immediately smiled. His dharma body is too fragile. Although it looks very menacing and hideous, it is actually not very powerful!

If the bone spirit tempered and condensed the many bones one by one, then Lin Sen would still give her some points at this time, but now it is just an empty shelf, and the little demon who doesn't understand anything is almost the same. before?But it's nothing at all!

Immediately, he smiled coldly, and then clenched his fist with one hand, a flat punch with such a diameter, and greeted the giant sword that was chopped off!

When fists and swords intersect, there is no sound of refined iron, no turbulent airflow, only the crisp cracking sound of Kakaka, amidst the crackling sound, the place where the giant sword I went to see was hit by Lin Sen's fist, Surprised that such a large piece was missing!

Lin Sen retracted his fists and stood there, but the Bone Demon stood there blankly, looking at the gap on the giant sword. Only then did he fully understand that the gap between her and Lin Sen was too big, it was too big to It's because she wants to work hard, so that she can't cause the slightest harm to others!

Her own weapons can't touch other people's arms, this battle was a failure she asked for from the very beginning!

Not long after Lin Sen closed his fist and stood up, he saw that the bone spirit was full of creaking sounds, and under such movements, the mana and aura on the huge skeleton body continuously surged. With a breath like that, it is obvious that the mana in the whole body has been mobilized!

Lin Sen hurriedly took precautions in his heart. It looked like this bone spirit was preparing for the last fight, and if he failed, he would be benevolent. Although his strength was average, who knew if there would be any weird moves, or a sudden attack? If you make up your mind to blew yourself up, that's a big deal!

And at the same time when Lin Sen was so vigilant, the White Bone Demon opened and closed his white jaws, as if he wanted to say something, and the phosphorous fire in those black eye sockets suddenly started to burn violently. Such a change immediately caught Lin Sen's attention, and he thought to himself, what's going on with this bone spirit?

Lin Sen, who was on guard, was thinking about it secretly, but suddenly he heard a sharp and ear-piercing howl from the bone spirit, and then the ceiling of the huge skeleton exploded suddenly, and a cold Wu Guang, who carried the magic energy of a celestial being, screamed and sank into the black jade heart-eating bamboo, but there was no more sound!

But as soon as his energy was lost, the huge skeleton immediately shattered silently, flying into a piece of gray-white bone powder, but the bone spirit disappeared completely without a trace!

But Lin Sen has no time to pay attention to the skeleton now, his eyes are tightly fixed on the black jade heart-eating bamboo, and subconsciously, he flies back a little, pulling on the black jade heart-eating bamboo. Keep your distance!

The Bone Essence was obviously sucked by the black jade heart-eating bamboo as a nutrient, but he never thought that he would be swallowed by it without touching him, but all the spirits of the day and earth always have some strange things of their own The point is that before the situation becomes clear, it is safer to keep the distance between each other!

But what I saw was that with the cold breath carrying the magical power, the small shoot tip on the black jade heart-eating bamboo immediately burst into black light, and then it should be nourished by the bone spirit's breath, The small bamboo shoots immediately grew a section upwards, but the breath was obviously insufficient, just a little longer is the lack of stamina!

The black light on the black jade heart-eating bamboo obviously reveals the unfinished taste, and seeing it like this, it is immediately on guard, if it does not get enough nutrients, it seems that in this mountainside In other words, there is only myself, this bamboo is too weird, it's better to be careful!

And under Lin Sen's careful vigilance, black light shone suddenly on the black jade heart-eating bamboo, and within that black light was the extremely pure cold air, and that The cold breath is exactly the same as the thing that was extracted from the body of the bone spirit just now, but it is much stronger in terms of quantity!

As soon as the energy came out, Lin Sen immediately felt that something was wrong, and after seeing the reaction of the black jade heart-biting bamboo slowly floating up, Lin Sen hastily stepped back a few more steps. Guard against the black jade heart-biting bamboo attacking you suddenly, but surrounded by that cold aura, your bamboo is just floating like that, as if you are preparing for something.

This kind of things that need to be prepared is obviously not easy to time. Taking advantage of the emptiness of the preparations, Lin Sen is now ready to escape, but after walking like this for a few steps, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his heart, but I shouted subconsciously, I was fooled!

This is the one who hastily stopped, looked back at the Moyu Heart-eating Bamboo, and secretly said in his heart, the Moyu Heart-eating Bamboo definitely already has spiritual wisdom, and its spiritual wisdom is not low, and it almost killed it. I was lied to, if it wasn't for the same aura as that in the body of the bone spirit, he really couldn't react, and was taken by the black jade heart-eating bamboo!

The change just now was not at all because the Moyu Heart-eating Bamboo absorbed the Bone Essence through the air, or it was not all, because the breath in the Bone Essence was originally his, he just took it back, and at the same time brought it back. Leaving the cultivation base of the bone spirit!

The White Bone Essence had recently said before that it was because of your yin and cold air that your spiritual wisdom was opened. This may be true or false, but the matter of the breath seems to be true!

But there is one thing wrong, that thing was not leaked unintentionally, but it was given to her on purpose by this Moyu Heart-eating Bamboo. Perhaps this bone spirit has a special physique, and after being sucked dry by this Moyu Heart-eating Bamboo, there is still some Such a trace of aura, but this black jade heart-eating bamboo also needs someone to help him find this life energy to nourish himself, and then this is to give it a breath to wake it up.

After the bone spirit woke up, he had no memory of his previous life, and after seeing the black jade heart-eating bamboo, he might immediately wake up jumping for joy, and the black jade heart-eating bamboo probably never revealed that it was the one with spiritual wisdom The thing about things is just to pretend to be deaf and dumb to enjoy the practitioners who have been cheated by the bone spirit happily!

Speaking of which, the bone spirit is also pitiful, from the beginning to the end, he just thought that the black jade heart-eating bamboo was his chance, but he didn't think of it at all, he just loved to use her, and even his cultivation base, It's just the nutrients that this black jade heart-eating bamboo can take back at any time! (To be continued.)

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