Lin Sen figured this out, and immediately paused, looking at the black jade heart-eating bamboo floating in the air, and the aura surrounding it, Lin Sen felt more and more that it was just putting on a pose, and immediately stared at the bamboo. Zhuzi sent out a voice with his spiritual thoughts, "I know you can understand, if you understand, you should surrender quickly, if not, don't blame me for being rude!"

Even though he said so on the surface, Dan Linsen was still a little wary in his heart, guarding against the sudden counterattack of this thing, and following Lin Sen's sound transmission, the aura above the bamboo also began to agitate, amidst the bursts of aura fluctuations , a hoarse voice came into Lin Sen's mind following Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts, "You and I have no grievances. If you leave at this time, I can still let the past go, but if you are still obsessed with obsession, don't let it go." Blame me for being rude!"

The sudden action to absorb the bone spirit before was just to shock Lin Sen, making him think that he could absorb the spirit of life without poking his body, just to call Lin Sen away. He even saw himself through, but had no choice but to threaten him again!

"You're welcome?" Hearing his words, Lin Sen sneered slightly and said, "Only relying on this half of your body?" And as soon as Lin Sen said such a smile, the black jade heart-biting bamboo immediately sneered. It was subconsciously surprised and said, "How do you know..."

But as soon as he uttered these words, he regretted it, and immediately said viciously, "You tiger me!!" And following the cry, the breath on the bamboo pole not only surged and turbulent!

After hearing his words, Lin Sen immediately laughed and said, "I just said it casually, but I didn't expect it to be true!" Just now when he saw the bamboo flying up, he was a little strange, But for any plant, even if you are the spiritual root of the day, and how powerful it is, there is one fact that cannot be changed. Before it is transformed into a form, the place where it takes root must not be able to move!

And this bamboo is able to fly, isn't it so strange, besides, the bamboo is flying in mid-air, but the lower half has no roots, the whole body is just like the bamboo pole, isn't this amazing is strange. .

And in this flood, when will there be a plant that cannot be supported by the root, but needs to be absorbed by physical contact? According to these, Lin Sen is guessing in his heart, whether this thing is just a half-spiritual root, His root is in another place, so he just casually sarcasm, but this fact, he really tried it out, this thing is really only half a spiritual root!

Seeing Lin Sen's words, the bamboo immediately became a little annoyed and said, "Even if it's half a spiritual root, so what, you are such a small Xuanxian monk, I can suck it up for you no matter how many times you come!" There was a burst of black light flashing above, and then the body suspended in mid-air flew out like a black flying sword, heading straight for Lin Sen!

The bones all over the place are a warning to him, but Lin Sen has no doubts about the words of the Moyu Heart-eating Bamboo. If it is stained by it, it will definitely be hard, but Lin Sen still sneered at the moment and said, " If you are transformed, then I might not be able to take you down, but again, you are just a spiritual root that has not transformed, and you dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

He had absorbed so many people before, most of them were taken advantage of the greed in other people's hearts, and suddenly devoured them, but now that Lin Sen was prepared, how could he let him do this Hitting himself easily, his face turned cold at the moment, the stupa in his hand was suddenly sacrificed, and the huge suction force immediately emerged from the bottom of the tower.

Lin Sen wanted to recover this spiritual root. Although the spiritual root was only half left and it seemed that it could not be planted, it was still there after all. As long as it was taken down and refined a little, it would be a Seeing a good treasure for self-defense and refining demons, so I used this merit relic stupa and prepared to collect it in it!

But with this suction, Lin Sen's face suddenly changed. The black light traveled through rapidly, and the suction power seemed to have no impression of it. The speed did not appear to be slow, but became faster and faster. Surprised, a thought flashed through his mind, and nothing could invade him! !

However, all things with spiritual roots are always somewhat resistant to spells, but now the merit stupa has not been used at all. Obviously, this thing's resistance to this spell is not generally tyrannical.

What the hell is this thing!Lin Sen hurriedly thought to himself, and then dodged in a hurry. Thanks to his incredible speed, he escaped the black light. If it were an ordinary person, this sudden In a short while, I am afraid that the bamboo will be inserted into the body, and then sucked into the previous people!

Although it was a danger to dodge, Lin Sen was more terrified than he was, but he was more concerned about the joy. Taking down this spirit root and refining it, naturally, the more powerful the better, the more impenetrable it is, the more powerful it is. In addition to its strange ability to absorb the energy of living beings, suddenly this thing is definitely a good treasure for instant killing!

Since the merit stupa had no effect, when Lin Sen was dodging, he immediately put away the pagoda in a hurry, and then stood still, and hurriedly dodged away, and the moment he turned sideways , that ray of black light slid past him again!

"Quack quack..." The bamboo pole let out bursts of gloomy laughter, and then amidst the agitation of the spiritual energy, the breath in the whole body twitched, and laughed, "Just because of you? You want to accept me? Dreaming!! "At that moment, with such a big laugh, he rushed towards Lin Sen again!

But this time it was that ray of black light that just flew up, and the speed involuntarily slowed down, and even on the tip of the bamboo pole, layers of faint spatial ripples could be seen with the naked eye!

Seeing that his divine sense is effective, Lin Sen smiled slightly. If the divine sense doesn't work = effect on things, then it will be a little troublesome to regain it. But seeing this at this time, Lin Sen Now he is really confident, this thing can't escape today!

"Spiritual thoughts?" There was a horrified howl from the bamboo pole, followed by a vicious roar, "Buddhist magic weapon, the place of spiritual thoughts, are you sent by the bald donkey from the west to the east?" With such a shout, the cold breath above the bamboo pole suddenly churned violently, and there was a hint of hatred in that tone!

Hearing what he said, Lin Sen immediately sneered and said, "Although there are many people in the West who practice this kind of spirituality, this thing was passed down by the Taoist ancestors, but it was not created by the West. As for this Buddhist treasure Don’t you hear that whoever snatches it belongs to him!” The bamboo pole seemed to have some grudge against that Westerner, as soon as he thought Lin Sen was from that Westerner, he immediately yelled sharply, and even the spiritual energy in his body churned even more intense!

After Lin Sen finished speaking, the bamboo pole was silent for a moment, and then he said, "Since this is the case, since you are not in harmony with the West, I will spare your life today! Hurry up and leave!" Lin Sen immediately laughed at his scolding, is this bamboo pole still putting on a show?

At that moment, he smiled and said, "Let me go? I really want to thank you for your kindness! But I don't want to let you go!" With a sneer on his face, his divine sense suddenly increased his strength and aimed at the bamboo pole Suppress it, this thing has been recovered today!

And as early as when Lin Sen was cold and young, the bamboo pole had reacted, taking advantage of the moment Lin Sen spoke, suddenly there was a flash of light on his body, and a sudden force, it was under the control of Lin Sen's divine sense. Breaking free, although he is invulnerable to all methods, but this divine sense is helpless. Even if he is not contaminated, the space around him can still be contaminated. Lin Sen only needs to hold the space around him, and he is a little bit There is no way!

So at this time, he no longer thought about how to absorb Lin Sen, but how to escape. The sudden increase in power at this time really made him escape from the control of his divine sense without checking. He broke free, and before Lin Sen could react, he suddenly went to the land, but all the vegetation grew in the soil, so this earth escape technique also Most of them are very good at it, and it can almost be said that they disappeared in an instant without being buried in the ground!

"Want to run?" Lin Sen snorted coldly at the moment. Since he was attracted to him, how could he let the thing in front of him run away again? When the body also suddenly sank into the ground, he just controlled it. At that time, there was a mark of his spiritual sense left on the bamboo pole. With this mark, he can chase it back even in the ends of the world!

The black jade heart-eating bamboo is as fast as a fish swimming under the ground, almost moving forward in an instant, but Lin Sen is not a simple person, his technique of escaping the ground is also extremely fast, but it is always Fly away at its ordinary speed!

The two of them ran away from each other at a fast speed, but it was the front shield that was flying thousands of miles under the ground. The black jade heart-eating bamboo had been running away like this for an unknown period of time, and it seemed that it would be too long to escape like this. No way, Lin Sen followed closely like this, but he couldn't get rid of it like a dog's skin plaster!

After taking it off, he stopped suddenly. Instead of running away, he suddenly turned his head and stabbed at Lin Sen. His movements were so sudden, Lin Sen was originally Followed urgently, he stopped suddenly like this, and after adding two or two together, the shiny black bamboo pole appeared in front of Lin Sen as if teleported!

Lin Sen didn't dare to make this move any longer, he immediately supported his palms, and his divine sense burst out with all his strength. Although his divine sense could restrain the bamboo pole, after all, the distance between the two is too close now. There is almost no room for buffering in this sudden situation.

Lin Sen wanted to hold the bamboo pole against him, and the bamboo pole also wanted to pierce Lin Sen's body. In this head-to-head confrontation, whoever blocks the opponent first wins. (To be continued.)

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