However, since Xianglong decided to go to the South China Sea but has not left, he is naturally waiting for Lin Sen to come back. Since Lin Sen is coming back at this time, it is natural to set off and go to the South China Sea!

And after the elephant dragon left, Lin Sen closed his eyes and concentrated on it, and sat cross-legged for a while, first restoring his energy and spirit to the best state, and then he stretched out his palms and spread the meritorious deeds. The tower was released. .

Among them, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch who was shutting down was the Qingling sisters, who had long hated their enemies. Naturally, Lin Sen wanted to see this problem resolved before he could concentrate on retreating.

As for the body of the multi-eyed golden centipede, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, Lin Sen still has great uses, but he can't hand it over to Chi Yun's random tossings, but Lin Sen knows that he can kill the golden centipede. After integrating into himself, he has already thought of a solution.

And the rest is to implement the previous idea, and the previous reply is just to prepare for it. After all, this matter is just an estimate in his mind. As for whether it can be successful, it still needs to be practiced, and even if it is To be successful, you need to be careful!

What I saw was Lin Sen curled up on the cloud bed, changing the spells in his hands again and again, and even the divine thoughts in the back of his head appeared, spinning and flashing behind his head, obviously he was doing his best!

And under Lin Sen's control, the golden light above the virtuous relic pagoda became more and more brilliant, rising slowly, and a golden beam of light shot out from the bottom of the pagoda, shining on the ground in front of Lin Sen. !

After waiting like this, the expression on Lin Sen's face became more serious and cautious, and with the change of the formula in his hand, a vague figure slowly emerged from the golden beam of light, from What was blurry and slowly became clear, it was the multi-eyed golden centipede suppressed in the tower!

Although it was released, the golden light seal on it was also dissipated, but Lin Sen was still using the tower clock's restraint to suppress the eye-catching golden centipede. This is how serious he looks.

After releasing this eye-catching golden centipede like this, Lin Sen was really worried that he would just escape suddenly!

Fortunately, the suppression of the centipede by this merit stupa is very tyrannical. Although it is released, it is still suppressed firmly by virtue of breath. Look at the multi-eyed golden centipede lying quietly in the golden talisman. Fell on the ground, Lin Sen felt relieved!

Then slowly exhaled, this is the preparation for the next step!

Slowly closing his eyes, Lin Sen was observing everything around him purely with that divine sense. In the place where the centipede was lying down, although it was sealed and sleeping, it was obvious that he could feel, condense Where is the group of fierce and fierce aura!

But the spiritual formation behind Lin Sen's head was slowly moving while spinning, and finally stopped and rotated on the body of the Hundred-eyed Demon Monarch!

Spiritual thoughts penetrated into the body of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord little by little, and as Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts penetrated into it, the body of the multi-eyed golden centipede trembled suddenly, as if it was in a deep sleep It was like being disturbed by something in the middle, but fortunately, such a tremor was only for a moment, and it returned to calmness under the Buddha's light again!

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord was completely asleep at this time, but under Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts, he did not encounter any obstacles. Although the progress was quite fast due to his own body, it was still infiltrating continuously!

During Lin Senshen's investigation, his divine sense was like the mist of the green spirit, slowly covering the fierce aura. Although the fierce aura was domineering, it could not stop the thin mist. The mist slowly infiltrated, and with the mist completely enveloped the ferocious aura!

It was Lin Sen who opened his eyes suddenly, and said lightly, "Bones and souls..." Then, when his divine sense was fully activated, the corners of his eyebrows were raised a little!

Lin Sen's yell only revealed his inner thoughts. He wanted to pull the spirit of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord out of his body. If the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord is awake, the god Under the resistance of his thoughts, even if Lin Sen's divine thoughts were tyrannical, he still didn't have such a level, but at this time, the hundred-eyed demon king had been suppressed and fell asleep!

But he can only be in a deep sleep, ignorant of everything, and after he wakes up, everything has been settled!

Following Lin Sen's shout and the spell in his hand, a red centipede phantom was slowly pulled out of the golden centipede body!

And every time he was pulled out, the expression on Lin Sen's face became more serious. The more he had to be careful at this time, if the hundred-eyed demon king woke up and struggled, this Not to mention the loss of hands and feet, if he is allowed to wake up and take the opportunity to escape, that would be bad!

It took Lin Sen almost an hour for such a simple matter, the red phantom was completely separated from the multi-eyed golden centipede's body, Lin Sen was finally relieved, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but With a sneer, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord can no longer escape from his grasp!

Then the spiritual thought moved slightly, and the meritorious deed stupa emitted a burst of golden light, retracting the body of the multi-eyed golden centipede, but the red aura that was very similar to the body of the centipede still stayed there. Sleep in mid-air!

Immediately, Lin Sen stretched out his hand and randomly brought a piece of glazed stone from the mountain. This kind of glazed stone is clear and transparent, but apart from being beautiful, it is almost useless because of its texture. All!

Lin Sen held the palm-sized glazed stone in his hand, looked at the red body in mid-air and sneered slightly, "Hundred-eyed Demon Monarch, this is where you will live and live from now on!!" After saying this, As if something sounded, the smile on his face became more and more fierce and weird!

Then he casually threw the glazed stone into the sky, then stretched out his hand to summon the red spirit, and casually threw it into the glazed stone, and then carved a spell on his hand, blending into the glazed stone , as the brilliance on the stone became brighter and brighter, the connection between the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord and the glazed stone became more and more close!

After the success of the battle, the smile on Lin Sen's face became more and more weird. From then on, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord was completely integrated with the glazed stone, and let the Qingling sisters toss !

Even if he is exiled, no one can break Lin Sen's restriction on it. If he wants to break it by force, it will only shatter this fragile stone and send this hundred-eyed demon king into samsara completely! (To be continued.)

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