After the soul of the hundred-eyed demon monarch was completely separated, Lin Sen looked at the red phantom still sleeping in the glazed stone, and couldn't help showing a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. From now on, the multi-eyed golden centipede His physical body has nothing to do with the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch, so he is divided into two reading individuals!

And when I was absorbing and refining the multi-eyed golden centipede, the hundred-eyed demon king couldn't make trouble for me. Slashing with a knife, no matter how they relieve their anger, it has nothing to do with Lin Sen!

At that moment, he got off the cloud bed slowly, and with a slight movement of his spiritual sense, he felt that Qingling Chiyun and the others were all in the medicine alcove built by Jin Ning in the mountain. According to his statement , the aura in that place is very good for alchemy, both the quality and the success rate can be improved. .

Lin Sen didn't know much about the matter of alchemy, so he just let him move. Anyway, the mountain is very big, and there are only a few of them, so it's natural for them to live at will!

Since they were all there, Lin Sen didn't have to summon them. He disappeared from the hall in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already outside the Yao Lu!

"What are you all doing here!" Lin Sen suddenly appeared, and then asked with a smile, the three Qingling sisters, and Nading Xie were all gathered here, obviously there was something going on.

Its appearance like this made several people jump, and Qing Lingdang glanced at it and said, "Brother, didn't you go to retreat? Why did you come out so soon!"

And Jin Ning said with a smile, "I met the ancestor in the mountains before, the ancestor looked at it for the elder sister, and then passed me a pill, saying that this pill can speed up the recovery of the elder sister's injury, and will not leave any hidden dangers." , I’m just preparing to make alchemy!” Then he gave Lin Sen a blank look and said, “Fortunately, I haven’t started yet, if you suddenly appeared during alchemy, I’m afraid it’s the materials I managed to get together, It’s all about telling you to scare me to death!”

After being told by the sisters, Lin Sen immediately leaned over and said with a smile, "I was wrong!! I was wrong!! Didn't I want to tell you a good news earlier?" After seeing the smile on his face, Qing Ling's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said happily, "Brother, have you taken care of the monster way?"

Lin Sen nodded slightly at the moment, looked at the Qing Ling and said with a smile, "You are the only one who is smart!!" Then he showed the glazed stone in his hand, and said with a smirk, "What do you think this is?"

The gazes of several people immediately focused on the stone in Lin Sen's hand. This thing is just a very ordinary glazed stone, which is poured out of the mountains. If there is any difference, it should be the transparent glazed stone. Among the stones, there is a blood-red thing!

"Brother! What is this?" Ding Xie immediately asked suspiciously. Anyway, he was one of his own. Ding Xie was not a smart person in the first place, so there is no shame in asking!

Lin Sen smiled mysteriously, then looked at several people and said slowly, "Is this the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord?"

"Hundred-eyed Demon Lord?" Several people exclaimed at the same time, and then looked at the glass stone in Lin Sen's hand. No matter how you look at it, you don't think of the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord!

Lin Sen was just about to explain, but Chi Yun looked at Lin Sen's face, and then suddenly said, "This is the spirit of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord!" People also responded one after another.

Lin Sen wanted to show off at first, but he didn't expect to be guessed by Chi Yun, so he smiled and said, "Elder sister still has eyesight, you are right, this thing is the soul of the hundred-eyed demon king, I have already engraved it Forbidden, connect it with this glazed stone, and from now on, whether it is flooded or burned, it is up to you!"

"Brother is still thoughtful!!" Qing Ling immediately took the glazed stone with a smile, with a weird smile on her small face, and she was already thinking about how to toss this hundred-eyed demon king Life is better than death. In the past, the Golden Tooth King just took advantage of her when he was fighting with her, and hurt her, but he has been tortured by him for so many years, and he has always enjoyed it. Now, after the Hundred-Eyed Demon King It is indeed conceivable that the day will come!

Qing Ling was still worried before that if Lin Sen handed over the Hundred-Eyed Demon Monarch to his own hands, even if his cultivation level could be restrained, it would be a case in the end, but now it is different, being connected here Among the glazed stones, not to mention Qingling and others, even the stubborn monkey in the mountain can play with him at will!

Although Chi Yun expressed gratitude on his face, he was shocked by Lin Sen's cultivation in his heart at this time. She had only met Lin Sen a few times, and she was not even familiar with Xianglong. Most of the knowledge is from Qing Ling and Jin Ning.

However, he never expected that his cultivation would be so terrifying. The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord's cultivation was naturally known to him. The generation in front of him turned out to let the person in front of him pull the divine soul out of his body, how much spiritual power is required for this!

And this kind of person, decades ago, was even just a little demon who hadn't entered the mainstream. If this word was spread, who would believe it!

Lin Sen naturally didn't know what was going on in Chi Yun's mind at this moment, after handing over the glazed stone to Qing Ling, he smiled and said to Jin Ning, "By the way, sister-in-law, I'll go out this time, and I can see it in that yellow flower." A strange spiritual root, the spiritual roots that are born are all highly poisonous, can you see if it is useful?"

Lin Sen devoted all his attention to cultivation, or to studying formations. Although he knew the art of spiritual grass, it was far less advanced than Jin Ning and his wife.

"Oh? There is such a strange thing? Quickly take it out and let me have a look!" Jin Ning immediately became interested. Ever since she learned the art of alchemy, she has been interested in all kinds of spiritual grasses and spiritual roots. I am very interested, and this time the ancestor of the gourd has passed on a lot of good things to them, so it is very itchy at this time!

Hearing what he said, Lin Sen was about to release the jujube tree right away, and only then did he sacrifice the pagoda, when Jin Ning exclaimed, "Wait a minute!!!!"

After seeing Lin Sen stop, he said with guilt, "Look at my brain. Fortunately, I react quickly. If such a highly poisonous thing is released here, it will be the elixir of my house." But they are all destroyed!" Then after a moment of silence, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Come with me, I know there is a good place suitable for this highly poisonous thing!" (To be continued.)

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