But it was said that Jin Ning brought several people along the way, so what is the reason for that?But it was the cliff where Cha Nongying retreated in this mountain in the past. According to what Na Jinning said, that place is very suitable for the growth of this kind of poison. Plant the dates, and then let the corpse poison rot in the air. The mountain was watered and nourished, seeing the red dates in the poisonous mist, Lin Sen went back to retreat with a smile on his face!

This time I came out, but I was just afraid that the Qingling sisters would be anxious, and now that the soul of the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord was completely pulled out and handed over to them, then the remaining time is to start the real retreat!

Sitting cross-legged in the hall, Lin Sen is now preparing to pull out the star fruit tree from his body. If the star fruit tree does not come out for a day, Lin Sen's physical body will not be able to advance an inch a day. When the spirit energy is recovered in the body, it will grow rapidly at that time, but the connection with the physical body will be more delicate, and it will not be so easy to withdraw it at that time!

At present, the recipe for pulling out the spiritual root passed down by Zhen Yuanzi was slowly flowing in Lin Sen's mind. Lin Sen studied it carefully. Although the formula is very simple, Lin Sen After carefully reading it several times to make sure it was correct, this is the time to cross one's legs and start to fuck!

The connection between the star fruit tree and Lin Sen is not as close as the connection between Zhen Yuanzi and the ginseng fruit tree. Lin Sen only felt the dead branch of the star fruit tree tremble suddenly in his body. , Then came a heart-piercing pain, which instantly woke Lin Sen up from the trance!

Lin Sen can be regarded as a resolute person, but even if he was prepared in such a heart, he didn't survive this moment at this time, but now he understands why a great immortal like Zhen Yuanzi always has to mention it. Touching him, this pain is extremely painful, but the feeling of cramp and deboning is really too heart-wrenching!

Although this thing hurts too much, Lin Sen still gritted his teeth fiercely. The issue of the spiritual root cannot be delayed any longer. No matter how painful it is, he still has to endure it!

Immediately, he pulled out his kung fu again, and this time he was prepared. Although he was not awakened from the trance state by the pain like before, he still grinned Lin Sen's painful porcelain teeth with a hideous face!

pain! !It hurts! !very painful! ! !

At this moment, Lin Sen felt that there was no other feeling other than the pain, and even the surging pain did not reduce the numbness at all, but became more and more clear, and the star fruit tree Where the rhizome is pulled out, the meridian naturally has a vacancy. .

Lin Sen was enduring the pain again at the moment, and at the same time transported the body of the demon avatar to draw the power of the stars to heal his wounds. At the same time, he also showed the golden body of the multi-eyed golden centipede, extracting the huge vitality from it. Come out and integrate into yourself. At such a time, although it is painful, it is also a good time to improve your physique!

Under the double nourishment of the power of the stars and the huge anger of the many-eyed golden centipede, Lin Sen could even feel the continuous improvement of blood in his body, and it was effective. Although it was the severe pain in his body, Lin Sen Finally, I felt some comfort in my heart, and even the incomparably severe pain was suddenly bearable!

Pulling out the spiritual root is a huge and complicated process, pulling out the rhizome of the spiritual root from one's body bit by bit, it is extremely subtle but there must be no omission!

As if feeling Lin Sen's movements, the star fruit tree that had been immersed for a long time suddenly seemed to wake up, and the brilliance slowly flashed from the dark branches, and then instead of resisting, it secretly helped, Help Lin Sen to pull himself out of his body!

When they were fused in the past, this star fruit tree was purely a helpless move by Lin Sen when he was about to die. Once fused, the two became inseparable, but he had already given up accepting his fate, and now Lin Sen's fate Gong, but let him see the dawn of getting out of this body, why don't you try your best now, and even start to spontaneously swallow the power of the stars to help Lin Sen repair the damage that your spiritual root was pulled out of your body vacancy!

Under such a combination of two and two, Lin Sen's progress has been accelerated a bit, one side is stalemate and unbearable pain, and the other side is the joy of increasing blood, in this stalemate of pain and happiness, Lin Sen But I didn't feel the loss of time at all!

The sun and the moon are turning, the stars and the moon are changing, I don't know how many years have passed by, everything on the Hanging Mountain is as usual, but Lin Sen has been sitting cross-legged in the hall like a statue, his body is full of breath, and on the top of his head On top of it, a branch has been slowly exposed, it is the star fruit tree that Lin Sen pulled out from his body!

And following such progress, Lin Sen slowly showed a smile on his face. The severe pain on his body has long been a habit, and at this time victory is in sight, even under the severe pain, he can still Showing a smile, this experience of uprooting is also an experience for his Dao Xin, which makes his Dao Xin more determined than before!

And under such a smile, the dark branches above Lin Sen's head suddenly flashed a burst of colorful brilliance, and the brilliance was full of joyful messages. With a flash, the dense roots were slowly and completely pulled out from Lin Sen's body!

And the moment it appeared, all the stars in the hall shook, and although it was still daytime outside, there was a sudden flash of stars all over the sky, even if it was broad daylight, the stars above the sky The stars are also clearly visible in an instant, such a vision of heaven and earth, in an instant, it attracts the attention of all beings in the world!

It's just that the people with low strength are naturally just watching the excitement, while the people with high strength are full of emotions for a while. Such a vision is obviously that some extraordinary treasures of heaven and earth were born, and all of them are at the moment Pinching fingers to calculate, trying to figure out what was born.

It's just that at this time, the general of Journey to the West is in chaos, and after such calculations, he still hasn't figured out a clue!

Looking at the shining stars and fruit trees in front of him, Lin Sen couldn't help laughing at the moment, "You are really troublesome, and it took me so much time!" Although he was meditating, Lin Sen knew As for the change of the sun and the moon, I have been sitting cross-legged for more than a year, and after more than a year of suffering, I finally pulled out the star fruit tree!

Seeing the black branches floating in front of him at this time, Lin Sen couldn't help but feel a burst of relaxation from the inside out. This relaxation is not a feeling in the heart, but the overall comfort after the removal of foreign objects in the body. , although the star fruit tree is extremely tyrannical, but after all, it is outside of the body, and it cannot be completely integrated with the meridians generated by Lin Sen himself.

And the star fruit tree is also shining with joyful brilliance. After the fusion back then, he accepted his fate, but he didn't expect that there would be a day of escape. Lin Sen saw the brilliance on his body, and immediately smiled. The star fruit tree followed him It has been many years, and he has saved his life many times. He immediately smiled and said, "Since you have come out, then you can go! Since I went to this mountain to find the place that suits you, take root and sprout, and recover soon." The glory of the innate stars and spiritual roots!"

And following Lin Sen's words, the star fruit tree immediately punched Lin Sen joyfully, and then flew out happily, but it didn't fly far, just leaving the hall. After stopping, he landed in the open space in front of the main hall, took root in it, and after the brilliance flashed on his body, he returned to that dark and ordinary appearance!

Seeing this, Lin Sen just smiled at the moment, and then looked at the fruit tree and said, "You really know how to find a place!" Immediately, he admired this thing, this thing is indeed sharp-eyed and greedy, this hall stands here The top of the fairy mountain is where the aura of the fairy mountain is the most intense, and naturally it cannot grow in the hall, and the rest is naturally the open space outside the hall!

Seeing that the star fruit tree had finally taken root, Lin Sen felt relieved and settled a concern in his heart!

This meditation lasted for a year, Lin Sen was not in a hurry to settle down again, but stared at the fruit tree in a daze for a moment, and then sent a message from the center of his eyebrows to the mountain, and as Lin Sen Such information came out, and it didn't take long to hear bursts of chaotic sounds!

Then several figures hurriedly appeared outside the hall, but all they saw were bowing down and saying "Master!!" "Master Uncle!!" It was Yuan Lang, Yang Lin, King Kong, King Jinya, and the Shark King!

"Here we come! Come in!!" Seeing this, Lin Sen said with a smile.

A few people walked in in a single file. As Lin Sen's cultivation level increased, they also felt that it became more mysterious and majestic, so their attitude towards him became more respectful!

"Uncle Master, why are you calling us here?" After Yang Lin came in, seeing Lin Sen's smiling face that hadn't changed a bit, he immediately found some feelings from the past, and immediately asked with a smile, since he came When they were in the Immortal World, the few people were in bed every day, but it was the first time Lin Sen called them over like this!

"Let's all sit down!" Lin Sen smiled slightly, and then several cloud beds emerged from the ground, and seeing the Shark King and Gold Tooth King who were still in their original form, there was a flash of light at his fingertips, making that The two turned into human forms!

After so many years, it was the first time for the two of them to transform into human forms. The Golden Tooth King immediately expressed his gratitude, while the Shark King kept a cold face and did not speak!

Looking at the few people in front of him, Lin Sen glanced over them, Lin Sen couldn't help sighing in his heart, in this short period of time, he was eager to retreat to improve his strength, but unknowingly, these people's The strength has undergone earth-shaking changes! (To be continued.)

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