However, it was not long after the Xiong Ba returned to the cave, when suddenly he saw the glow outside the cave, and the golden lotus surged, and he knew immediately that this was his master who came to his face. Just showing that naive smile, hurriedly greeted him, knelt down on his knees to greet him and said, "Your disciple Xiong, please welcome Master!"

As soon as he came out like this, Xiong Ba felt hesitant for a while. This master always had a warm smile on weekdays, but why did he have a gloomy face today? Could it be because of this in himself? Things, when I thought of this in my heart, I immediately became more disturbed!

Avalokitesvara's feet didn't touch the ground, she was dressed in a white gauze dress, riding the misty cloud light, suspended in front of the bear, just like the person in the painting, but the unnecessary smile on the face was gone, but It was a half-gloomy complexion, and at this moment, Xiong Ba opened his mouth and asked, "The Tang monk and his party I counted have already arrived at your place, why is there no one?"

"That..." Seeing Guanyin's gloomy face, Xiong Ba had already prepared a speech, but he couldn't say it now, and he hesitated immediately!

And seeing it like this, Guanyin's originally gloomy complexion became even more ugly and said, "What's going on? Tell me straight!"

Guanyin's tone was suddenly stern, but it scared Xiong Ba so that he subconsciously shivered, and then said hastily, "The apprentice is incompetent, but he has already let the Tang monk and his party pass by!" But that head lowered in shame!

"What...?" Avalokitesvara's words suddenly became harsh. Arranging this bear here is naturally to make it gain some merit. The merit has been obtained, but my own merit is gone!

Seeing his questioning like this, Xiong Ba lowered his head in shame, as if he was ashamed to see others, buried his head deeply in front of his body and said, "The Tang monk's great apprentice was the one who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace 500 years ago. Sun Wukong, Tuer Wuqiang is not his opponent, so he can't catch people!"

As soon as he finished speaking like this, Guanyin immediately scolded, "Don't try to fool me, all your abilities come from me. Although that monkey has some abilities, it is impossible for him to get out of it so easily. You go here, tell me the truth!" The tone of the voice became higher and higher, faster and faster, and the originally gloomy complexion was even more ugly at this time!

"Hey hey!!!" Seeing such scolding, Xiong Ba immediately scratched his head and smirked and said, "Master Huiyan, you can't hide anything from your old man, but I really admire what the monkey did back then. Now that I know Who is he, Tuer is momentarily confused, so let them go!"

Anyone who is honest can't tell a lie, Xiong Ba's lies, but even Avalokitesvara was deceived, and from the beginning to the end, he only mentioned Lin Sen's matter!

"You!!" The Guanyin immediately raised his hand, and he wanted to make a big gesture, but he raised his hand, but stopped again, and began to think about it a thousand times when his heart sank. .

Originally, she should have been going to Heifeng Mountain earlier, but there were many strange things on the way, which delayed her, so that's why she had that look just now, and at this moment when she was in contact with Regarding the matter of Heifengshan, it was obvious that someone was doing something behind the scenes, and his complexion changed slightly at the moment, but this matter needs to be reported back to Lingshan quickly!

It was too late for Punisher Xiong, so he hurriedly prepared to go up to the sky and go back to Lingshan to discuss this matter!

Xiong Ba was originally waiting for punishment, but seeing that Guanyin was about to leave in a hurry, he immediately asked, "Master! Master! When will you accept me as a beginner!! Master!!" He was just registering his name Disciple, one is just waiting for the journey to the west to become a regular, but now Guanyin has not mentioned this at all, so he is asking now!

"Take you in?" Guanyin said coldly, and walked towards the sky without looking back. Although this bear has good strength and some potential, but this time he was too disappointed, so disobedient apprentice, he will not want it.

Although Guanyin only said it clearly, his tone and expression said everything. Obviously, this entry into the world is absolutely impossible. Rolling his eyes, this is a naive smile, but there is no trace of the grief of not being able to get started on his face. Instead, he rushed into the hole quickly and started to clean up his own things!

Naturally, Lin Sen didn't know that Xiong Ba didn't mention him, and that someone was helping him in the dark, but he was leaving the crime scene quickly at this time. If he bumped into Guanyin, it would be a troublesome thing , so far after returning to the mountain.

In the Hanging Mountain that he entered just now, before he settled down, he saw the yellow-robed monster hurriedly pacing back and forth outside his hall. Seeing Lin Sen come back, he hurriedly greeted him. Coming up, he said anxiously, "Brother! Brother Lin! You are back!"

Seeing the anxious look on his face, Lin Sen asked with some doubts, "Brother Huangpao, why are you so anxious besides what?"

The yellow-robed monster hurriedly pulled Lin Sen over, although there was no one around, he still carefully pulled Lin Sen into the hall, and said as he walked, "Let's go in and talk, go in and talk! "

The two just sat down, Lin Sen teased and said, "Brother's cultivation is as high as the sky, don't show such an expression, don't scare the younger brother!"

"Brother Lin!!! Oh!!!" The yellow-robed monster looked at Lin Sen and couldn't help but sighed with difficulty, and then said, "I will leave soon, but when the time comes, your sister-in-law I also hope that the brothers can take care of the family!"

As soon as he finished speaking like this, Lin Sen understood in his heart that the yellow-robed monster might have received the news, or sensed the upcoming Journey to the West, and knew that his time in the world was numbered, so he was the one. Tuogu came, but although he knew it in his heart, Lin Sen still needed to pretend, and then he asked, "Why did you say that, big brother?"

"Oh! Don't hide it, brother!" The yellow-robed monster sighed deeply, as if he had made some decision, and then said again, "Brother, I was originally the star king in the sky. I came here with that mission, and this time, that thing will be over. Seeing that I am going back to the job I mentioned that day, but I can no longer stay in this world, but I can only pray for my brother to take good care of my wife when I come here this time. !" The hundred flowers shamelessly threw themselves into the world, but at this time he was going to the heavens, so how could he rest assured that he would not return, but he was one of the five righteous gods on the list of 360. One, but it can't drag the court!

"Since Brother Huangpao said that all the time! Your brother, I am here to assure Brother Huangpao that as long as I, Lin Sen, are still here, I will definitely not let my sister-in-law be wronged!" Lin Sen immediately said, patting his chest, Anyway, it's not a difficult task, that Baihuashuo was just taking care of the child in that mountain, and after the yellow-robed monster returned to the mountain, he just borrowed Baihuashuo to this mountain!

"In that case! Brother, I am very grateful!!" The yellow-robed monster immediately cupped his hands fiercely, and then gritted his teeth slightly and said, "Brother, I will not let you do it for nothing, that is, after a few months, After receiving my message, brother, he will go to my Wanzi Mountain, and I will definitely give him a big gift to thank him at that time!" After saying this, Lin Sen already understood in his heart, and immediately He arched his hands and said, "Brother sees it, it's all my brother, why did you say that!"

And the yellow-robed monster didn't say much, and then he cupped his hands and said, "Brother, brother, I want to go back to the mountain to accompany your sister-in-law, but I can't, so I stayed, so I will leave!" Get up in a hurry, let's lie down for a while, but it's not so easy to meet again, so naturally we have to hurry up and be tender!

Lin Sen also understood that he didn't stop him at the moment, but bid farewell to him in a hurry, and secretly smiled in his heart. It seems that the yellow-robed monster wants to share some of the merits of Journey to the West to himself. Walking into the hall with a smile, quietly waiting for the arrival of the next wave of merit!

However, Lin Sen photographed Yuan Lang and his group three years ago. The Skull Mountain was on the Westward Journey Road. Although it hurt the demon king in that mountain, none of the demon clans from all sides were so boring. Besides, the Skull Mountain is a barren land, and there is no oil and water in my house there!

And since Lin Sen received the Heart-eating Bamboo, the aura of Skull Mountain has naturally turned around. In addition, Yuan Lang and the Shark King are both tyrannical aquariums, and this matter is related to the Shark King's own , because nature did it with all its strength, the two of them attracted the undercurrent of the water together, but it took only three years. This was originally a barren mountain of skulls, but a wide river was born, gushing out from the mountain. Flowing downriver mightily, the rushing water aroused the mist all over the sky, and it also polluted the Skull Mountain like a fairyland!

He said that the Black Wind Mountain was not far from the Skull Mountain, but Tang Seng still had to walk for two full months to reach it, but once they arrived at this mountain, several people stopped in embarrassment. When he got down, the white and fat Tang Seng got off his horse, looked at the surging river in front of him with a sad face, and wondered, "How can such a wide river pass!"

For monkeys and others, such things are naturally passed by stretching their waists, but for Tang Sen, who is a mortal, it is extremely difficult, and after shouting in his mouth, he looked at the monkey. , obviously wanting this apprentice to come up with an idea!

But at this time, Zhu Bajie came forward with a smile, stood beside the Monkey King and said with a smile, "Brother Monkey, it seems that this river is not formed naturally, but someone acquired it with mana!" Zhu Bajie, Canopy Marshal, the commander of the 800 million Tianhe water army, still has this vision, so he can see something wrong with the river at a glance! (To be continued.)

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