Although monkeys are not good at water warfare, they still have eyesight, so although they didn't speak at this time, they nodded slightly, which means they agreed with Zhu Bajie's statement!

"Wukong, Bajie!! Go and see if there is a ferry boat around that can take us across the river!" The Tang monk sat down with the support of the monk Nasha, and at the same time commanded the two monkeys anxiously, saying that they were on the road. Dallying, but at this moment, he became so anxious again!

"There's a ferry over there in the barren mountains!" Zhu Bajie muttered softly, and then, carrying a rake, reluctantly walked towards the river bank!

"Master, look quickly, there is a boat!" Drifting suddenly pointed at the mist on the river and shouted, and several people also looked anxiously at the moment, but they saw that there was indeed that leaf in the mist. The ferry came slowly. .

Immediately, Tang Seng stood up hastily, and said excitedly, "It's good to have a boat, it's good to have a boat!" Except for him, the rest of them were slightly dazed looking at the ferry boat, At this time, even the Drifting Monk could see that it was wrong to wear it, the boatman on it didn't block his aura at all, and he could clearly feel the bloody and tyrannical demonic aura from a long distance away!

I've seen some monsters along the way, but it's the first time I've seen them straight up like this today!

"Boatman!!! Boatman!!" Tang Seng shouted anxiously, and when he saw the boat coming towards him, he rushed to win it, and the monkey and others followed behind him in fear of something happening to him. !

But when the boat docked, Tang Seng was frightened by the boatman on the boat and retreated again and again before uploading it, but it was the boatman on our boat who took off the bamboo hat, revealing a monkey head with white hair all over his face. Usually even a fool will find something wrong!

Who was the boatman on the boat, if he wasn't Yuan Lang, but he saw that Yuan Lang held the water stick that day was on his shoulders, and he looked at the people and said, "I opened this mountain, and I opened this tree. I built it." This waterway is dedicated to buying road money!" Then he pointed to a few people and said, "If there is any good thing, take it out, if it has some value, I will take you there, if it is worthless, you will give it to me." I'll take a detour!"

Tang Zeng also reflected it at this time, but since he didn't come here for himself, his heart slowly settled down. Anyway, he was used to seeing these ugly apprentices every day, so he stepped forward. Cautiously said, "My lord, I am the monk from the Great Tang Dynasty of the East who went to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures. I passed by here, and I hope that my lord will give me some convenience!! You can cross the river for me!"

"Monk?" Yuan Lang stared at him, and then hurriedly said, "Unlucky!! Unlucky!! Why did you meet a monk as soon as you went out? It's really unlucky!!" He looked at the Tang monk and said, "You I don't want to do this business anymore, you should take a detour!" At that moment, Tian Yizhen's water rolled, and the light boat with leaves immediately headed for the river!

Tang Seng was stunned. During this journey, whenever he revealed his identity, or wanted to eat him, or even respected him, but like this monster today, it was the first time I saw him, and the monkey and the others But they all laughed secretly in their hearts.

But seeing that the white monkey was about to disappear into the dense fog, the monkey couldn't just watch it disappear, so it jumped up immediately, and threw the iron rod in its hand at Yuan Lang, shouting in its mouth He shouted, "Monkey monkey, stop!" Although he hadn't put his full strength into this stick, his strength was no match for Xuanxian's Yuan Lang who could resist it.

Although the master gave thousands of instructions, Yuan Lang's expression changed at this time, and he thought to himself, this monkey is so powerful!Who dares to resist at the moment, turning over will fall into the water, because of the name of the water, once entering the water, it will disappear suddenly.

bump! !There was a loud noise, the light boat was nothing more than a mortal thing, how could it resist the monkey's stick, it immediately turned into debris all over the sky, splashing in all directions in the surging water waves!

The splashing water slowly settled down, and the monkey landed on the shore, muttering in his mouth, "This is a water monkey, with average strength, but it runs pretty fast!" As soon as he fell, he saw the river in front of him vibrate suddenly, the originally rushing water suddenly accelerated, and before the water flow, pieces of eddies slowly emerged, at first they were just sporadic pieces!

But a moment later, under the collision with each other, the entire river was covered with such a terrifying vortex, and there were bursts of gushing water jets at the same time. At this time, let alone the Tang monk crossing the river. A piece of goose feather falls into the water, and it must be swept down by the whirlpool!

Then there were bursts of angry shouts in the water, "You monkey monk is so unreasonable. I don't want to be you, so I just destroyed my boat. The river in front of me, as long as we are here, You just don't want to pass!" With such shouts, one can see that under the whirlpool, in the increasingly turbid and filthy river, a few black shadows slowly appeared, but it was the black shark. The giant elephant, on top of which there was another strong man, hit the white ape just now and stood side by side.

Yo! !There was a cry of an eagle, and another big blue bird rushed out of the water, its iron feathers glistening in the light of the water, its momentum was extraordinary!

"This is great! You have stabbed the monster's nest!" Seeing so many people rushing out of the river suddenly, Zhu Bajie murmured immediately, and when Tang Seng heard it, he immediately blamed the monkey, "Wukong, How can you be so impulsive, what to do now!! What to do!"

At the moment, I didn't see the cold expression on the monkey's face, and then he hurried forward with an anxious face and said, "My lords, my disciple was impulsive and destroyed a few ships, but I am a master!" I can't accompany you here." Then he took out a few yellow and white gold and silver things from the bag, and hurriedly sent them over, saying, "I still have some silver taels here, why don't you just use this How about accompanying that ship?"

As soon as Tang Seng finished speaking, not to mention Yuan Lang and the others, who were stunned for a moment and then laughed, even the monkeys were stunned for a moment and then couldn't stop their embarrassment. Taking this yellow and white thing to accompany the monster is also Thanks to Tang Seng's thought of it, even a casual monster with some cultivation level can dig up a lot of monsters in that mountain no matter what!

"That's it? It's not enough to buy a stern!!" Yuan Lang immediately laughed, and then said viciously, "As long as we are here, you don't want to cross the river!!"

As soon as this remark came out, the monkey immediately became angry, and then raised its stick again, jumped up and wanted to hit again, and scolded, "You water monkey begs to be beaten!!" But it hadn't arrived yet, Yuan Lang that group suddenly sank into the water and disappeared.

"Come out for anyone who has the guts! Take your grandpa and try it with a stick!!" The monkey hovered above the river, pointing at the surging river below it and cursed angrily. , but it's the shape of the stone, if it falls into the water and sinks to the bottom instantly, it's true that even one tenth of the strength of the whole body can't be used, but at this time, it can only be anxious!

But amidst his scolding like this, he could see a head slowly deep in the water, it was Yuan Lang, at this moment he looked at the monkey with a smile and said, "Come down if you have the guts, I will let him take care of it regularly!" Taste the taste of this river water! Haha!!" Seeing that the monkey grandson was about to swing his stick again, Yuan Lang laughed and shrank back into the water hastily!

At this moment, I still don't understand why the master told me and others to build this cave in the water. This monkey seems to be a landlubber. Although its strength is terrifying, as long as it enters the water, Not afraid at all!

The monkey spun a few more sticks on the big river, and the river water churned and rose into the sky, and even the whole riverbed was in shock. In the water mansion under the river, Yuan Lang and the others But they were all gathered together, and such a violent shaking made them all a little unstable!

"Who is this monkey? Why is it so powerful?" The Shark King said with a slightly changed face. In the world, he can naturally look like that Lao Tzu is number one in the world, but today is an eye-opener. , I am afraid that my proud strength will not be able to withstand this monkey's stick, not to mention myself, even if these people are tied together now, if it is not because of hiding in the water, I am afraid that they will not be able to withstand it at all. One stick!

Yuan Lang and the others just shook their heads. It was their first time to go out, but they had never known the name of the monkey. However, Yuan Lang's expression at this time was obviously uglier than that of everyone else. Monkey, the difference in strength between the two is huge!

But at this moment, it was the first time that Ren Shi deeply explained his lack of strength, and secretly decided in his heart that after returning to the mountain this time, he must practice hard, and if he failed to achieve anything, he would never leave the mountain!

And on the bank of the river, the monkey beat around for a while, venting its unhappiness, seeing that a few little demons who had robbed the way just now still didn't come out, and then fell back to the bank with a full face of resentment!

"Wukong, didn't you say that you have the power to subdue dragons and subdue tigers? Hurry up and recover these monsters, it will benefit one side, and it will make my journey easier!" As soon as the monkey landed and stood still, Tang Seng was in a hurry He came forward and said anxiously, but what he said at this time is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire!

The monkey's complexion changed, and the displeasure on his face became even worse. If it wasn't for the tight band on his head, he would have gotten angry at this time, but even so, the monkey endured it and just ignored the Tang monk. The most important thing is to say to Zhu Bajie, "Bajie, I am not good at water warfare, you go into the water and subdue those little monsters!" (To be continued.)

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