As soon as the monkey finished speaking like this, Bajie was taken aback immediately, the most powerful of those little demons was only the peak of Tianxian, not the cultivation level of Xuanxian, so naturally he can do it with such a cultivation base It's one thing to be able to grab it, but it's another thing to be able to do it!

Not to mention that he himself was just wandering the road of Journey to the West, but those little demons just now, it is obvious that someone arranged here, although I don't know who it is, but I can't imagine it It won't be long before someone will come, if he cleans up these little monsters in advance, wouldn't he offend people for no reason at that time!

Facing the road to the Westward Journey, he saw far more thoroughly than the monkey. At this moment, the monkey hadn't fully seen through it. After he fully saw it through, he naturally had the same thinking as the pig!

At this time, seeing that the monkey wanted to deal with those little monsters by himself, Bajie immediately smiled and said, "Brother Monkey, you don't know! Although I used some methods in the past, after being sent to the lower realm, I have It’s all starting from the beginning, I’m not afraid of those little monsters if they fight alone, but I’m afraid that they will swarm up, and my old pig will not be able to come back by then!”

After Bajie finished speaking, Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, and then took a deep look at Zhu Bajie. The monkey was naturally very clear about his strength, although it could not be compared with that when he was in the sky, but These little monsters were made by hand!

And seeing the innocent smile on Zhu Bajie's face, the monkey also found out that something was wrong. As early as in Huangfengling, he discovered that something was wrong. Let's go, he has been suppressed for 500 years, but at this time it is also reflected that everything is arranged!

"How is this good!! How is this good!!" Originally when the monkey called Bajie, Tang Seng still looked forward to it, but now that Bajie said that he couldn't do it, this is good. , This is why Tang Seng is not anxious. If such a big river is really detoured, he does not know when it will be detoured!

When I was in such a state of anxiety, I suddenly saw a flowing rainbow rushing across the sky that day. Most of the people who were born were those who knew how to do it. They could see the speed of the movement, but they couldn't help it. Eyes are terrified!

Along with the Liuhong, there was also the rolling momentum, and the very annoyed shout "Who is it? How dare you make trouble in my land?" When he spoke, the Liuhong was still far away in the sky, But when the voice fell, the figure was already close in front of his eyes. .

Seeing the figure in the brilliance, Houzi couldn't help being stunned, why it was him again, his brows couldn't help but frowned!

And that Zhu Bajie's eyes are also slightly weird, who is this person?If he could arrange a catastrophe on this Journey to the West, then he would be a person of some status in the Earth Immortal Realm. It stands to reason that he would not be unaware of such a person! ?

But he said that the person who came here was not Lin Sen, who else could it be? After receiving the letter from Yuan Lang, he hurried over. After all, he was his apprentice, and he was also afraid that the monkey would not really give the injured Oh, if that's the case, he's really going to lose money!

That's why the one who was far away shouted loudly, and when he landed like this, he pretended that he saw the monkey and others at this time, and immediately said in a slightly dazed manner. "Sun Dasheng? Why is it you?"

"Master Lin! We meet again!" Lin Sen had already revealed something before, but it was enough for the monkey not to despise him, but at this moment, he did give Lin Sen a slight hand and said angrily!

"Brother Monkey! Do you know this Master Lin? Master Lin? Could it be the Master Lin of Xingfang that day?" Zhu Bajie is not like that monkey who has been suppressed for 500 years, but what is the name of Tianxingfang these days? familiar!

"It's a humble house, but I didn't expect this eminent monk to have heard of it before! I don't know how to call this eminent monk?" Lin Sen said very modestly at the moment.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Bajie's eyes immediately flashed a gleam of brilliance, and even the Drifting Monk, who had always looked the same, also changed slightly, this Tian Xingfang has been incredible in recent years!

But seeing that then Han Xiao came forward, and said very flatteringly, "It's thunderous, it's thunderous!!! After a few more hills, it's going to be your Tianxingfang, and you must prepare more food for us at that time ah!!"

"Definitely! Definitely!!" Lin Sen nodded anxiously and said, "It's my blessing, Lin Sen, that several eminent monks can rest in the mountains with me, and I will definitely receive them well and sweep the couch to welcome them!!"

And after Lin Sen finished speaking like this, the monkey said with a gloomy face, "This is my second junior brother, Zhu Bajie! This is my master Tang Sanzang, and my junior brother Sha Wujing, I think you already knew about it!!" Looking at Lin Sen's appearance, it is obvious that he came here to share the merits of Journey to the West, but the name of Tang Monk has already spread all over the fairy world, and he doesn't know that monkeys can't do it! !

"I've heard it! I've heard it!!" Lin Sen smiled eagerly, and then said to the Tang monk, "Lin Sen has met the elder Tang!!" The Tang monk also lost his expression of anxiety. , with a smile on his face, he exchanged a gift with Lin Sen.

"But I don't know where Lin Fangzhu came from?" After the two-way meeting was over, the monkey asked with a very gloomy expression. And he himself is the monkey being tricked!

"Oh!!" Lin Sen acted like he had just reacted, and then said, "I don't know, the Skull Mountain is the boundary of my star workshop that day, within the boundary of my star workshop , whether it is the fairy, demon, god or ghost, they are not allowed to die as swordsmen, and those who violate it are the enemies of my Tianxingfang, and they will never be allowed to enter my Tianxingfang!" The last sentence Lin Sen said was very strict, but it was an exaggeration After a while, this rule is only implemented in that mountain!

"Amituofo!!!" When Tang Seng heard Lin Sen say this, he put his palms together and recited the Buddha's mantra, "For the matter of stopping the war, the benefactor is really a virtuous person, but he used violence to control violence like this." But it’s not possible, it’s better to use my Buddhist body to purify this land, this is the long-term way to control from the root!”

Lin Sen really didn't expect this Tang Monk to preach here, so he was slightly stunned at the moment, but fortunately, the monkey asked anxiously, "Then what does this matter have to do with you coming here?" !" It was the sound that Lin Sen was furious when he came just now, as if he was ready to strike at any moment! (To be continued.)

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