What Jin Ning said was very serious, without any sign of intimidation, but the monkey was stunned, he couldn't make fun of his own life, but now his face darkened and he said, "What can I do? Can’t you just wait?” Five hours is long and short, if you can’t use mana, such a short time is not enough to go anywhere!

"Great Sage, don't be in a hurry!" Lin Sen comforted in a hurry, and then seemed to think for a moment before saying, "The Great Sage is resting in my mountain, and I can find people to detoxify, just leave it to me!!" At such a time now, but he can only put his hope on others, and the monkey can only nod his head helplessly at the moment, saying, "This is to trouble Master Lin!!"

"Don't bother! Don't bother!! This matter should come from me, but I have to solve it!" Lin Sen cupped his hands slightly, and then said to Jin Ning, "Sister-in-law, I will trouble you to take care of the elders!" Said After saying this, Lin Sen turned into a beam of light and flew into the sky, heading straight for the eastern sky!

Lin Sen really never imagined that the jujube poison was so overbearing that even the monkey couldn't resist it. Even if it was his, he couldn't do anything about it, but he Although there is no way, there is a place that can definitely keep these few people alive. Where is this place?But it is the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain, whether it is the gourd patriarch or Zhen Yuanzi, who are the first batch of powerful people in the world, and this poison can definitely be solved in their hands!

But Lin Sen said that he was rushing all the way to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and before he arrived, he saw a red glow rushing from the direction of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain. It is such a color, seeing it like this, there is no need to imagine that the gourd ancestor is among the red clouds!

There is such a coincidence, Lin Sen immediately shouted in a hurry, "Old Ancestor!!! Ancestor!!!" Lin Sen shouted in such a hurry, but the light suddenly stopped listening , and then hurriedly turned to Lin Sen's side. If it wasn't the gourd patriarch in the escape light, who was it!

"Why are you here?" Patriarch Gourd immediately looked puzzled when he saw Lin Sen, and Lin Sen smiled anxiously and said, "Fortunately, I met Patriarch through this!!" But hurriedly rushed up and said, "Old Ancestor, you don't know, Tang Seng and his party are in my mountain now, but they are seriously poisoned, Lin Sen can't help it, isn't this the one who came to ask for help!"

"Tang Seng and his party are in your mountain?" Patriarch Hulu suddenly smiled, and then said, "What kind of poison is it that can make you helpless, I will let you go and see now!!" But Le Pulling Lin Sen hehe, this is going to the Hanging Mountain!

Lin Sen was naturally happy to save trouble, but he asked casually, "Why is the ancestor in such a hurry just now?" When asked by him, the ancestor of Calabash laughed cheerfully and said, "What's the matter now?" It’s not as important as Journey to the West! Go to your mountain first! Go to the mountain first!! Haha!!” At that moment, Yu Linsen used the technique of turning into streamer of light together!

However, among the medicines in the Immortal Mansion, Jin Ning just took care of the Tang monks and lay down, then suddenly frowned slightly and looked at the void outside that day and said softly, "Why did you come back so soon!"

And the monkey who crossed his legs to close the curtain naturally felt his heart, opened his eyes suddenly, and saw the two red streamers coming from outside the sky, and fell in front of Yaolu in an instant, and waited until the rays of light dissipated , but there were two figures, one tall and one short, the tall one was naturally Lin Sen, but the short figure, although it looked like a doll, made the monkey's eyes tremble involuntarily, and the pupils shrank slightly !

In this person, he saw the aura of his master, and the aura of Yuanzi, the town of Longevity Mountain. A person with a different temperament, no matter what kind, is a peerless powerhouse from ancient times!

Although the monkey's surname is Ziao, it has to be divided into people. At this time, seeing such a person, it is inconvenient to sit still, so it hastily stood up, and the gourd ancestor Jin Ning saw, immediately With a look of surprise on his face, he hurriedly greeted him, bowed down beside the ancestor, and said respectfully, "Master!!"

"Hehe! Get up! Get up!" Calabash Patriarch happily helped Jin Ning up, then looked at the three monks lying on the bed, and asked with a smile in his eyes, "Is this the man from Journey to the West? " When he asked such a question, the monkey cupped his hands at his side, and then said, "I pay my respects to the Great Immortal, and ask the Great Immortal to save me and my masters and apprentices. He will surely repay us!" Maybe the monkey was very arrogant in the past, but After so many years, after many hardships, although he still has that arrogance, but he has more eyesight!

"Haha!!" The gourd patriarch immediately smiled and said, "If I wanted you to repay me, I wouldn't come!" He glanced at the monkey in a flat smile, and then said with a smile, "You young man, this The body is really firm, and such a poison can survive at a low level!" Then, before the monkey could answer, the chubby little hand vacated a little, and then three auras were respectively stained on the foreheads of the monkey, Bajie, and Drifting Monk. superior!

Although the monkey was vigilant in his heart, he still couldn't dodge. He just watched the aura point on his body. As soon as the aura entered his body, the monkey's horrified expression was replaced by a soothing expression. I can feel that in my body, the highly poisonous substance is condensing and gushing out!

"Pfft!!" The monkey's cultivation base is the highest, so he reacts the fastest. He only feels that the blood is surging, and then a mouthful of black and smelly blood is spurted from his mouth, and he spurts blood at any time, but his face is very But there was no painful expression, but a comfortable expression instead!

And it didn't take long to see that Zhu Bajie and Drifting spurted mouthfuls of black blood one after another, and then woke up one after another, Lin Sen couldn't help but blushed slightly, even Zhu Bajie At this time, I was also embarrassed to talk, and I was greedy to eat it, but I ate the poison, so who can be blamed?

"Great Immortal! My master?" The monkey calmed down slightly and then asked anxiously, why did the Great Immortal only wake up three of himself, but Tang Seng was the only one who didn't!

"Hehe! Don't worry! Don't worry!" Calabash Patriarch smiled slightly, and then said to the monkey, "Your master's problem is more troublesome than yours. He is a mortal, and he has already It’s the toxin that goes deep into the body, and if you want to pull it out completely, you still have to spend a lot of effort!!” After the gourd ancestor said this, the monkey was relieved, as long as it can be saved, it will be fine. This monk can't die here now!

The gourd patriarch smiled slightly, and then told Jin Ning, "Ning'er, go there and apply some medicine for calming the mind and calming the mind. When you pull it out, it may hurt a little, but you need these elders of Tang to resist it." !” As soon as he finished speaking like this, Jin Ning agreed, and hurriedly walked into the medicine bag and took out a white jade bottle!

Jin Ning watched nervously as the gourd patriarch opened the jade bottle and sniffed it on the tip of his nose. After he nodded, Jin Ning finally smiled, but saw that the gourd patriarch said to Lin Sen again. "Go and prepare a quiet meditation room, and take me to practice the exercises to detoxify Elder Tang!"

Lin Sen immediately nodded hurriedly and said, "There are plenty in the meditation room, ancestor, please come with me!" The monkey also hurriedly reported the fainting Tang Monk, and the Bajie Drifting Monk hurriedly followed go up!

But after putting the monk Tang in the Zen room, Patriarch Gourd said seriously, "This Elder Tang's body is weak, so he can't be disturbed in the slightest. You all go outside the door and wait!" Since it was said, naturally no one dared to object, they all hurried out and waited outside!

But the gourd patriarch hadn't done anything yet. Although there were no people in the bright place, but in the dark, Liu Ding Liujia, Wufang Jiedi, etc. were still staring at him. An unkind expression, a cold hum, sounded like thunder in the ears of all the guards that day, but it blew them into a daze, and when they woke up, the meditation room was already Completely blocked by that gourd patriarch!

Not to mention that they, even Lin Sen and the others, couldn't feel the scene at all at this time, but they could hear the painful groans of Tang Monk in the Zen room, Then there was a slight stench in the air!

And as the stench became stronger, the Tang Priest's shouting gradually subsided. It's not that the severe pain had passed, but the Tang Priest's dead voice could no longer shout!

Hearing that heart-piercing cry, Lin Sen couldn't help but smile secretly when he saw Zhu Bajie and the others, this Tang Monk probably would never eat dates again from now on!

I don't know if this poisonous surname is really too strong, or if the gourd patriarch deliberately tormented Tang Seng. In short, in the meditation room, Tang Seng was like the little girl who was ravaged. After shouting for nearly an hour, this The sound gradually stopped. .

And there was an extremely strong stench coming from the meditation room, Lin Sen hurriedly fought with his arms, and a gust of wind flew out, blowing the stench out of the Hanging Mountain!

"Come in!!" Following the faint voice of the gourd patriarch, several people rushed in hastily. After entering it, only the Tang monk was lying in the meditation room, but the gourd patriarch was I don't know when he left, but the voice left behind echoed, "This monk Tang is fine, he will be fine after a few days of rest, my ancestor, I still have something to do, so I am leaving!" In the meditation room, the light faded away, and under the anxious eyes of those people, the monk Tang suddenly coughed violently, and then he woke up!

"Wukong, am I still alive?" The voice was torn and hoarse, there was still the warmth and jade like before, and now when he opened his eyes, he saw the monkey, and two lines of tears welled up in his eyes! (To be continued.)

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