Since that day, Tang Seng and his entourage have stayed in this Hanging Mountain for half a month. Even though Lin Sen provided delicious food and drink offerings every day, after his health improved, Tang Seng still felt compelled to welcome him. Whether he wants to leave, or because he is eager to go to that western heaven, most of his heart is probably because this place has too terrible memories of it!

After watching Tang Seng and his party leave in a hurry all the way, Lin Sen was in the middle of the mountain slowly. His Hanging Mountain used to be the Wuji Kingdom. It wasn't something Lin Sen could provoke, but the one who caused Lin Sen the most headache at this time was the Empress of the Black Chicken Country!

The one on Hao'er Mountain is the little ancestor, and the red boy is indeed the son of the Bull Demon King. The so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but this little ancestor has demonstrated this sentence to the extreme. He confronted the bull demon king tit for tat, and in the original book, even the Guanyin of the South China Sea was completely ignored, and he started to fight as soon as he said he wanted to, but in the end he was taken away by the Guanyin of the South China Sea as a slave!

Since Lin Sen came, he naturally couldn't let that red boy have an accident, but it's one thing to help at this time, and another thing how to help him. Although he didn't know the strength of Guanyin, but as that One of the Four Great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, the level of cultivation must be higher than that of Pilanpo Bodhisattva, and even the strength of the bad Buddhist Buddha is not as strong as this Avalokitesvara, but he is definitely not an opponent when he goes up!

But at this time, if you say hello to the little ancestor first, it will definitely be counterproductive, and it will only arouse the little ancestor's dissatisfaction. Then things will definitely be more troublesome. Thinking like this, Lin Sen But the footsteps that were walking back turned to the outside again, and now he definitely couldn't save the red boy, all he could do was to rush to inform the Bull Demon King!

At that moment, Lin Sen still hadn't entered the Immortal Mansion, so he hurried out again, turning into a stream of light, never entering the sky, and flying straight to the west!

Although the No. [-] Mountain is not far from the Hanging Mountain, it will take a few months according to Tang Seng's footsteps. Besides, there is also the matter of the Wuji Kingdom, so it is enough to go to the Jilei Mountain to find the Bull Demon King. Now, as long as the Bull Demon King finds the little ancestor back, it will be fine!

Besides, why go to Jilei Mountain?This is Lin Sen's understanding of the Bull Demon King. The Bull Demon King is very good in other places, but Dudu is a hungry ghost. Looking at the degree of stickiness to the jade-faced princess before, Lin Sen is sure. This Bull Demon King will definitely not be in his Cuiyun Mountain Banana Cave at this time!

At Lin Sen's speed, even though Jilei Mountain was some distance away from Xuankong Mountain, it only took half a minute to reach it. .

This is Lin Sen's first visit to Jilei Mountain. He is suspended in the midair, but he can see that there are ten steps, one post, five ratios and one post in the mountain. There are flags flying all over Mashan Mountain. Seeing such power, Lin Sen couldn't help but think to himself, no wonder the Jade Emperor was very refrained from facing Jilei Mountain, and he didn't hesitate to use the power of the West. Shi Linsen really understood this point of view!

Compared with the Jilei Mountain, his Hanging Mountain is like a baby playing house, and there is a huge relationship with the Bull Demon King. If it were him, Lin Sen would also be restless and would try his best to get rid of it Lose!

Just when Lin Sen was standing outside the Jilei Mountain in a daze, there was a demon cloud in the mountain, and above it was a group of demon soldiers holding long daggers. It turns out that he has the cultivation base of this Xuanxian.

Lin Sen was in astonishment when he saw the pair of demon soldiers coming in front of him. The team leader in front of him was Chang Ge, pointing at Lin Sen and saying, "This is Jilei Mountain, don't stay here. Leave quickly!!" Although the voice is still polite, but the tone is full of arrogance, obviously he is even proud of being a member of Jilei Mountain!

Hearing such shouts, Lin Sen stopped the daydreaming in his head, and then cupped his hands and said, "Lin Sen, the owner of Tianxing Workshop in Xuankong Mountain, please see the Bull Demon King, and please inform me!" Lin Sen hurriedly told his identity.

"The owner of Tianxingfang?" The captain looked at Lin Sen suspiciously. He naturally knew the reputation of Tianxingfang, and it has been very prosperous in the past few years, but the monster in front of him called himself the owner of the workshop, and his cultivation was too poor. Well, even if it's not as powerful as the Great King's, he should still be a master!

But even though he was hesitant, the demon still said softly, "You board here for a while, and I will report to you!" Lin Sen himself dropped the cloud and headed straight for the mountain!

Before waiting for a long time, I saw a colorful cloud in the mountain flying out of the fragrant wind, but there were a few fairies in white clothes on the cloud, and the person who was the first was the jade-faced princess, who rushed out so hurriedly, wait and see Seeing Lin Sen standing in mid-air, he said with a smile on his face, "It's really Brother Lin, come in quickly!! Come in quickly! 1" and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello!

"Ma'am!!" Lin Sendang even slightly bowed his body and saluted, don't look at this jade-faced fox with ordinary cultivation, but he is the darling of the Bull Demon King, so he can't lose his courtesy.

However, Lin Sen's wife called this jade-faced fox with a smile on her face. What he cared most about was that she was just the concubine of the Bull Demon King, and not officially married by a bright matchmaker. Therefore, Lin Sen's A madam, but it's said that it's gone inside his heart!

The smile on that face at the moment became even brighter and said, "Brother and I, why are you being polite, ma'am, ma'am! Just call me sister-in-law! From now on, this Jilei Mountain will be your home, come here often!" Such a smile What's more, the position of this sister-in-law is confirmed!

Lin Sen didn't care when he saw that he was hitting a snake with a stick like this, he just asked anxiously, "Madam, I don't know that the Great Sage of Ping Tian is in the mountains, Lin Sen has something urgent to find him!"

After Lin Sen finished speaking, the jade-faced fox showed an unlucky look on his face and said, "Unfortunately, the previous king went to the Bibotan Ten Thousand Sage Dragon King to have a banquet. It took more than a month to go... You can come back, why don’t brothers go to my mountain and wait first?” Seeing the anxious expression on Lin Sen’s face that didn’t seem to be faking, the jade-faced fox immediately asked hesitantly, “Brother, what’s the matter, why don’t you tell your sister-in-law, sister-in-law Although he doesn't have the supernatural power of a great king and has a wide range of friends, he still has some confidence, so he told his sister-in-law to listen to see if she can help you solve it!"

But this matter cannot be told to the jade-faced fox. Lin Sen really didn't know what to say, so he could only show an anxious expression on his face and said to the jade-faced fox, "It's not because Lin Sen doesn't trust sister-in-law, but because at this moment The Great Sage Pingtian can’t do it, please don’t worry about it, sister-in-law!” Then he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, “Sister-in-law, Lin Sen is going to be rude today, first go find the Great Sage Pingtian, and he will come to apologize later. I hope my sister-in-law will not blame me!!"

"Don't blame! Don't blame! You go to work first!" The jade-faced fox said with a smile at the moment, and after Lin Sen and he left together, the jade-faced fox asked the little demon, "Who is Fangzhu Lin?" From what direction? But the direction of Cuiping Mountain?"

But the little demon shook his head again and again and said, "It's not from that Cuiping mountain, that person rushed all the way from the east, and he didn't stop at that Cuiping mountain!" This is the smile on the face of the fox, and it flies back to the Thunder Mountain with a kind of maid in a smile!

But Lin Sen was flying all the way to the Bibotan. The jade-faced fox said before that it would take more than a month for this old cow to come back. How can Lin Sen wait for it? He can only chase after him to find it. up!

Speaking of this old holy dragon, maybe many people have never known it, but his son-in-law is very famous, he is one of the five fierce insects in the wild, the nine-headed worm, and his daughter can even be seen in the Lingxiao Palace. Stealing things from the Internet, or bringing them out without anyone noticing!

Whether it is participating in the Journey to the West, the daughter and son-in-law, or being a friend of the Bull Demon King, these all show the extraordinaryness of this old dragon. He was beaten to death with a stick, but Lin Sen never believed that this old dragon who was able to recruit the Nine-Headed Insect as a son-in-law and who was very close to the Bull Demon King would be such a useless character!

The Bibo Pool was close to the Jilei Mountain, so Lin Sen quickly found the bottomless water pool in the rocky mountain, and just now he stood still, the shrimp soldier rushed out of the water, They were all holding spears in their hands, and Lin Sen in the middle immediately shouted, "Who is coming, tell me your name!"

Lin Sen hurriedly said, "Lin Sen of Tianxingfang, come to find the Great Sage of Ping Tian, ​​please report!" After Lin Sen finished speaking, the shrimp soldier's attitude changed suddenly, and he was able to run here The person who came to look for the Bull Demon King must be someone close to the Bull Demon King. Such a person cannot be offended, so he cupped his hands and said, "Just wait a moment! I'll report it right away!" In the water!

Now that he has arrived at the place, Lin Sen is too late. Anyway, there is still some time, and now he is looking at the scenery of the rocky mountain. After seeing it, Lin Sen can't help sighing that the rocky mountain is really worth it. The name of the chaotic stones means that most of the mountains are piled in disorderly stones, and the whole mountain is just like the piles of crushed stones, lying on the ground like a huge python. Although it is full of spiritual energy, there is no How green!

While Lin Sen was watching like this, in the blue pool, the originally calm water suddenly churned, and a water channel was separated from the middle of the lake, and the billowing waves turned to both sides respectively, and in the waves, A group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, led by a bright and enchanting woman in emerald green clothes, rushed out of the Tan Tan. After seeing Lin Sen, they asked suspiciously, "You are looking for that Pingtian?" Great Sage?" (To be continued.)

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