Surrounded by shrimp soldiers and crab generals, the woman in emerald clothes rushed out of the water, came to Lin Sen and asked, "You want to find the Great Sage Ping Tian?"

"In Xiatian Xingfang Lin Sen, I am in a hurry to find the Great Sage Ping Tian. I don't know the name of the fairy? Is the great sage in the water? Can you inform me for you!" Lin Sen saw the woman, and he was determined in his heart. The daughter should be the wife of the nine-headed worm, the Halloween princess of Bibotan, but he came here like this, why did this princess come out. .

"I am the daughter of the Dragon King of Wansheng, so is the princess of Wansheng!" The Wansheng princess was very proud and blew herself up, and then continued, "But I don't know where you learned that The Great Sage is in my water?" She didn't answer Lin Sen's question, but asked first!

"Lin Sen went to Jilei Mountain first, and Princess Yumian told me that the Great Sage Ping Tian was visiting your mansion, so that's why he came here in a hurry to look for it. I hope the princess is no wonder!" Lin Sen said. After that, although the Halloween princess didn't speak, Lin Sen could still see the vibe in her heart with her slightly wriggling lips. After she cursed, she said to Lin Sen, "I'll tell you the truth." Well, the Bull Demon King did come here the other day, but he went out again not long after, and he left together with my father, king, and my husband-in-law, but I don't know where they went!"

As soon as he finished speaking like this, Lin Sen's eyes immediately froze. The Bull Demon King went out with the Halloween old dragon again. What should we do? He just opened his mouth and was about to say something. But the Wansheng Princess said again, "There is no one in the mansion now, but I am the only woman left. It is really inconvenient for me to invite you in, so please come back first! If the Great Sage Pingtian turns around, I will I will definitely tell him!"

Right now, without waiting for Lin Sen's answer, he turned his head straight, and then led the group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals back to the Bibo Pool, and the separated waterway also slowly closed and returned to calm!

But standing on the edge of the pool, Lin Sen's eyes slowly settled down. The Wansheng princess was so anxious to drive herself away, she was obviously hiding something, but what she was hiding was definitely It is related to the taking out of the Bull Demon King, but one thing is true, the Bull Demon King is still not in the Bibotan at this moment!

"This is troublesome!" Lin Sen looked at the turbulent waves, couldn't help but let out a wry smile and said softly. He originally thought that as long as he found the Bull Demon King, everything would be fine, but now the Bull Demon King didn't know where he went, and the Wansheng It seems that the princess will never say anything, how can Lin Sen find it!

And although there is still some time now, it is definitely not enough to wait here for the Bull Demon King to come back. Who knows when they will come back, if they dare not come back before those few people are called Ershan, then things will be troublesome!

At the moment, he had no choice but to grit his teeth, since the Bull Demon King could not find him, he had no choice but to look for the Iron Fan Princess. Although the Iron Fan Princess was not as good as the Bull Demon King, the treasure in her hand could be used properly. It should be able to save the red boy.

Thinking about this, Lin Sen didn't delay at the moment, but flew up, but this time he went straight on the way he came.

That Cuiyun Mountain was in front of that Jilei Mountain, and the Bull Demon King also ate the grass by the side of the nest, and found a concubine who was still at home!

The Cuiyun Mountain is very different from the Jilei Mountain. If the Jilei Mountain is the heavy city of the monster race with a lot of rumors, then this Cuiyun Mountain is the fresh and elegant paradise, quiet and quiet. The chirping of insects and birds in the mountains seemed to be clearly heard.

In the clear mist, Ruoying's turquoise color has a demeanor of a fairy!

As soon as he entered the mountain, under the divine light of Lin Sen's eyes, the mountains in between were full of ordinary birds and beasts, but there was no trace of demon soldiers patrolling him. Seeing this, Lin Sen immediately laughed in his heart. He said, "No wonder the Bull Demon King doesn't stay here!" This place is naturally a good place for outsiders who are dedicated to cultivation, but the Bull Demon King is an ambitious monster. Where did this place come from? It can be seen that such a big monster is willing to nest in this mountain!

Lin Sen landed in this quiet mountain, and the divine light in his eyes began to search around. Under his thousand-mile divine eyes, even though there are many mountains in this mountain, it is hard to stop the faint brilliance, which is very Rongde found that crisp cave in a quiet place in that mountain, engraved with these three big characters on it, Banana Cave!

With a flash of Lin Sen's figure, he appeared outside the Plantain Cave, but he saw the towering stone door carved from huge stones closed tightly. Lin Sen just straightened his uniform and stepped forward, and gently buckled on the stone door. After a few times, he shouted loudly, "Is anyone there?" After shouting like this, Lin Sen stepped back and stood still, and then he heard a burst of noisy footsteps coming from the cave!

crunch! !The heavy stone door seems to be rarely opened. Amid such creaking and creaking, the stone door was half-opened, revealing the head of a little girl with red lips and white teeth looking out. Wei Wei asked with some vigilance, "Who are you? What are you doing in Basho Cave?"

Seeing the vigilant look of the little maid, Lin Sen immediately smiled slightly, and then said, "My name is Lin Sen, and I come from Tianxingfang in Xuankong Mountain. If I need to see Princess Iron Fan, please report it for me!" The words immediately removed a lot of the vigilance in the little girl's eyes.

"You wait here, I'll report to you!" Afterwards, the door didn't close, and it was thrown into the cave in a hurry, and at the same time, the voice of shouting "Grandma... grandmother..."

Seeing Lin Sen like this, he couldn't help but smile. This little maid obviously had never heard of Tianxingfang, but she didn't know how many days the Iron Fan Princess hadn't been out. Although Tianxingfang had little contact with each other before, there are really few people like Princess Iron Fan. I'm afraid she still doesn't know that the red boy is about to face the person who is about to face the Westward Journey. I will not stay in this mountain so determinedly!

But in this kind of careful thinking, not long after, the little head came out of the stone gate again, looked at Lin Sen and said cautiously, "My grandma said that she doesn't see outsiders, please Go back and forth from where!" Then he hurriedly retracted his head, as if he was afraid of Lin Sen's intrusion, and hurriedly closed the stone door! (To be continued.)

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