However, the little maid seemed to be afraid of Lin Sen's intrusion, and quickly closed the door. .

Boom!There was a muffled sound, but the tall stone gate was closed again. Seeing this, Lin Sen couldn't help laughing bitterly. Naturally, this stone gate couldn't help him. The problem here is the wife of the Bull Demon King. If I broke in like this, it would be a bad thing when I meet the Bull Demon King in the future, he is not that monkey!

At the moment, he could only shout to the cave again, "Linsen of Tianxingfang, if you want to see Princess Iron Fan, please open the door to see her!" It can also be heard clearly!

Not long after, a delicate voice passed through the cave, "I don't care about worldly affairs, what can I do if you want to find the Bull Demon King? Where does he live now!" Speaking of this, he was obviously not in a good mood, and obviously regarded Lin Sen as the person who came to please the Bull Demon King!

Lin Sen smiled at the moment, and then said in a loud voice transmission, "Lin Sen had already gone to look for the Bull Demon King before, but the Bull Demon King didn't know where he went, so this is the one who came to look for the princess. It is about the consolation of the Holy Infant King, and please see the princess!" Naturally, there is no mother in the world who does not care about her own child, even Princess Iron Fan, who is so cold-hearted at this time, that red child is her heart.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, there was only a blushing sound, and the huge stone gate opened instantly, and a woman dressed in emerald green clothes, with a very delicate appearance, rushed out of it, dressed as that woman, and rushed out. In a hurry, he rushed to Lin Sen, opened his mouth and asked, "What happened to my red boy? Tell me quickly!"

Although he was anxious at this time, the aura of that body was still very dusty. Lin Sen couldn't help muttering in his heart, the Bull Demon King is a perverted bull, has a beautiful wife at home, and is still a ghost outside, and then he said with a smile, "Sister-in-law Don't be anxious, the Holy Infant King hasn't had any accidents yet, it's just that disasters are imminent, that's why he came here in such a hurry, but he couldn't find the Bull Demon King, so he came to bother sister-in-law!"

"Speak quickly!! Tell me quickly!" Princess Iron Fan immediately urged, and Lin Sen had an embarrassing look on his face after urging like this, and looked around and said, " .?"

Lin Sen's hesitation, Princess Iron Fan finally realized it, but she was too impolite. He came from a thousand miles away, and someone like himself who blocked people at the door for questioning, had a reddish face at the moment. This is the way to say "I was rude, this brother quickly enters the mansion, quickly enters the mansion!"

This is the way to lead Lin Sen anxiously into the plantain cave, but the anxious footsteps made Lin Sen not even have time to see the scenery in the cave!

And after bringing the iron fan princess to ask Lin Sen to sit down quickly and let the maid serve tea, she asked anxiously again, "Brother, tell me now, what happened to my red boy?" !" After all, she is a mother, and if something happened to her son, no matter how calm she is, she must have lost her sense of proportion!

Lin Sen hurriedly put down the tea, and then he asked seriously, "Sister-in-law, do you know about the Buddhist Journey to the West!" However, Lin Sen's explanation was very troublesome!

Hearing Lin Sen's question, Princess Iron Fan immediately nodded slightly and said, "The Journey to the West incident in Daxing Buddhism is making a fuss, of course I know it, but what does it have to do with my child!"

"Journey to the West has already begun!" Lin Sen said in a deep voice, and after he finished speaking, Princess Iron Fan was also a smart person, and she immediately understood, and said with a slight change of expression, "Are you Said that my child is about to face the man who traveled to the West?"

Lin Sen nodded slightly at the moment and said, "That's right, according to the time calculation, the Westward Journeyer is within a month, so he will be able to reach the Ershan Mountain!" After Lin Sen finished speaking, Princess Iron Fan frowned immediately, and then she asked Lin Sen again, "My child has practiced Sanwei Zhenhuo since he was a child. You came here like this, but you don't think my child is that kind?" The opponent of the person who learns from the scriptures!"

His words were filled with self-confidence and arrogance. That red boy cultivated the three-flavored real fire in the flaming mountain. Even if his cultivation was invincible, few people could resist that real fire!

Lin Sen nodded slightly at the moment and said, "The person who learned the scriptures was placed by the West. He is just an ordinary monk without any supernatural powers, and he is the head of the three disciples who protect the Dharma. It is very troublesome. I think Mrs. Exaggerating the name!" After Lin Sen finished speaking like this, the Iron Fan Princess became puzzled and asked, "Who is it?" She has kept her house behind closed doors all these years, so very few people know about it!

"500 years ago, there was a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace!" As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, the face of the Iron Fan Princess changed immediately. Although she married the Bull Demon King after the monkey was suppressed, she still listened to the bull. The Demon King mentioned the monkey, so he naturally knew its abilities, and his expression changed slightly when he asked, "It turned out to be that monkey?"

In addition to being astonished, he said in a slightly anxious tone, "Then Sun Wukong is sworn brother to my great king, and Honghai'er can be regarded as his nephew. The monster race values ​​righteousness. I think that monkey will not hurt Honghai'er!" In fact, it was a sudden reaction, and there was still such a relationship in it!

"Sister-in-law, please don't forget that Sun Wukong is now a member of the Journey to the West, and I'm afraid he can't help himself at that time. Besides, this matter is a conspiracy between the West and the Heavenly Court. How can they let the son of the Great Sage Pingtian go!" As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking like this, the Iron Fan Princess finally understood that the Great Sage Ping Tian is now powerful and has a vast territory, how can the Heavenly Court let his son go, but at this time the red boy is It's really already on the tip of the knife!

Seeing that the iron fan princess showed a slightly anxious expression, it was obvious that she had understood in her heart, and then Lin Sen said, "Lin Sen has met the person who learned the scriptures before, so the protection of the West can be said to be silent, but Lin Sen had seen the Holy Infant King before, and according to the name of the Holy Infant King, something would happen at that time, so Lin Sen rushed to ask for help, but he couldn't find the Bull Demon King. This is the one who hastily came to find my sister-in-law!"

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking like this, Princess Iron Fan hurriedly got up and thanked, "Luo Sha is here to thank Brother Lin for his kindness!" Running back and forth, it was worth her gift! (To be continued.)

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