The pipa essence's almost nonsensical cold drink made Lin Sen's face turn cold immediately. Although he has been persuading him with good words, he may not be really afraid of the pipa essence. If he really fights Wake up, even if he himself may be jumped by the poisonous pile of the fallen horse, but this pipa master should not think about getting better in his own hands!

Seeing his expression, the pipa master's brows were upside down, and he swung the three steel forks in his hand and said coldly, "What? You still want to make a move? If you want to make a move, I will accompany you, but if you don't Just want to leave like this, delusion!"

Seeing the appearance of this pipa master, Lin Sen was speechless for a while. If he really made a move, it would not be a matter of three moments. When the results come out here, Tang Seng and his party may have passed by long ago. That number is a mountain, and at the moment I just have to smile slightly and say, "That treasure is called the Banana Fan, and it is the wife of the Bull Demon King, the treasure of the Iron Fan Princess Rakshasa, if you are blocking the mountain, if I delay it a little longer Time, I'm afraid that the Rakshasa woman's life will not be guaranteed!"

"The Bull Demon King?" The pipa master's eyes lit up suddenly, and then he asked Lin Sen anxiously, "Do you know the Bull Demon King?" The three steel forks in his hand hurriedly put away, and then Said: "Since it is the Rakshasa woman who is in trouble, don't delay any longer, I will go with you, go together!!" Then Lin Sen was ignored, and he flew up first. .

Seeing that Lin Sen didn't move, Wei Wei said angrily, "Why are you a Taoist, you didn't let you go just now, you were in a hurry to go, but now you are allowed to go, but you are standing still!" She glanced at Lin Sen charmingly and said, "Don't think that I want to take advantage of you!!" With a large number of Lin Sen in his eyes, he smiled lightly and said, "You don't have any advantage for me to take advantage of, you and I Let’s go together to save the wife of the Bull Demon King, then you only need to introduce me to the Bull Demon King, what’s the deal?”

From the looks of it, this pipa master definitely didn't want to help because he knew the Bull Demon King, and the look in his eyes when he first heard the word Bull Demon King just now, must be plotting. He said secretly like that, and then smiled secretly, even if there is a conspiracy, it is the business of the Bull Demon King, and it really has nothing to do with him. Besides, if he brings this banshee with him, he will have a helping hand. If he really faces the Guanyin, it will be too much What a chance!

Lin Sen nodded with a smile and said, "In that case, how many mountain masters did Lin Sen help, but he still doesn't know what the mountain master is called?"

Hearing this, the pipa master smiled charmingly and said, "You are the only one who rang to ask people's names until now, so you should call me Pipa!"

Lin Sen just nodded slightly, and immediately said with a smile, "Since that's the case, then there is no decision, King Pipa, help me save me, and I will introduce the Bull Demon King to you!"

"It's a deal!" The pipa essence smiled charmingly, and then flew into the sky, but she was even more anxious than Lin Sen. Seeing this, Lin Sen smiled secretly. No matter what the pipa essence was for, it was him. A strong support!

Although the black cloud of the pipa essence is also fast, but how did Shang Linsen's body turn into a streamer so quickly that he rushed in front of him in a short time, but it caused the pipa essence to be amazed again. I couldn't help thinking in my heart, this Taoist seems to have a mediocre cultivation, but the supernatural powers in this body are really not small!

However, the two of them said that they crossed tens of thousands of miles and thousands of mountains and fertile land in a hurry, and hurriedly rushed to the No. [-] Mountain, but when the No. [-] Mountain was already in his eyes, Lin Sen's expression suddenly changed. , Shouted in astonishment in his heart, "It's still too late!" But at this moment, he saw the Buddha in the mountain glowing brightly, and the sky was full of golden clouds. Obviously, there is a person with great ability in Buddhism, and he has already arrived in the mountain!

Lin Sen became more and more anxious at the moment, and said to the pipa master, "Let's hurry up, I'm afraid it will be too late!" At that moment, the originally swift escape speeded up again.

It's just that after this sudden acceleration, it suddenly stopped again, and when I looked back, I saw that the pipa master not only didn't follow up, but looked at the Hao'er Mountain, with a touch of fear in his eyes The color, the body involuntarily retreats back!

"Pipa King?" Lin Sen immediately asked suspiciously, this fell to the ground, what happened to this Pipa King?Why is it retreating!

"People from Buddhism?" In the pair of beautiful eyes looking at Hao'er Mountain, there is no charm just now, only the panic is left, as if seeing something very frightening Usually, the subconscious in my heart is to turn around and run away. At this time, when Lin Sen asked, he immediately said angrily, "Why didn't you say there are Westerners here when you came here!!"

The tone was full of blame, but under the panic, this side was going to turn around and leave!

Lin Sen really didn't expect that in the original book, it is said that even the Tathagata is a peerless female demon who dares to break. At this time, she is so afraid of the Western Buddhism, but just seeing the powerful breath of the Buddhism in this way , they all showed the flustered look of this group, Lin Sen couldn't help but wonder, isn't this banshee that pipa master?

Immediately in the mouth, he hurriedly asked, "King Pipa, what do you mean?"

But the pipa master backed up and said to Lin Sen, "It's really inconvenient for me to meet with the people from the Buddhist sect, so let's call it a day. I owe you a favor. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely repay it." Yours!" At that moment, he hurriedly flew back.

"King of Pipa, it's not Lin Sen, but I can know what disturbed you so much!" Lin Sen said with a slight glint in his eyes. You are like this now, but there is still half of my monster demeanor!" To be honest, at this time, the pipa spirit is like a frightened chicken, which really makes Lin Sen a little disappointed, even contemptuous!

Originally in the original book, this pipa spirit is a big monster who dares to fight against the Tathagata. No matter how he cultivates, Lin Sen admires just this kind of heart, but now he is watching He is very good at playing the pipa, but it really chills him.

A person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, among the monster clan, even if he has that extremely strong strength, he will only be despised by all the monster clan!

Being questioned with contempt by Lin Sen, the pipa master shook his head slightly and said, "You won't understand, what is death! But there are many things in this world that are more terrifying than death! Then he cupped his hands to Lin Sen and said, "Anyway, I'm sorry today!"

And if it was before, Lin Sen naturally wouldn't care about her and let him go, but looking at her now, the desolate aura on her body can't be ignored by the same demon clan, so he said in a deep voice, "You used to Asked if my precious master is tyrannical, and then asked if I could introduce the Bull Demon King to you, presumably it has something to do with this matter!" Although I don't know what this pipa master is afraid of, but contacting his previous performance In Lin Sen's heart, it was only natural that he had just arrived!

"That's right!" The pipa master immediately admitted it, and then said, "Let's not say whether the bull devil can solve my problem, but I can't take this risk!" His face was very determined, Obviously, if the people from the Buddhist sect saw it, their end would definitely be worse than that death!

"What if I promise to help you solve this problem?" Lin Sen said with a smile at the moment. It's not because he has any meaning for this pipa essence, but because he doesn't want to see the peerless banshee. It looks like this quail!

"You?" Pipa Jing sneered, and then Lin Sen said, "It's not because I underestimated you, but my problem is the Western Paradise Bliss, the Tathagata Buddha, and you really can't solve it for me !" There was a touch of sadness in his words, the Tathagata Buddha of the Western Paradise, how many people can match his skills in this fairy world, not to mention the prosperity of Buddhism, who would have no reason? Provoke that Buddhist door.

After hearing Lin Sen's words before, she pinned her hopes on the Bull Demon King, but it was just a dying struggle. The Bull Demon King is famous all over the world, and his cultivation must be extremely tyrannical, so it is possible to solve it for her. This is a problem, but that's just a possibility. Now, for this slight possibility, she is going to let her do something with that Buddhist person. She will never be so confused!

Hearing that finally revealed something, Lin Sen smiled slightly at the moment and said, "It's true that I won't take risks for the slightest possibility of the Bull Demon King, but what if I have absolute certainty to solve the problem for you? The method of the Tathagata Buddha, I definitely can't do it, but I know someone can do it!" Lin Sen had a confident smile on his face, and he knew that he was far from alone, whether it was Zhen Yuanzi or Hulu Patriarch. In ancient times, at the same seniority as the Tathagata Master, although it is possible that the Tathagata Buddha came from behind, what horror would be placed on this Pipa Jing!

"Who?" Seeing Lin Sen's confident smile, Pipa Jing was slightly moved and asked softly. As long as this problem can be solved, she will give anything!

Seeing that the pipa master took the bait, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "Do you know about the Great Immortal Zhenyuan?" The gourd patriarch is still hiding his name, so Lin Sen can only block this Zhenyuanzi out!

"The ancestor of the Earth Immortal, Zhen Yuanzi?" Pipa Jing's eyes suddenly widened. She is not a monkey who does not know the world, so she naturally knows what these words represent. Among them is the top-notch strength, in this era when saints do not come out, ancient immortals like Zhen Yuanzi are synonymous with invincibility! (To be continued.)

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