And now Lin Sen obviously will not bring up the name for no reason. When he asked back, Pipa Jing's tone trembled slightly, his eyes seemed to be expecting, and he looked at Lin Sen with suspicion, as if A great fairy like Zhen Yuanzi, there is a monster like them who can make a relationship!

Lin Sen nodded with a smile and said, "That's right, it's Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal!" Seeing the disbelieving gaze of the pipa spirit, he smiled and said, "Lin Sen also tasted the ginseng fruit recently. Taste, let’s wait until this point, Lin Sen would like to recommend the Great Immortal Zhenyuan to the King Pipa, I don’t know that the Great Immortal Zhenyuan thinks that the Great Immortal Zhenyuan can solve your problems!”

"Do you really know that Great Immortal Zhenyuan?" Pipa Jing said with some doubts. Although what Lin Sen said did not seem to be a lie, how could such a character be connected with a little monster like Lin Sen!

"Lin Sen is willing to swear on his life!" Lin Sendang said with a smile, as the saying goes, the oath spoken in the earth fairy world will be approved by the heavens. If you dare to violate it, the result will be It must be very bleak!

And now that Lin Sen had finished talking to this point, the Pipa Jing immediately smiled and said, "In this case, I will take the risk with you this time!" With a charming smile on his face, the Pipa Jing Then he laughed again and said, "Whether or not the Great Immortal Zhenyuan will pay attention to me, a little demon, just for your comfort today, I will definitely help you today! Go!!" And then Take the first big stride to the Hao'er Mountain that is full of rays of light in the sky!

Seeing that the banshee had returned to her demeanor, Lin Sen immediately smiled, and then hurriedly stopped him, "Don't worry, King Pipa, I still have something to say!"

"Oh?" The pipa master listened immediately, looked at Lin Sen with both eyes, and then said lightly, "Do you have any conditions? No problem, as long as I can take off this shackle, I will accept any conditions." I can agree!" But he thought that Lin Sen had to attach some conditions, after all, why should others help him for no reason!

Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "Pipa King misunderstood!!" Then he walked forward quickly and said, "Lin Sen does not have any conditions, but just wants to tell Pipa King!!" Walking to Qi, he said, "Pipa King! But hide in the dark, don't go with me, if Lin Sen can save the person, then the Pipa King will naturally not take the risk, but if Lin Sen can't save the person, but still hope that the Pipa King will help in secret!"

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, the pipa master's eyes were a little confused. She naturally knew that Lin Sen was thinking about her, so she was very moved and said, "Brother Lin is benevolent, and Pipa remembers you mind!"

Seeing his moving appearance, Lin Sen only smiled slightly at the moment, but he didn't speak. Just look at the reaction of the pipa master after seeing the sky full of Buddha's light. If he bumps into that Buddhist man, then The result must be very tragic, and Lin Sen naturally cannot take advantage of others' danger and let him take such a big risk. .

What's more, its methods are still hidden in the dark, and if it comes suddenly, the power is more powerful, and it is more difficult for people to guard against!

Now that it was agreed, the two of them will part ways now, Lin Sen is still hurrying from the sky to the number mountain, while the pipa master quietly submerges into the ground, with that The technique of escaping from the ground went to the mountain!

However, Lin Sen was galloping all the way, rushing straight to the mountain, and before he flew there, he saw the soaring fire from the mountain, and the raging flames all over the mountain seemed to burn the sky, but In the flames, a ray of light slowly rose, but under the soft Buddha light, a Bodhisattva in white monk robes, holding a willow jade bottle in his hand, slowly ascended to the sky with a warm smile on his face , Looking at the fire that filled the sky, his lips parted slightly and said, "Struggle to die, although your Sanwei Zhenhuo is good, but you dare to show your power in front of me?"

The voice is soft, like the spring breeze turning into rain, but it is pervasive, even Lin Sen who is still some distance away can hear it clearly!

But what I saw was that Guanyin lightly picked up the willow branch in your jade bottle, dipped it slightly in the bottle, and just swayed away like this, the shining little nectar, on the sky, turned into After the heavy rain poured down, just like the river rolled upside down that day, the dense rain curtain swayed down in one piece, and it seemed that the sky was burning soaringly, but at this time, under the heavy rain, it was helplessly gradually lowering. Dwarf off!

What I saw was that Guanyin inserted the willow branch in his hand back into the bottle, and said to the mountain with a smile on his face, "You two, hurry up and surrender, and you will save the pain of flesh and blood!"

And just after he finished his words, he felt that a breath coming from the western sky rushed over, but the breath was very weak, but she didn't even take a look at it!

What I saw was the iron fan princess mother and son standing side by side in the mountains, the red boy was wearing red armor and holding a pointed spear, and the iron fan princess was also wearing a military uniform, holding the plantain fan in one hand and a three-handed sword in the other. Chi Hanfeng, when he heard the words of Guanyin's persuasion to surrender, Liu Mei immediately scolded angrily, "You want our mother and son to surrender? Dreaming! It's just a matter of death today!"

Princess Tieshan is not stupid either, she naturally knows that once she surrenders, she will be a slave forever. is big!

But when he scolded him like this, he felt a rush of breath coming, and looked slightly sideways, but it was Lin Sen, and he felt sorry for Lin Sen immediately, embarrassed and remorseful look.

Before Princess Iron Fan slapped Princess Iron Fan in a hurry before, she felt a little regretful. The monkey must not be in danger of surname, but this Lin Sen might not be able to. After all, other people were busy because of the two of them. But he supported himself and didn't know what to do!

But after a while, the monkey came back. Just as Lin Sen said, it also came with the great power of the Buddhist sect, and it was also Avalokitesvara, one of the four great Bodhisattvas of the Buddhist sect. He understood that what Lin Sen said was correct, and regretted it in his heart, but there was nothing he could do, but now Lin Sen's life or death is not small!

But Lin Sen came here at this time, but it made Princess Iron Fan feel even more guilty. She treated her like that before, but now she still rushes back to help under such circumstances. Sending charcoal in the snow is the most unforgettable thing. Princess Iron Fan said slightly moved at the moment, "Brother Lin, you shouldn't have come back!" Coming back is just one more death!

"Sister-in-law, don't say that!" Lin Sen immediately said with a smile, "The Great Sage Pingtian took good care of me. Since I have caught up, naturally I can't watch my sister-in-law have an accident!"

"Okay!" Princess Iron Fan said excitedly immediately, "I will bear with you, brother, from now on you will be Rakshasa's brother!" Then she said to the red boy beside her, "Red Baby, call someone!"

And the red boy was also unequivocal at this time, he just opened his mouth and shouted "Uncle!!" This uncle completely recognized Lin Sen's identity!

Lin Sen immediately agreed with a smile, and then said loudly, "Then the three of us will come and try this Avalokitesvara technique today!! Haha!!" Amidst such high laughter, Lin Sen's gaze Indeed, he quietly glanced at the monkey with a dim face on the side of Guanyin, but he also knew in his heart that this monkey is at the most tangled time, on the one hand, he wants to save his sister-in-law and nephew, but on the other hand, he can't help himself. Seeing Lin Sen like this now, I couldn't help feeling even more uncomfortable!

But Lin Sen came forward in such a daze, but he knew in his heart that no matter how he tried to block his breath, he would not be able to escape the detection of Guanyin.

And if he came to rescue by himself, he would naturally have to find a way to cover up his breath, but now he is accompanied by that pipa spirit, so not only did he not take over at all, it was Cui Fa who deliberately pulled the Avalokitesvara with him. eyes, so as to cover the pipa essence quietly entering the mountain!

But when he said such bold words, he was still in front of Guanyin, and although he saw that Guanyin still had a peaceful expression, he still said softly, "I don't know how to live or die!!" In front of her, she didn't care about that ant, but this ant had the intention of provoking her, but anyone would have the same idea!

The Wujin rod in Lin Sen's hand floated up slowly, and then his body was also slightly suspended on the ground, and Guanyin's eyes lit up slightly, and then looked at Lin Sen with a smile and said, "God's mind? An evildoer My generation, to be able to cultivate such a spiritual sense, is a bit of wisdom, if you surrender, I will take you into my sect, how about yesterday's registration?"

Many Buddhists have the skill of cultivating spiritual thoughts, but it is very difficult to practice this kind of spiritual thoughts. It not only requires great wisdom and perseverance, but also requires the talent of wisdom. thought!

"Take me in?" Lin Sen said with a slight sneer, and then said softly, "You are not qualified!!!" Immediately, he shouted loudly, "Do it!!!! !"

And following the shouts of this life, the red boy opened his mouth and spewed out a raging mouthful of three flavors of real fire, a fire that seemed to burn the space, and swarmed towards the Guanyin, and the Guanyin sneered , Resisting casually, "Your Sanwei Zhenhuo is useless in front of me. How many times do you have to try before you give up!" (To be continued.)

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